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Recommended Items
Runes: Precision runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard
Feline Friendship (PASSIVE)
Yuumi Passive Ability

Guide Information![]() → Summary → Famous Last Words → Change Log → To Do List |
Champion Details![]() → About Yuumi → Pros & Cons → Abilities → Combos |
Pre Game ![]() → Synergies → Threats → Runes → Summoner Spells |
Gameplay![]() → Items → Teamwork → Warding → Gameplay |

Cheers, I'm Wicked Cherry. I'm playing ![]() ![]() ![]() So I hope you'll enjoy this guide and learn a lot. Please let me know if there are questions in the discussion part. It would be really great if you could not just half-heartedly downvote this guide but let me know what you dislike about it in the Discussion-part so I can take your opinion into consideration. Thanks a lot and enjoy. :) |
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Ability Order
With patch 9.24, I found it the best option to level your E

Standard ability order
Depending on your current matchup, you can also go for more harass by leveling up your Q ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Healing & Utility
After landing an auto attack against an enemy,

After attaching yourself to an ally, you can heal them instead of yourself by using

This combo will allow you to heal multiple allies. It is really functional during teamfights because you can hop from your carry to, for instance, a tank, and hop back to the backline within seconds.
Note: For this combo, it is always crucial to keep in mind that you'll have to have enough cooldown reduction by items for

Peeling & Crowd Control
This combo is another pretty basic one. While attached you will be able to direct your Q

Note: If you feel like the enemy might escape (for instance because they used

After attaching to an ally (I usually prefer bruisers or mainly the fronline of my team for this combo), you will want to slow an enemy carry with

Note: Taking

Nope, this is not a typo. You actually can switch the ally you're attached to while casting your ultimate

Note: This also works with

Main rune tree




Secondary rune tree options
Precision runes

Aggressive runes

Inspiration runes

Resolve runes

Alternative options







This summoner spell is quite strong right now due to its effects and low cooldown. Unless you're facing a pretty hard lane or quite a few counters, I would always pick this spell. It really provides you with additional lane pressure thanks to its true damage output, healing reduction and low cooldown. It's helpful against healing and utility supports, such as ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Exhaust is somewhat weak at the moment compared to other Summoner Spells. I would recommend playing at against on-hit and burst champions like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Choosing Heal is a bit uncommon but you can pick it if your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I haven't played a single game with ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I really do not advice taking this Summoner Spell with you. |
The idea behind these choices is that your ADC would be able to either pick up ![]() ![]() - Why Barrier? ![]() ![]() |
Furthermore, ![]() ![]() ![]() This combination should be your most preferred one, but it can differ depending on who you're playing with and against. |
The ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But please practice this before heading to ranked. |
You will find more specific information in the Threats and Synergies chapters below or click on the hyperlinked words. |








