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Choose Champion Build:
- Toplane
- Assassin(For fun)
- Poppy in the jungle
- Poppy Support
Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Ability order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Yea this aint happening. He will slow you, smash through your armor, and you cannot stop him in doing it. He also outdamage and outpoke you. If you wanna win, call jungler help before 6.
Champion Build Guide
This is my first guide on Mobafire, so i hope you leave a like and enjoy the guide.
Poppy because she is a versatile champion who can dominate the toplane, the jungle, and punish people off position in the support role. She can go dmg build with trinity force, tank the entire enemy team with her normal build, or go assassin and kill the backline. She is a good answer to alot of the annoying top laners you get to face like Jax Yasuo Fiora Riven and Akali people who usually smash your face first into the ground, followed by snowballing into godhood. With Poppy you can stop the madness, and go even in most matchups. And if everything get too heated, you can take a break by throwing everyone away with your Ultimate.
+ Easy to Pick up
+ Fun to play
+ versatile playstyle
+ multiple roles
+ good into annoying matchups
+ Good peel
+ Never banned
+ Never picked
- Hard to Master
- not really a main engage
- A tank, you need a team
Grasp of the Undying Is the main rune to pick on Poppy in toplane. You can keep stacking it with Iron Ambassador, and it helps out with sustain.
Aftershock is your pick for the jungle. Since you cannot stack grasp as good in the jungle, you will use aftershock instead. You can also use Aftershock in top, i just prefer Grasp of the Undying.
Guardian Is your go to for support, since a big part of your support job will be protect the ADC. You can go with Aftershock as well for support if you wanna be more on the super aggresive side.
Shield Bash Is the rune i usually go with. Remember im often focused on the lane aspect of Poppy, cuz i just wanna stop the march of the enemy. I wanna be able to outtrade them. And still have a good late game. So having Shield Bash, offers a little bit of extra damage, and tankyness in trades.
Font of Life is also very viable in all 3 roles. I like winning lane easier, therfore i pick Shield Bash, but if you wanna focus on later i would go Font of Life on top.
Conditioning Is just to have a rune, its a nice rune that is better imo later in the game. And i usually dont need the others to go through lane. In heavy poke lanes you should go with Second Wind or Bone Plating.
Overgrowth If you really wanna win early you could go with Revitalize and try to win that way. But overall i love the late game scaling of Overgrowth.
Sudden Impact This is mostly just for winning lane, getting lethality early in the game, while smashing them into a wall and forcing them to recall is awesome. Especially when they start *****ing about Poppy being OP.
Ravenous Hunter for the lane healing and a bit of dueling power later. You can also go with Relentless Hunter If you wanna roam. or focus on Macro.
18-12-2018: Version 1.1 released, added Jungle/support/ ***sasin for builds. And updated rune part for those roles.
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