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Choose Champion Build:
All Rounder / Reccomended Buil
Situational Builds (See chapte

Hi everyone this my guide on

By all means I'm not saying that this is the only way to build

If you are a person that likes to tinker with a build to give it your own unique touch,click here
Please don't discriminate or downvote my guide until you have given my build a good go in a game, If theres any reccomendation that you think i should add to it, post it in the comments Thanks :P
Please note that this build is undergoing changes so there may be some problems (items contradicting one another ect) please message me if you find any of these

If you play this


This passive gives you mana equal to 7.5% of the damage your autoattacks deal
Tips and Tricks:
The main problem asociated (sorry about the typo, it filters the word if I spelt it right and added the second "s") with this ability is that some taric players kill most of the minions in a wave in order to sustain for longer, this takes vital farm away from your carry, in this build you will not use tarics passive much, as the mana increase is only small, use it on minions that are not going to die from your auto attacks, while this increases mana (and hence, sustain) it also let's the carry farm faster.
There are however exeptions to this rule, you can use it when you are holding a lane while your carry is recalling/returning to lane or when they are roaming themselves, in summary when the carry cant get the farm, its yours

This is tarics heal, it heals him and the target, he may also target himself to increase his own heal, the target can either be an allied minion or an allied champion
Tips and Tricks:
You will be using this skill fairly regularly, use it on yourself when you are below 50%, use it on the carry if they are at 75% or less. There will be a point where you have to stop using it, due to the mana cost this point for me is enough so you can use dazzle as it is your prime spell. This skill is extremely essential when tanking turrets, not only does it allow you to take the hits for longer, it can also be cast on a siege minion to heal it, further preventing taking damage from a turret

Shatter provides a aura that your close allys use that provides an armour bonus, this bonus is also given to taric.Secondly the bonus of armor given in the aura is applied as a buff that taric benefits from along with the aura. When

Tips and Tricks:
The active on this skill will be rarely used, however the passive is very important in order for your lane to sustain itself, only use the active when your damage dealers are in a position to deal lots of damage,as it will increase their damage output

Dazzle is a stun that is targetable, rather than most skill shot stuns.This is your bread and butter, the stun lasts for a significant period of time and is

Tips and Tricks:
You will be casting this spell all the time as it will allow your carry to deal a lot of damage. The best tip for using this skill is to be able to communicate with your carry when you are about to cast it, this will allow them to make the most of the duration of the stun, this communication could be text, a ping, or audio chat, make sure to have your carry aware of this

This ult deals a reasonable amount of damage in a radius around you, the main benefit of it however is the aura it provides you and your team, it gives your allys in a radius to gain significant attack damage and ability power, this effect is doubled on yourself
Tips and Tricks:
The cooldown is fairly small on this ult, so don't be afraid to use it on smaller brawls.I use this ult at the start of a team fight, to maximise your entire teams damage, to take baron at earlier levels or to catch it quicker, and lastly to take important turrets

Skill Priorities

Level 1 :

- Provides a good method for your team to get first blood
- Allows your carry to pick up easy kills from level 1
- good for escaping/delaying an ambush/invasion
Level 2 and 3 :

This is mainly to get the rest of your abilities, I choose imbue first in case you and your carry has had a bad start
Level 4 and 5 :

I level up shatter next as it provides your lane with extra armour, allowing you to sustain yourselves, it can also be used to shred the enemies armour, this allows your carry to pick up kills even more easier, topped off with your stun
Level 6 :

Its your ultimate, so no excuses not to get it
Level 7 :

For the same reasons as before
Level 8 :

Because shatter cannot be maxed yet the next ability is leveled up, I chose imbue as its heal can actually be effective in this build when leveled up, as opposed to

Level 9 :

For the same reasons as before
Level 10 :

This is the priority now that shatter has been maxed
Level 11 :

Once again, no excuses
Level 12 and 13 :

For the same reasons as before
Level 14 and 15 :

This is the last skill to max, so theres no real reason to go into detail why
Level 16 :

No excuses
Level 17 and 18 :