Mythic Item Choices
You only get to pick one mythic item per game so you want to make a wise decision and try think ahead of the game - selling and rebuilding an item is expensive and time-consuming, so you might as well just want to stick with it even if it has turned out to not be the best choice.
Shurelya's Battlesong will enhance your heals and shields. Especially since the rework, this is a nice option to save a bit of mana and still heal and shield allies appropriately. Additional movement speed is also always welcome because you can either follow an escaping enemy or use it to get out of risky team fights and position mistakes. It's especially effective against (mainly AP) burst and artillery champions like
Lux or
Vel'Koz since your heals are stronger but you can also run out of their attack range faster or dodge abilities they rely on (e. g.
Syndra's E
Scatter the Weak or
Tectonic Disruption). But it's also quite nice against poke champions like
Jayce or
Nidalee and those who deal damage over time like
Brand or
Darius. You're basically playing the Ambulance Soraka but untargettable style.
Moonstone Renewer is your second choice after
Shurelya's Battlesong or if you prefer the safe, heal-focused play style. It offers ability power and some ability haste and also a very decent amount of passive healing.
Luden's Tempest used to be my favorite pick before they reworked
Yuumi as I prefered the burst damage play style. However, it's not that strong on her as it used to be but it is still a viable pick. But usually, I prefer
Shurelya's Battlesong over
Luden's Tempest currently because it just gives
Yuumi more utility and you can build it in most situations and matchups whereas you should be have at least a fed late game carry for
Luden's Tempest in your team nowadays.
But anyway, reasons for this item: More burst means less pressure on your damage dealers, more healing from your side as your healing scales with ability power and also more ability power and attack damage for your anchors. On top of that, you also gain an impressive amount of magic penetration which will always come in handy in your early game scaling, as it secures a lot of damage against squishy targets. Another reason why you really wanna build this item is certainly ability haste and the magic penetration which will help you out in the late game. On top, you will gain additional 5 magic penetration per legendary item you are building. Ability haste enables you to enhance your heals and pokes while also reducing your cooldowns and granting you a stronger early game. Additionally,Lost Chapter is somewhat easy to build and once you finished it, you will gain mana per level which takes care of potential mana shortcomings in your early game play.
Everfrost is a great item for aggressive choices - not only because of the ability power it provides but also thanks to its mythic passive that optimizes your stats by 15 AP for every legendary item you have. However, it's a mythic item and you can only have one which means you would swap this one out for
Moonstone Renewer. It would be your most preferred choice when your team is lacking AP and/or CC or the enemy team has many dashes and jumps and therefore can easily engage and disengage. It's a very nice item choice for aggressive builds, however you'd probably want to pick up a few ability haste items.
The problem about this item is the large amount of mana it provides and will drastically increase the cost ofZoomies.
Imperial Mandate is like the middle way between going aggressive with
Everfrost and "making sure everything's alright" with
Moonstone Renewer. It provides more AP with its mythic passive but also has the mark that it applies to a slowed enemy that will detonate once another ally attacks it. It is a really strong pick against squishy champions that do not have gap closers. It works awesome with and without
Font of Life and is a really nice alternative to
Moonstone Renewer.
Aggressive Choices
Chemtech Putrifier is great against heavy healing champions like
Dr. Mundo or
Sona thanks to the grievous wounds that reduce all incoming healing. It is arguably better than
Morellonomicon because it provides you with better stats and its anti-healing is easier applied. It also gives you more ability haste which allows you to cast your spells more often and therefore you will be able to go through your rotations and can save your allies and make you more obnoxious for your enemies.
Morellonomicon is somewhat similar to
Chemtech Putrifier. It offers more ability power but no ability haste. It's great a team with healers (e. g.
Fiora or
Nami) or life steal (e. g.
Olaf or
Akali) champions. The grievous wounds will reduce those effects for a short time which means those champions are potentially more vulnerable to your team with this item than without. However, if your mid laner is a mage, make sure to ask if they are planning on building this item. Ideally, you don't want to have more than two grievous wounds items in your team and preferably two different ones if possible.
Staff of Flowing Water is amazing when your carries use ability power in soe way - this does not necessarily have to mean that it works only with champions who pretty much exclusively build ability power. For example, this item works incredibly well with
Varus who mainly builds attack damage but his W
Blighted Quiver's passive and active scale with ability power. Another example is
Kai'Sa who also has ability scalings for her ultimate
Killer Instinct, Q
Icathian Rain and W
Void Seeker. So it's quite worthwhile building this item whenever your carries got ability scalings.
Rabadon's Deathcap is listed as late game option. You will want to pick one or both of them as your 5th or 6th item to keep your AP scaling in check and amplify your E
Zoomies's healing. They are okay option but not the most optimal and you should only build them if you're far ahead or the game takes long enough to build them: I usually only build Ability Power items when I notice that the game might turn out in our favor, my team lacks AP champs or that the enemies aren't buying Magic Resistance. However, keep in mind that your E
Zoomies also scales with your ability power. More AP = More healing!
Mejai's Soulstealer is an item I mainly recommend building when your early games develops extremely to your advantage and you can afford going for a fully aggressive build. Sell it in late game for another item, like
Rabadon's Deathcap or another situational item.
Defensive item choices
Spirit Visage is not an item you should build but it amplifies healing effects. So if your team is tanky or only has one tank that can start a team fight (e. g.
Malphite or
Udyr), make sure to ask this person to build this item if they haven't done so yet. You will be able to protect and heal them while also being able to dish your your abilities from the front row. But also keep an eye on your backline carries. You don't want to sacrifice them to sneaky assassins or backdooring.

