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Nami Build Guide by Hanjaro

Support [10.2] Hanjaro's Nami Supporting your way to Challenger.

Support [10.2] Hanjaro's Nami Supporting your way to Challenger.

Updated on January 23, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Build Guide By Hanjaro 44 1 87,703 Views 0 Comments
44 1 87,703 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Nami Build Guide By Hanjaro Updated on January 23, 2020
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Runes: Normal

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Hey guys! Hanjaro here!
A little bit about me
I started playing League in Season 1, towards the end of the season. Since the beginning I was a support main, I enjoyed the 2v2 dynamics much more than 1v1s so I've stuck with it throughout my league career.
I have achieved the rank of challenger at multiple points during seasons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and continue to push for the highest elo I can get.
I love competitive games and have yet to find anything for me that compares to League.
Aside from League, I am a happily married man, father of 2 kids and I am a beloved pet owner. If you guys have any questions about my guides, champions or really anything in general, feel free to stop by my stream!

Why Nami?

Nami is a strong, sustain and poke enchanter, and currently a strong pick. She has a heal, a CC, an attack buff, and movement speed increase all built into her kit. It's hard to out trade her in lane, if she bounces her heal off of you for damage, it'll bounce back to heal her for any damage she took during the trade!
She's got a bit of everything, and she's generally a good blind pick.

If you enjoy playing, or want to learn more about Nami, you can read and discuss more over at

Summoner Spells

Flash is taken as your primary escape summoner, and can be used to set up an Aqua Prison on multiple enemies.

The reasoning behind Ignite is that it gives you a lot of extra pressure in lane, and furthermore adds a 40% healing reduction.

Exhaust is used when there are high damage threats on the enemy team, such as Zed, Kayn, Draven etc
It gives you an extra chance at escaping with the damage reduction, as well as the slow it provides. The damage reduction can be used to negate all in damage, from something like a Zed's Death Mark.

Sorcery + Inspiration

Summon Aery is very easy to proc with Nami, giving her and her allies extra sustain and shielding, and is also used to proc Ardent Censer. Currently the best rune for Nami to take.

Manaflow Band is the only viable rune in this column for Nami, it helps with your mana regen - which can quickly ramp up when you're consistently casting Ebb and Flow, as it's a very mana intensive ability.

Celerity increases Nami's movement speed, which has good synergy with Surging Tides, helping her ward quickly and efficiently, getting a quicker engage and making a clutch escape.

Once again, focusing on an early lead in laning phase, Scorch is your go to rune. It helps give your ADC a wide berth around minions by poking down the opposition. It's one of the best options in this row.
Gathering Storm is a good option as well, but it focuses more on post 20 minutes - if you have carries such as Ryze, Vayne and Kassadin, who scale high into late game, you might want to consider taking this over Scorch.

Biscuit Delivery is a great rune for sustain. It restores 10% of your missing health and mana, and increases your maximum mana by 50 anytime you consume or sell a biscuit. This is a great rune if you are facing a poke heavy opposition, and it also synergizes well with Manaflow Band.

Cosmic Insight helps to increase the amount of spells you can get out, useful for a support with a heal in her kit. It grants 5% CD, increases your CD cap to 45%, as well as reduces the cool down of both active items and summoner spells by 5%. It's not hard to overcap on CDR, so the extra is not wasted and converted to AP.

- OR -

A good choice if facing heavy engage comps, or bursty assassins. Can help you live if you get caught out mid - late game.

Revitalize is another main reason for taking Resolve, it increases all our shielding and healing by 5%, and increases the heal on our Ebb and Flow when our target is below 40% hp, by an extra 10%.




Boots of Mobility > MOVEMENT SPEED
These are the cheapest boots in the game, but often the most useful - especially on a support, and has good synergy with Surging Tides, enabling Nami to roam efficiently.

Mercury's Treads > TENACITY/AP RESIST
If the enemy team has a lot of CC, or a lot of AP damage, you can trade Mobi's out for these. They offer +25 magic resist, along with reducing the effect of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes by 30%.

Ninja Tabi's > ARMOR
If the enemy team has a lot of physical damage threats, and you're the primary front line, or need some extra survivability, Ninja Tabi's are the way to go, offering 20 armor, and reducing incoming basic attacks by 12%.

Nami focuses on using her Ebb and Flow for damage as well as healing, making Athene's Unholy Grail a core item as you can build the stacks fast with the chunk damage your Q does, adding a nice chunk of extra healing into Nami's already potent heal. She can potentially change the outcome of a teamfight, and sustaining your team, while chunking down the enemy team as it bounces. You gain CDR and extra AP, giving you a little more damage.

Redemption offers an aoe heal in an area, adding an aoe health sustain for her allies, increasing Nami's aoe healing potential. It also offers HP and Mana regen, meaning you can stay in the fights longer, recall less, and you can help out even while dead. It also offers an extra 10% shielding power, which synergizes with your Summon Aery.

If you have a team comp that relies heavily on fast auto attacks such as Vayne, Kindred, Quinn etc. Ardent Censer is a great pickup to maximize your carries damage output while shielding them, it also offers you a bit more burst, a small bonus to your movement speed which helps roam to ward as you're generally not buying boots, mana sustain and 10% CDR.