Same as before

Defensive Tree, Since my


My rune set is completely titled towards early game dominance. It does not provide much of a difference to your stats if you replace these runes for "per level". In the end its up to you to decide whether or not you want early or late game dominance. In my opinion, if you have a strong advantage in the start, it will allow your carry to become more easily fed, causing the game to be quite strongly tilted in your direction.
As for the choices of the runes themselves I chose:
Greater Seal of Armor: to increase your armour, the late game alternative would be
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist:to increase your magic resist, the late game alternative would be
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
Greater Mark of Health:despite this being a secondary rune it still provides substantial health, this will be topped off with the quintessence making your health boost the most significant of the three tanky stats, the late game alternative would be
Greater Mark of Scaling Health
Greater Quintessence of Health: as shown above, to increase your health most substantially, the late game alternative would be
Greater Quintessence of Percent Health

My Spells:
![]() |
Why it was chosen Its a great escape, Its a great pursuing skill, you can use it to pick up kills with comboing it with your abilities. Anyone who has used flash before will know how useful it can be to get out of sticky situations. This can be your only escape tool against groups until you get ![]() |
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Why it was chosen Anyone that has played a support ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Potential Spells:
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Why it could be chosen This is a useful spell to take on a draft pick, as it helps agaisnt a team with strong disables(rembering that disables are usually the bane of my ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Why it could be chosen While this is a good escape tool, I picked ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Why it could be chosen This can be useful when you want to soak up more damage in a teamfight, this in my opinion wouldn't make much of a difference in a team fight as you will have enough survivability, if you find it to be useful take it instead of ![]() |
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Why it could be chosen If your carry is super super squishy(like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Why it could be chosen If your carry has limited mobility, this will allow them to catch up with an enemy and kill them, this would only be used when ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Spells to Avoid:
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Why it wasn't chosen Once again, another damaging item, as you want your carry to pick up the kills, this would just interfere too much. |
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Why it wasn't chosen If you are playing this ![]() |
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Why it wasn't chosen You will be buying wards throughout the entire game, the 4 seconds of sight this ability brings is insignificant. If you strongly desire a quick sight, invest in your ADC's vision ability (if present), such as ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Why it wasn't chosen You wont be jungling at all, unless you are helping take ![]() ![]() |
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Why it wasn't chosen There was a long though about whether or not to include ![]() ![]() |

Laning phase
In the laning phase you will be generally be hiding in a bush in the lane, this protects you from a few enemy skills as they do not have sight, you will hide while enemies are in sight otherwise follow the rules for your passive outlined in the skills section
Team fight phase
In a fight you will have two main skills combos
The first of these maximises your damage output of yourself and your allies, this combo is simple;use radiance and then shatter, this reduces the enemies armor and and increases your allies damage output
The second combo when a weakened enemy is focusing you can turn a fight around, cast

Not many people understand the chasing power of

A stun can let you escape from an enemy that is pursuing you also
Turret diving
Quite a simple tactic for this, just attack a turret when you have an ally that can help take it down, or attack it yourself if it is weak, as soon as your heal is up, use it on yourself

The main aspect for using my

In a teamfight situation that is tilted towards your teams direction you are the initiator, use a ping or other form of communication to let your team know you are starting the teamfight, when you initiate a teamfight you will most likely soak up a lot of damage, but its better to be you than your teams carrys.
In a teamfight situation that is tilted towards the enemy team, stay with your team, when the enemy initaites stun the priority target with

Other than teamfights your role in supporting the team strongly revolves around warding throughout the whole game. Here is a set of locations you should ward and when they should be warded. You will start warding with sight ward's then will use the charges from

1: This is your primary warding position, placing a ward here allows you and your carry to react to a gank far easier than a bush planted ward.Keep one of these up at all times until teamfights start
2: Place a ward here if either the enemy hides in the bush a lot, or your carry relies on selection based skills
3: You will start warding

4: The

5,6 and 7: Ward these when your team is about to take

Starting Items

sight wardSight ward: A must have for a support, use this at about three minutes in as thats when ganking tends to start. You will be buying wards all game until you have no more item slots. Keep your ward count in mind before buying your next build item. Warding is explained in more detail in the supporting the team section

Early Game Items

Boot Enchantments
Decide your current situation in the game at this point, if you are curently winning enchant your boots with

Mid Game Items

At this point you will be resistant to most forms of damage, you will now need to consider counter picking so that you will become a more useful for the team (note the sets are in two's so that you can pick your enemy team and choose the items to match them)
My preferences/all rounder items

Squishy enemy team

Physical damage enemy team

Ability power enemy team

Fast enemy Team

Slow allied team

Need to push

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