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In the following two chapters (Synergies & Threats) I will try to suggest some runes and items depending on the champions you're about to face. The runes mainly stay the same for the primary tree and only change in the secondary rune trees.
As for items, I didn't include the core items

Basically, you are pulling the strings behind the scenes for your team. I know that might sound exaggerating but there are a couple of tasks you should take care of. You have to make sure that ...
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I could probably point out many things more but I think it's really important that you at least try to keep the basic ones in mind and focus on them. I know it sounds a lot at first glance but you'll get used to them more and more. Like try to focus on one or two things you want to improve on several games. Once you feel aquainted with them you can focus on the next ones. :) |

Since there are different situations and game phases, I will try to point out the ones that occur most of the time.
Early to Mid Game
You're winning the lane and are ahead
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You're behind and risk losing the lane
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One more thing about early game: Ask your

Mid to Late Game
You're winning - Yay!
- You should use that advantage nicely. Ward objectives!
- If you notice that the enemies tend to prefer one side of the map, e.g. topside, try to ward the one slightly more.
- Ward the enemy jungler's buffs or often used bushes and pathways, such as the area around the
Red Brambleback.
- Animate your teammates to ward if they aren't doing it already! You can't ward the whole map alone with 3+1 wards!

You're losing - oh no! Time to turn the game around.
I know that warding alone will not win you a game, you'll also have to pay very close attention to the mini map and it is not a joke when I'm saying that it should become one of your very best friends in the game - Map Awareness (click to jump to the Map Awareness section) is really important. Like I'm only Gold but I'm spending roughly estimated 40% of the whole game's time watching the mini map, looking out for ganks or where to position my next ward because once you notice a certain behavior, you might realize what the enemy might want to do in their next couple of moves. Okay, I get this might sound like you should take a look into the fortune teller's crystal ball but it's not that mystic or weird.

Say you realize that the enemy team kinda keeps pushing mid and bot lane. Meanwhile you see that the enemy

So let's get back to warding when losing:
- Keep an eye out for objectives and ask teammates to go warding with you because let's say you only have all base towers that remain but want to ward
Baron. The likelihood that you'll get caught is at about 65% roughly guessed.
- Try to have as many
Control Wards out as possible - I'd recommend close to buffs.
- Ward around camps, such as the
- Use the vision plants whenever it is possible and safe

When you're going kind of even.
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One more thing which might occur as a frequent question:
Why ward the blasting cone instead of the brush underneath it?
Why ward the blasting cone instead of the brush underneath it?
Well, imagine that the enemy jungler just finished

Warding hotspots - Small Summary:

General Gameplay Tips

Tips & Tricks
- Your Q,
Prowling Projectile, will charge up for more damage when it travels for 1 second. While attached, you can freely navigate it with your mouse to ensure that the enemy can only escape it by being out of range.
- Try to land your Q
Prowling Projectile as often as your Passive
Feline Friendship is up and auto attack an enemy to gain free heals and trade it to your attached ally. For that you'll have to detach from your ally for a short time to land the auto-attack. But after it has hit and you gain the shield, you can attach to your ally again.
- With your W,
You and Me!, you can swap allies while being attached for no cost and no cooldown. In combination with that, you can cast
Final Chapter or
Prowling Projectile to set up team fights and/or trades in lane without being focused and healing your carries with
- While casting your ultimate
Final Chapter you can jump around allies with
You and Me!. However you will most likely have a champion that jumps on the enemies first or right the second you start your ultimate to be probably able to root most enemies. So the positioning of your team but also of the enemy team will be most relevant.
Great synergies would beMalphite,
Udyr and
Katarina. Probably a
Galio as well. Basically anyone who can dash or jump into crowds. Attach to the dash/jump in champion, cast your ultimate and after it, attach back to your carry again to keep him/her alive. However, this kind of play style is rather unique and yearns for training first.
- You can also attach to an ally with
You and Me! who is almost done
recalling to shorten your own
Recall time.
- With patch 9.24 you can no longer attach to a
Teleporting ally! You will detach. If your ADC wants to pick
Teleport, try to convince them that
Barrier or
Ignite are more suitable options in most cases.

