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Triumphant Roar (PASSIVE)
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If RUNNING doesn't work, CALL 911!!!
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As the mightiest warrior to ever emerge from the Minotaur tribes of the Great Barrier, defended his tribe from Valoran's many dangers; that is, until the coming of the Noxian army. was lured from his village by the machinations of Keiran Darkwill, General Boram Darkwill's youngest son and commander of the Noxian expeditionary force. When returned, he found his village burning and his family slain. Bellowing with rage, he charged an entire regiment of Noxus' elite, slaughtering them by the hundreds. Only the intervention of some of Noxus' most skilled summoners checked 's rage. Brought in chains to Noxus, spent the intervening years as a gladiator in the Fleshing, pitted in endless battle for the entertainment of Noxus' wealthy leaders.
's once noble soul slowly became twisted, and he would have been driven to insanity if not for Ayelia, a young servant girl who befriended him and eventually arranged for his escape. Suddenly free, joined the newly formed to fight as a champion, hoping to one day exact his final vengeance upon Noxus and find the girl who had renewed his hope. Initially unwilling to cater to his celebrity status as a champion, has since discovered that there is power in fame, and he has become a vocal advocate for those whom the Noxian government treads upon. He also calls to light things that the Noxian military would prefer remain hidden -- something that has made him very unpopular with Noxus' nobles. His charitable work has earned him several philanthropic awards, which serve as an interesting contrast to the rage and destruction he brings to the .
If you intend to grab the bull by the horns as a summoner, might have something to say about that.
Hello everyone, I am Bronzer, and this is my Alistar Jungling guide. I have worked hard to make this guide the best I could, and I would appreciate any and all feedback that you guys may provide. Alistar with this build is a full tank meat-bag that knock up every thing on his way ( and his W range ). Without further ado, I present to you, my dear readers, my Alistar guide. I put a fair amount of effort into this guide, so I do implore you to reconsider any downvotes pending the actual trial and testing of my guide that I imagine you are planning to do. And above all, thank you for taking the time to read this Alistar Guide. |
With this unusual build, it WORKS, but these are some enemies champions that you should pay attention to when you are playing as Jungle Alistar.
DANGER LEVEL: 1. Bytch, I don't use auto-attack you liz piece of shyt. |
DANGER LEVEL: 2. At early and mid game, Master Yi won't be a problem for you. Just CC him and protect your team-mate. ( Or just jump in and one-shot that EZ 300 Gold. ) |
DANGER LEVEL: 3. She is very weak at early game. But her cow is bigger and more bad-azz than you so be careful. ( Try to dodge her unti, or use Flash to sheild your team-mates from her unti, you are a meat-bag anyway. ) |
DANGER LEVEL: 4. He is much more tanky than you, but he only has his unti. |
DANGER LEVEL: 5. This pony may be a big problem at early game, but otherwise his damage won't be able to kill you. |
DANGER LEVEL: 6. This little puzzy's high damage is very scary, but you can easily counter his passive with your Q and your W. |
DANGER LEVEL: 8. If you see this blind man in your jungle, RUN!!!!!! |
DANGER LEVEL: 9. If RUNNING doesn't work, CALL 911!!! |
DANGER LEVEL: 10. If you see this ASIAN Guy coming at you, call Donald Trump to deport all those Asians. |
+ Very tanky, hard to die.
+ Decent Healing from Passive Triumphant Roar while Jungling
+ Become Super Tanky with Unti Unbreakable Will
+ Very High Damage at Early Game.
+ A ton of Hard CC.
- Combo is quite hard to use, need time to practice
- Lack of damage from Mid Game.
- Your Skill can troll your team, especially your W Headbutt
- Hard to escape from combat without abilities.
Extra damage for you, pretty good if you want to play aggressive at Early Stage of the game since Alista is a shock-damage type champion. |
Since your abilities have a ton of CC so Aftershock is pretty good since it gives you tankiness and damage if you land a hard CC on an enemy champion. |
*cough* *cough* ***ING ton of HARD CC *cough* |
What's is worse than a mobile tanky COW? A mobile but more tanky COW! |
6000 health is not a bad idea. |
The Koreans choose this, so why not? |
More Cooldown Reduction = More chance to KS with Headbutt |
This is a common Summoner Spell for escaping from the enemies or to assaulting the enemies team. How to use it is up to you. |
You are a Jungler so you have to use this. |
Situational Summoner Spells ( not really recommend )
I, myself, prefer to use Ghost than Flash because Flash is better at escaping through terrains while Ghost is better at chasing enemies and it works well if you have bought Rylai's Crystal Scepter. |
Just some more tankiness for you. Or you can go for Heal if you want. |
In this part, I will try to explain Alistar abilities in a short way.
- Passive Triumphant Roar: If there are enemies die near you ( 7 creeps ), you will heal yourself and your nearby teammates. If a enemy champion dies near you, you will instanly heal ( you don't have to way for 7 stacks ).
- Q Pulverize: You knock up nearby enemies, deal a THOUSAND DAMAGE and earn yourself a sweet PENTA KILL SERCURE.
- W Headbutt: You use your SUPA POWER to become SuperCow ( based on SuperMan ), you fly straigh to the selected enemy, push him back and deal damage.
- E Trample: You deal damage to all neary units for a few seconds. If you deal damage to an enemy champion with Trample, you will get stacks. At 5 stacks, your next auto attack deal extra damage and stun that enemy.
- R Unbreakable Will: You decide to put on your Armor Kelvat Vest, you to almost zero damage for some seconds and remove all disabilities on yourself.
With this Alistar build, you should be focusing on tankiness items and CC items. In my opnion, these items suit this Alistar play style.
This is a CORE items to Alistar Jungle. Because, it provides you with some health ( extra tankiness ) and it also help you farming much faster. |
This is also a CORE items to Alistar Jungle. Because, it gives you extra armor, mana, cooldown reduction, slow effect and extra damage. So why not? |
I usually go for this item because it boosts your abilities damage and give you more CC and health as well. |
These boots look fashionable so I go for them. No other reason! |
This item gives you extra damage on nearby enemies, which is quite nice. And it also give you health and magic resist at a very reasonable price. |
This item gives you extra movement speed and some more damage. Besides, it gives you a ton of tankiness ( more armor and health is always good for a meatbag like Alistar ) |
During team fights, Alistar should be the one to go first due to his tankiness and his hard CC. You should try to focus on Enemies' Carries or any squishy champions.
With you tankiness, you will be able to survive the fight, or at least deal enough CC to the enemies.
Also, try to protect your carries from the enemies as well because without your Carries you are just a meatbag.
Alistar is an easy champion to play. You just need some practise and you can easily master Alistar. And this is the end of my Alistar Jungle Guide. If you have any comments, questions or queries about my guide, please don't hesitate to ask any questions. Upvote if you liked the guide, and only downvote if you feel it is absolutely necessary. If you do downvote, please inform me of why, and perhaps I can rectify any mistakes I have made. |
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