League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Jax stronger as AD, AP, tank or hybrid?
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Is Jax stronger as AD, AP, tank or hybrid?
Jax's abilities make me think that a hybrid build will complement him the most in terms of effective damage (like
Blade of the Ruined King
Hextech Gunblade
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Trinity Force
Ninja Tabi
Guardian Angel/
Frozen Mallet or something of that nature.
In recent games however I've just been seeing
Trinity Force and
Blade of the Ruined King with a bunch of tank items (not taking advantage of his inherit tankiness from his ultimate.
Which would be the most effective against a say,
Renekton using their standard build and a
Warwick (only chose these champion since they rely on different attributes yet are viable duellists against

In recent games however I've just been seeing

Which would be the most effective against a say,

If this comment was helpful please message me for more Jax suggestions, If I miss something then let me know.
By being a damage threat, the enemy is required to deal with you and by being tanky, you don't die and you take damage and CC in place of other priority members of your team. And if they ignore you, then you clean up.
It really all depends on what the enemy team looks like. If you need to be able to take some hits and can't win fights relatively quickly, you'd be better off doing what most people are suggesting: starting off with pure damage, but transitioning into a fighter. If your opponents can't do anything to stop you once you get to them, you should absolutely play him as a melee ADC. His DPS is insane for someone who gets as tanky as he does, and thanks to that ult, he you get some defense from building damage.