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Laning Phase & Early Game Personally, I like to think that this phase of the game can be one of the most important. Why? You might say that you're not able to do much but that's not completely true. Remember how they say when you see a person the first few seconds will manipulate your opinion of them? It's not that much different from that. ![]() ![]() ![]() |

It's generally easier to activate your passive

You can then also help your ADC to farm and deny the enemy's ADC their creeps by harassing them with

But if you're facing a hard-to-face enemy with heaps of CC, it's probably best to always keep enough mana for your E

I'm not saying that it's always wise to go full harassive, but sometimes it might be your only choice when you're countered badly.
Playing safe would also be a wise move when you're playing against real harassive champions or ideal combos, such as

Tips on Support Item Completion
⟶ Possible trouble shootings
- Wrong starting item
- Focus the wrong targets (minions, enemies - frontline vs. backline, carry vs. tank)
- Not enough trades
⟶ Why should I rush to get my support item done?
- You will have more gold than the enemy support (who has the same starting item) if you manage to complete the quest first. Check the enemy’s stacks by clicking on them, then compare them to yours.
⟶ More about

Yuumi profits most from this item compared to the other support starting items.
- Try to finish your item quest between minutes 7 and 9.
How to use it properly
- You got the item from level 1. Use it. There’s 3 charges from the start that you should try to redeem as quickly as possible without playing too risky and dying. It may take a little training since you’re super squishy.
- Auto-attack the enemy ADC while they are in their auto-attack animation. They cannot cancel it (reaction time wise) and therefore cannot punish you with auto-attacks. Even if they canceled the AA, that would make them miss a minion.
- Abuse enemy tanks and melee support’s range and get some almost free stacks.
- Before you leave a lane and the wave is pushed into the enemy tower, try to get your stacks from attacking it - only if it’s safe though.
- Once the enemies’ abilities are on cooldown, it’s safest for you to harass them.
- Don’t trade when there’s no stacks available.
- Stay as far back as possible without losing XP once your
You and Me! is on cooldown.
- Try to never be sitting on the 3 available stacks.
- Trade whenever there’s two or more stacks available. You will not get too much out of only one or even none available stacks since it’s also way too risky for you.

⟶ More about

- It is a very defensive item pick and should mainly be used against extrem threats like
support or
Nautilus who basically jump on you and have you killed instantly.
- You still need to detach yourself and take care of your positioning in order to complete the item quest.
How to use it properly
- First minion wave: Attack two of the three melee minions and redeem the first two stacks.
- Use your next upcoming stack for the cannon minion of the third wave.
- For the next stack, use it on a melee minion again.
- Use the fifth stack for the cannon minion of the sixth wave.
⟶ Basically, it’s 2 melee minions, 1 cannon minion, 1 melee minion, 1 cannon minion, 1 melee etc. - Trading before redeeming a stack of
Relic Shield will allow you to regain some potentially lost health.

Upon completing the first warding quest
- Just because your item transformed and you can use it for warding now, does not mean that you can stop harassing and hitting the enemies. You don’t want to lose your lane pressure. Keep trading to keep your gold flow steady.
- After the second transformation, you will gain an extra ward but there will be no more stacks. Completion time is usually reached between minutes 15 to 20.

Mid Game
In mid game you should have the feeling of where this game will go.
Will it turn out in your favor or do you have to work hard to keep up with the rest of your team?
Winning lane & being ahead Most people think it's easier but it's actually the same - keep it cool and...
Losing lane & what it means to play passive

Late Game
Late Game is mostly the same as Mid Game but you should consider your steps more carefully, because the enemies might have full builds as well as your team, therefore ...
- check the builds of your carries and see what the enemies' answer is in their builds. Do they build Armor because your ADC is fed? Does your ADC have Armor penetration in return?
- Waaaaaards! Try to animate your team mates to ward with you. If you go alone, you're likely to be picked off easily by the enemies which will then enable them to fight the rest of your team easily.
- Don't fall into traps and watch your enemies' movements closely to be able to prevent potential objective losses. You woudn't want to risk losing a
Baron Nashor just because your whole team showed on bot lane half a minute ago.
- Try to go in groups or communicate if split pushing would be an option to obtain more objectives.
Late game is also when you reach your full potential. You have your Core Items

⟶ Try to stay attached to your carries as much as possible. The only time you will want to not attach to them is when your front line starts a fight and needs the peel of your Q

