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Tahm Kench Build Guide by StoneArso

Top S9 Tahm Kench Top Build and Runes

Top S9 Tahm Kench Top Build and Runes

Updated on February 1, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author StoneArso Build Guide By StoneArso 4,965 Views 0 Comments
4,965 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author StoneArso Tahm Kench Build Guide By StoneArso Updated on February 1, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

S9 Tahm Kench Top Build and Runes

By StoneArso
Hey! This is just a fun little guide I've personally enjoyed with Kench on rotation that I've created for Top Lane! I am StoneArso in league, I consider myself around Bronze to Silver, but I'll try to give what little game advice I know about Kench's laning phase and how to use him semi effectively! FAIR WARNING: I have no idea how my Top Tahm Kench works in Ranked, I have only used this build for Normals.
Laning Phase
Kench's early harass damage is insane. Especially because you will max your main poke first, W. Now you may be confused. Why your W? Why not Q first? It is simple! It is a lot of damage, it can clear waves with ease when maxed, its splash damage is deceptive, unlike your q it benefits from upgrade cooldown and it is a great dueling tool! When your laner all in's you, assuming both of you are level three, play it smart and abuse your passive. After three stacks they will take more damage from you, your q becomes stun and your w can swallow the champion, dealing a percent of their max health in magic damage. This makes you an insane duelist and tank! During a fight, try to make sure 80% of the time they reach 3 stacks. The most damaging combo is to get them to 3 stacks, q them to stun, throw in 2-3 more basic attacks and swallow while going towards your tower. The last part is for two reasons, if the wave is resetting you will throw them into a wave of minions ready to feast with you and gives them less space to run if they so wish! Focus on farm early and start harassing when you hit around level 3 to 4 as your mana costs are heavy in the beginning, but become non existent later.
You are a support, but a great frontliner and toplaner too!
The best part about Tahm Kench is that he scales off of health items and titanic complements his passive and scaling greatly. Your e also makes you extremely tanky due to the shield you can bring out when low around mid fight. If you fight with your team, protect them or dive the squishies. You can force the enemy team to target you or hinder their attempts to kill your other teammates. Tahm Kench has offensive, yet defensive and support abilities in his kit. Such as his W can be used to save teammates from abilities that would kill or great harm them. He can also use his ult to set up ganks with the jungler or to go and quickly defend a tower! He is great because he can act as utility, tank and an excellent duelist with this kit. Look for these opportunities when you can to seize them.
Sorry I do not have much else to offer as of right now. As I experiment more and more with this build and play style, more will be added.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author StoneArso
StoneArso Tahm Kench Guide
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S9 Tahm Kench Top Build and Runes

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