A good pick when facing an enemy team with hard CC that you need to Cleanse on allies, such as Impale, Dark Binding, Cocoon etc and grants bonus movement speed for 2s after successfully cleansing an ability.
Increases your Mana and HP regeneration, and 20% shielding power - good synergy with Summon Aery.

Locket of the Iron Solari > UTILITY/DAMAGE
With Locket of the Iron Solari, you gain 30 armor and 60 magic resist, increasing your overall tankiness, while providing a shield to your allies upon use - using +20% of your maximum health, which Redemption increases.

If the enemy team has a lot of healing such as a Soraka or Sona, you may want to rush Morellonomicon for the grievous wounds passive it applies. You gain 70 AP to add onto your damage, magic penetration which can help burst through tank threats with AP resist. This is a very niche pick on Nami as you generally want to leave it for the carries to get.


Surging Tides

Surging Tides (Passive)
INNATE: All allied champions touched by any of Nami's abilities gain 60 (+ 20% AP) bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds, doubled when touched by Tidal Wave.

Aqua Prison

Aqua Prison (Q)

RANGE: 875
EFFECT RADIUS: 280 (300)
COST: 60 mana
COOLDOWN: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 /8
ACTIVE: Nami sends a bubble towards the targeted area, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit, revealing them, and suspending them for 1.5 seconds.

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow (W)

COST: 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130
ACTIVE: Nami unleashes a stream of water onto the target champion or herself, which then bounces to nearby unaffected champions, up to twice, alternating between enemies, allies and herself.

Ebb and Flow heals allies and deals magic damage to enemies, with each bounce being 85% (+ 7.5% per 100 AP) as effective as the previous one.
  • Spell Shield will block only one bounce. Ebb and Flow will continue to bounce, and the target who blocked the ability may be targeted again by a later bounce.
  • You want to try and bounce Ebb and Flow onto an enemy after using it on an ally first, as it gets less effective the more bounces it does.

Tidecaller's Blessing

Tidecaller's Blessing (E)

COST: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 mana
ACTIVE: Nami blesses the target allied champion, or herself, for 6 seconds, causing her target's next three basic attacks and abilities to each deal bonus magic damage and slow their target for 1 second.

Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave (R)

COST: 100
COOLDOWN: 120 / 110 / 100
Nami summons a tidal wave that surges forth, dealing magic damage to all units it hits, knocking them up for 0.5 seconds and then slowing them for 2 − 4 (based on distance traveled) seconds.
  • There is a brief channel time while Nami performs the animation. Only death can interrupt it.
  • Nami gains Surging Tides immediately on cast.
  • The wave travels for ~3.2 seconds at ~859 speed and the projectile is ~562 units wide.
  • Enables the use of Last Breath.


Early Game

You're most likely going to want to take Ebb and Flow first, unless you're in imminent danger during an invade and need the cc of Aqua Prison.
Nami's laning phase is very safe, using Ebb and Flow to poke down the opposing enemies, and healing back up after a trade.

You can help push the wave with Aqua Prison, and Tidecaller's Blessing on your ADC giving them extra damage. At level 6, you can generally go for an all-in - blowing some, if not all, summoners, and hopefully coming out with at least one kill. Engage with your Tidal Wave from brush, into a guaranteed Aqua Prison on the knock-up. Keeping yourself, your ADC and any gankers topped up and healthy with your Ebb and Flow.

Mid - Late Game

Outside of laning phase, you're going to want to be setting up a lot of Stealth Ward wards around objectives, such as Baron Nashor and the drakes. If your team is ahead, and it is safe to do so, you can set up deep vision in the enemies jungle, allowing yourself and your team to get important picks, that allow you to take the previously mentioned objectives.

You want to mostly take your focus from poke to utility during this stage of the game, even when ahead. You will want to focus peeling your ADC or main damage threat with Aqua Prison, or using it on multiple enemies to incapacitate them. Keep your team healthy with Ebb and Flow, and you can disrupt a teamfight, and enemy channels, with Tidal Wave. It's long range offers you a safe distance to cast it from, slows longer based on the distance travelled, and with Surging Tides procced on yourself, you can follow up with an Aqua Prison quickly.

You can use Ebb and Flow bounced off of enemies for extra damage, but the heal on your allies will be less effective.

The main thing to be aware of, is making sure your teams threats stay alive, while removing, or zoning, the enemy teams threats.

Control Ward's are a staple part of any support, both to deny your enemies vision, and to provide your team extra vision. You should make sure to buy one at least every time you back, preferably to have 2 on you at all times.
I hope you enjoyed, and learned enough from my Nami guide, to play her as well as the pro's.

If you enjoyed my guide, you can check out my other guides here, in which I've covered more styles of supports, incase you want to branch out on supports such as engagers ( Nautilus, Pyke etc!).

If you're interested in seeing more of me, please follow my stream! I stream every day but Saturday, from 12:00pm - 11:00pm GMT. I play a wide variety of supports, and I am always engaging with my stream chat.
Update Log
  • 06/12/2019 - Published Guide.
  • 11/23/2019 - Updated for 9.23.
  • 01/17/2019 - Updated for 10.1.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro
Hanjaro Nami Guide
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[10.2] Hanjaro's Nami Supporting your way to Challenger.

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