⟶ Your carry needs your extra stats. Due to the passive of your W

⟶ Look out for possible trades that can be easily won. Imagine noticing an enemy starting to split one lane (at the beginning or mid of it). You should be able to force a fight against the rest of the enemies 5v4 and then taking their objectives like towers, inhibitors,

You can or should roam when ...
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As you can see, there are sooo many possibilities to roam. Of course there are also quite some things to consider (Is it worth it? Do I have enough vision? Will my team benefit if I roam right now?). Now, I can't answer these questions for you because they're situational ones. But I can say that if you roam, the likelihood that you'll help your team even more and you can give them some advantage will be higher compared to not roaming at all.
Also, you probably realized by now that mid lane will be your most favored lane to roam to. You can also roam to top lane but this will most likely only happen when the enemies have already diminished the first tower and are pushing towards the second while your top laner is exasperated and can only watch. It's not always favorable too because you cannot simply run back to bot lane which would allow the enemies to pressure your lane freely.
It's favorable to roam with your ADC but not completely necessary.
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You should consider recalling, when ...
One more thing. Never forget that League is a team game - you will most likely not win this game all alone by going solo. It's just not happening. You're with the people you entered the game with until it's over. So make sure to treat everybody accordingly and with honor and niveau - just the way you'd expect them to treat you plus another 10% of honor, because you can make this community better by your own behavior. If they flame you, don't get triggered. We all make mistakes but we can only change ourselves. |

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The Magical Cat
The Magical Cat
"In the outlands of Bandle City, there was once a wooded glen where the moon-moths glimmered and the riverbanks overflowed with rainbowfish. In a cottage nestled between the verdant trees lived a yordle enchantress named Norra, with her cat, Yuumi.
Born with magical powers of protection, Yuumi enjoyed a life of leisure for many years, pouncing on sunbeams and napping beneath the mouse-trees. Whenever adventure sparked her interest, she joined Norra on explorations across the material and spirit realms. Norra spent her time collecting strange objects like broken cups, shards of colored glass, and fabric with funny stitching. She examined each artifact with deep reverence, though Yuumi never understood their purpose. Nevertheless, Yuumi would use her magic to protect Norra from harm, and would warm her feet when they returned home.

"My yordle Norra snores into the pages of my friend, Book. My tail twitches as dozens of moon-moths sail in through the open window like floating lanterns, and I leap joyfully into the air, not caring if I catch one. I bounce higher and higher, batting at the moon-moths as they drift all around me.

(copyright by BY Rayla Heide, RiotGames, see here and here.)

"You hungry? I stuck a leftover rat on page 237! Meow!"
Special Thanks!
⟶ To Fruxo for allowing me to adapt his idea for the matchups (threats and synergies in depth). I coded the section myself, but they look somewhat alike (sorry?) - but I loved the looks and the idea. Thank you for having me use it! Make sure to check out his guides because they're awesome. :]
⟶ To TheFwnK for providing constructive feedback to this guide whenever I was uncertain and unwavering about potential changes. Also for the suggestion of

⟶ To DasGrauen_ for the detailed discussions about champions, especially on

⟶ I learned quite a deal of how higher elo players played and understand the game, such as decision making, play styles etc. by Captain Squidlips. He showed me some pocket picks and tried to help me understand how pro players would think in certain situations teaching me everything beyond the basics. He's also a very dear friend and a great person who likes to share his knowledge. Thank you for your help and patience in me. :]
⟶ Mobalytics does contain a lot of really helpful short articles that are worth consulting. Personally, I think their contribution on warding and vision control and map awareness were the most helpful add-ons for me. I used some of their information in my guide as well.
⟶ To jhoihhoi's guide's codings and inspirations for some of my guide chapters, especially for frames and tables. Thanks a lot. :]
"We got this..? We got this!"
You've made it so far, thank you for reading my guide to the very end. I hope I could help you with possible questions or decision to make! I'm happy to help and I'd appreciate it if you left a comment to let me know what you're thinking about this guide.
Cheers, Wicked Cherry!

Change Log:

To do List:
- Add a „Playing against Yuumi“ chapter
- Add
Sylas &
Nasus to synergies
- Make new banners :<
- Make a new importable item set
- Change Morello's with Chemtech Putrifier in Syn & Against chapter
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures (animated or still) shown on this website.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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