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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pyromania (PASSIVE)
Annie Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Probably Annie's WORST NIGHTMARE and hardest counter. He out ranges and out damages Annie in almost every way. His AoE clear of minions also hits you and adds a stack to his passive stun. Note: His Ultimate will also use Tibbers as an additional target. Buy heavy magic resist such as a Holy Grail or Abyssal Scepter when facing this champion
About the Author
I am The Raven.
Welcome to my Annie guide. (Annie is my best champion of all time and first I ever played).
I am a Gold Ranked Chinese Server player (or Platinum American Server player).
I play on both Chinese and American Server.
I live in North East China and am A mid main player. However, I can play every role and every lane. I prefer mid and amongst my top mid champs are Annie, Fizz, Akali, Diana, Nidalee, Ahri, and Katarina. (I am very good with other mid champions and other champions as well but do not feel like listing them all).
I am super friendly and love to play with everyone also you can check out my videos on youku on this clickable link at Quoth The Raven-Nevermore
Although ![]() ![]() ![]() Although ![]() ![]() This does not mean she cannot recover. Due to her high CC effectiveness she can become a very useful member to her team even if it means just building some health to survive. Dropping a 5 man stun can turn the tide of battle to favor your team. |

Max Order: R,Q,W,E

The main nuke spell Annie uses because of its damage, range, and stacking ability with her passive (as well as being a virtually free spell when finishing a target off) is

Parachuting Tibbers -The first and most common of many ways is using the bear is simply put an AoE stun. This means charging Annie's passive and then casting the bear on one or many targets.
If a spell is used on the fourth cast Annie's passive will activate (noted by a whirlwind around her visible to all players) granting Annie's next cast spell to also stun the target for 2.5 secs. This is the longest stun duration in the game. Use this to harass your opponent.
Avoid using W to clear minion waves unless you are pushing.
Note: Annie is one of the highest burst damage champions in the league and is less item dependent than some of the other champions in league. However her skill cap is not to be underestimated. I see a lot of ****PY Annies :P
Single Target: First Open with a Q to initiate damage and stun > next follow up with a w to add more damage > then AA and use E to reduce incoming damage and add a retaliation damage into the mix > drop your bear (if you have it) and AA and Q with ignite> Player is dead!!!

Multiple Target: Open with a Bear Stun as close to the center hitting as many of the players as possible without getting too close to the fight > Follow up with a W to hit them and then focus down one target with Q and AA. Ignite to secure kills. E only if you are targeted and attacked or need to stun (see hidden stun trick in next section)

If a player is low and the bear will kill them drop it on them and stun his nearby Idiots (ermmm - i mean teammates) :P

Mana problems are solved by blue buff and rod. However if you are playing Annie correctly this should not be an issue. Bringing a summoner spell to grant mana is ill advised as are the other fairly useless spells. Vision of area can be fixed by a lens trinket if you are really worried about this.

Annie is a high burst aoe mage which means that countering her takes one major stat. Magic Resist. Thats right MR is the key to beating mages, SURPRISE SURPRISE. First building items to your needs is a question are you a carry. If yes, then items like

After building against Annie it is important to understand her skills. After this knowing how to engage is important. Wait for her stun and watch for her cloud. If she has no stun and hasn't cast 3 spells before hand. Getting in close and ccing her is the best way to gaurentee a kill. Remember mages are generally high damage but low survivability. Annie has no real escape other then stun and run. Make sure not to engage Annie near her towers as this will only lead to your inevitable stun to die.

The best part about countering your counter is that your items are actually cheaper than theirs.

Also note that ADCs cannot afford to build much MR as they will lose damage, this especially reigns true at the beginning of the game. In other words, GANK GANK GANK. Don't be afraid to leave your lane. You have incredible push potential with

Most importantly make sure to time your stun combos and come from places you are not seen to gain the element of surpise. That being said DO NOT forget to ward. Wards help you and your team to survive. This is NOT, contrary to most belief, only a support job. You can ward as well. Its basically 2 creep kills, which u can 1 shot.
Annie works well with the following Champions:
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More Champions to come- Stay Tuned.
The only time I will start in the front is for a bear stun engage. Then I will W in close and back off to pick off a target or chase the ADC/AP mid.
Since Zhonya's is the GO TO item for most AP mid carries, The ADC should be your first and foremost number one target. Unless Zhonya's is on CD.
Thank you for your support, hope you enjoy this guide.
Please toss me a vote
And please only constructive criticism (AKA - Don't Be Nasty)
one Annie Video Link of mine - All Hail REIGNING TIBBERS
Voting helps the author see whether or not the guide is helpful to others, what changes need to be made (through comments) and what is good to keep in future guides.
Also I will not be adding more match ups like malazhar etc. Until i get votes.
Reward system: New match-up champion added per 25 positive votes. Hows that for incentives :D
Annie Video Funny - Treat Annie and Tibbers Play Time
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