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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Any avid yorick player will have a tanky MR rune page with CDR and HP. You will 99% of the time get destroyed. He has about the same amount of sustain but his does E goul does more damage and is on a shorter CD(Plus has longer range then your Q). Play safe early game run back and forth to avoid gouls from hiting you. dont poke unless you know all his abilities are on CD. Focus on scrounging up as much farm as you can with q and e to sustain back up. Make sure your jungler has a heavy presence top lane even if you dont kill him the more you can push him off of you and farm up the better you will be off when transitioning into late game. Don't Try go all in on him especially if it is going to be close he will ult himself and come back alive to most likely kill you and go even on the trade which is bad for vlad. Remember communicate with your jungler play safe farm up your late game will surpass his if you can make it their.
-High Sustain/Poke
-Easy to farm with
-Devastating Team Fight Ultimate
-Great kiting and baiting potential with pool and hourglass active.
-Can be beefy or tanky and still deal decent consistent damage
-When semi ahead can 1v1 and 2v1 easy, sometimes can 3v1+ if played right.
-Can hold turret and Survive turret dives with pool(Being dove or diving an enemy)
-Weak early game Pre-six
-short ranged for ranged champ
-No built in Hard CC
-Medium Slow movement speed
-Needs Great team synergy and team coordination
-Hard to manage E stacks and pool
-Damage is high but is not a high burst(Wont one shot enemies often)
Transfusion: This is Vlads' main skill and is always maxed first. Transfusion's damage is instant as soon as its casted onto an enemy or minion. There are two parts to this skill first the instant damage and healing if you have spell vamp and secondly the blood returning to him healing him for a portion of his Ap. Note that if you use Saguine pool imediatly after casting transfusion you WILL NOT RECEIVE THE SECOND HEALING PORTION.
Sanguine Pool: Ahh the famous troll pool. This is one of vlads most annoying skills to to fight against. When used vlad sinks into a pool of blood gaining a decaying movement speed buff, slows, damages any one ontop of the pool, and heals himself for a small percentage. While in the pool state vlad cannot be hit with any abilities except veigars stun and cannot pass under Jarvans ultimate. Another thing to note is that any type of tethered ability such as Fiddle drain or Morgana ultimate will not be broken and continue to damage and CC vlad even when in the pool. Also any type of bleed, mark, or poison casted on vlad before he pools will still DAMAGE him. Also Ally abilities such as heals or buffs casted on you cannot be casted on you while in your pool for. Thanks to a recent update Heal, Ghost, flash can be used while in pool!
Tides Of Blood: This is vlads main farming and in mid to late game sustain skill. Tides of Blood will hit an infinite amount of targets in its cast range each cast cost a small amount of health but in return can be stacked up to 4 times massively increasing its damage and also increases his spell vamp and Hp regeneration. In addition each cast up to its fourth stack will cost more health and stops increasing at 4 stacks. Tides of Blood WILL hit any stealth-ed targets and will follow its target out of its range so it cannot be dodge by flashing away from it.
Hemoplauge: Vladamir's Ultimate, a very devastating ult when used correctly in team fights. Vlad infects all units in an area that is casted while afflicted by Hemoplauge enemy champions take 12% bonus damages from Vlad and his allies including ignite(Exception Ally Towers do not do bonus 12% damage). After 5 seconds the red circle on the afflicted units detonates dealing a fair amount of magic damage. Vlads ulti is a semi good in a 1v1 or 2v1 fight but to get the most out of it should be used in a team fight in a perfect situation the support or mid uses an AOE CC ability to lock down as many targets as possible vlad immediately ults as many enemy champions as he can hit and gets into the middle of the fight and spams Q and E while his team drops all their skills to burst them down with the damage buff from vlads ulti.
Thank you for reading my guide! If you have any questions or or comments feel free to comment bellow. If you would like one on one training or tips and tricks on vlad in the top lane feel free to contact me via email a
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