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Volibear Build Guide by revengeofthearctic

Top Volibear - Revenge of the arctic

Top Volibear - Revenge of the arctic

Updated on October 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author revengeofthearctic Build Guide By revengeofthearctic 98 9 1,086,777 Views 17 Comments
98 9 1,086,777 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author revengeofthearctic Volibear Build Guide By revengeofthearctic Updated on October 29, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Volibear
  • LoL Champion: Volibear
  • LoL Champion: Volibear


Hi everybody and welcome to my Volibear guide. It includes how to play as jungler, on top lane and as supporter.
I hope you will like this guide and you will be successful with Volibear. I pushed my elo very nice with Volibear and I hope you will do it as well. Please leave a comment about your experience or any ideas for improvement. Maybe we will see us on the Fields of Justice

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Pro / Contra


  • tank and damage dealer
  • hard to kill with passive
  • good ganks with crowd control
  • AoE slow


  • cooldown dependent
  • target of ignite
  • easy to kite
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Ability details

Chosen of the Storm
When Volibear's health drops below 30% of his maximum health, he will heal for 30% of his maximum health over the next 6 seconds. This passive effect has a 120 second cooldown.

Rolling Thunder
For the next 4 seconds, Volibear will gain 15% movement speed. This bonus increases to 45% movement speed when moving toward a nearby visible enemy champion. Additionally, Volibear's next autoattack during this time will deal bonus physical damage and will fling the target behind him.

(Passive): Volibear temporarily gains bonus attack speed after an autoattack. This bonus stacks up to 3 times and lasts for 4 seconds.

(Active): While Volibear has 3 stacks of Frenzy , he can activate this ability to bite a target enemy. The stacks won't be consumed. The bite will deal physical damage that scales with his own bonus health. This damage will in turn be increased by 1% for every 1% of the target's missing health.

Majestic Roar
Volibear lets out a powerful roar that deals magic damage and slows nearby enemies for 3 seconds. Minions, monsters and pets are also feared for 3 seconds.

Thunder Claws
For the next 12 seconds, Volibear's autoattacks will blast his targets with lightning that will bounce to up to 3 nearby enemies. Each bolt of lightning will deal magic damage and will only hit each target once.
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Bad / good against and teammates

Top 5 Bad against:
1. Teemo
2. Kennen
3. Jayce
4. Elise
5. Kayle

Top 5 Good against:
1. Olaf
2. Jax
3. Irelia
4. Xin Zhao
5. Darius

Chamions i love to play with:
1. Orianna
2. Zilean
3. Teemo
4. Jayce
5. Singed

Link lolcounter
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I play Volibear mostly as tank / offtank in jungle. You can deal a lot of damage although you have a tanky build.

Hunter's Machete
Start with Hunter's Machete and 5x Health Potion.

Spirit of the Ancient Golem
After the change of Madred's Razors i take Spirit of the Ancient Golem for my jungle item.

Boots of Mobility
I prefer Mobility Boots for good ganks but you can also buy Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads for more sustian.

Locket of the Iron Solari
Every team should have a Locket of the Iron Solari to shield the burst of enemy team.

Randuin's Omen
Randuin's Omen is a good tank item on Volibear, armor and health with a usefull active.

Spirit Visage
Spirit Visage is my favorit item for Volibear with magic resist, health and it improves your passiv.

Warmog's Armor
Finish your build with Warmog's Armor to be more tanky.
If you need more armor take Thornmail or Sunfire Aegis.

Wit's End
With Wit's End we have a great damage output in compination with Stormbringer.

Atma's Impaler
If you are ahead i like the Atma's Impaler- Warmog's Armor combination to dominate the game.
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1. Blue smitless
2. Wolves
3. Wraiths
4. Red with smite
5. Golems
Gank top if you are on purple side
Gank bot if you are on blue side

If you need help with the spawntime use:
League of Legends Jungle Timer for your smartphone or tablet
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Summoner spells


I use Smite and Flash in jungle with Volibear.

I don't prefer Ghost on Volibear because i think he has enough movement speed with Mobility Boots + Q. To be more surprising i use Flash.


Play Volibear top with Flash and Ignite. These spells are the best for top line.

Flash is a good combination for Thundering Smash. Ignite to save a kill.

But you can also use Ghost.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed for fast movement in jungle and ganking.

9x Greater Mark of Attack Speed: A better damage output for Stormbringer.

9x Greater Seal of Armor and 9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist for more sustain.
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Patch history

V3.5 (Balance Updates):

Thundering Smash: Movement Speed bonus toward champions adjusted to 30/35/40/45/50% from 45% at all ranks.


Base attack speed increased to 0.658 from 0.625

v1.0.0.151 - 2012-11-12

Sky Splitter now fears minions and monsters for 3 seconds instead of 2

v1.0.0.139 - 2012-05-01

Fixed a bug where Sky Splitter was reducing Minion movement speed to 0 at rank 5

v1.0.0.134 - 2012-02-14

Fixed a bug where Sky Splitter could reduce minion movement speed to 0

v1.0.0.132 - 2012-01-18

Base armor increased to 20 from 17.5
Thundering Smash Damage increased to 30/60/90/120/150 from 25/50/75/100/125
Volibear now gains 15% Movement Speed for the duration. This bonus increases to 45% Movement Speed when moving toward enemy champions.
Fixed a bug where Thundering Smash's attack would sometimes cancel against fast moving targets
Frenzy bonus health to damage ratio reduced to 15% from 18%
Sky Splitter damage increased to 60/105/150/195/240 from 60/95/130/165/200
The Relentless Storm (Passive) cooldown no longer resets on death

v1.0.0.131 - 2011-12-13

Frenzy base damage reduced to 80/125/170/215/260 from 90/140/190/240/290
Frenzy bonus health scaling reduced to 18% from 20%
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