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Ability Order
Gathering Fire (PASSIVE)
Karma Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Who am I?
Karma is almost definitely the best early game support, if not champion, becuase of her level 1 Ult. This does, however, have a downside. Karma lacks a real Ult like Janna, Lulu, and Thresh. What can you do to negate that? Early aggression. Karma is great level 1, 2, and 3, but after that, she starts to lose grip. at level 3 or 4, it's usually a good time to set up some kills with your adc to start turning the game to your favor. Also, a good thing to mention is how powerful and efficient some of the support items are for Karma's kit, to which I'll get to later. It's true that Karma falls off late game, but it's up to the player to decide when and how much, either a little or a lot.

In lane, it's important to have your middle finger on E, ready to smash it every time you see the enemy windup for an ability, or see the ADC start their crit animation. I know that it's extremely hard to tell exactly when a champion is about to crit, but if you can, it will 99% of the time save your ADC's hide from a chunk of the damage they are about to suffer. The movespeed of your E is also great to give you ADC, either when they are chasing a low health target, of if they are trying to escape from inevitable death, which brings me to my next point. If, by chance, the two enemy laners start to collapse on your ADC, it's wise to use your Mantra E, targetting the ADC, not you, and use your W on the enemy ADC. Doing this will cut off most of the engage's damage source, and give your ADC a big fat shield that also makes them escape faster and safer. Now, if you find yourself in the situation where you're about to be ganked and the 2 laners start to engage you, use your W on the jungler, because it's usually the jungler that's the one to engage on your ADC with CC. Then, use the slow from your Q to keep the enemy ADC from yours. If you have exhaust off CD, then use it on the ADC when they start to engage, but only if you're sure that the jungler is nearby and is beginning to gank, else you're going to waste it given the chance that the enemy laners are just trying to harass you two. To recover from being shoved under tower, as you most likely will be from the gank, if you have Mantra up, R-Q the back caster minions to get them low, since you shouldn't have a ton of AP as a support. Then, your ADC can simply clean them up, without losing a whole lot of free CS under tower. Aside from the hectics of laning, it's good to land normal Q's on the enemy laners as a good harass tool. Make sure your ADC isn't losing out on any farm of you choose to Q onto the minions to harass. It's crucial to keep your mana pool at ~50%, give or take, because you never know when you might get dived.
During the middle to late game, Karma is a great team player with a ****ton of utility for the entire team. Her R-E is a mini-sivir ult with a shield to back it up (Great with Ardent Cancer). Her R-Q is good for kiting, and "accidentally" picking up back-line kills. Using R-W in a teamfight is NOT reccomended, unless there comes a time to use it, which happens about 0.0001453% of the time, ever. And sorry, LeBlanc main, you can't ult your ult. If you have 45% CDR, which you SHOULD by late game, you can essentially have a perma-shield on your carry during fighting, to maximize their damage with Ardent Cancer and keep them healthy and speedy fast. Remeber - you can't shield you allies if you're dead.
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