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Pyke Build Guide by bgreen96

Support E Dive Pyke Support ! + Tips and Tricks

Support E Dive Pyke Support ! + Tips and Tricks

Updated on December 12, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bgreen96 Build Guide By bgreen96 11,357 Views 0 Comments
11,357 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bgreen96 Pyke Build Guide By bgreen96 Updated on December 12, 2018
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Runes: sustain build

1 2 3 4 5
Bone Plating

Nullifying Orb

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

E Dive Pyke Support ! + Tips and Tricks

By bgreen96
E First Pyke
This is a Pyke build for player that find it hard to land Q(hook).

Phantom Undertow
The reason we use E is because E has bigger hitbox and if the the enemy dash out, we can follow up with Q.
All Q in used in the combo are the tap Q(short Q), so dont have to worry about being ping for missing Q again.

Use the combo AFTER we saw enemy use a dashing ability(etc. vayne Q Tumble, Ezreal E Arcane Shift)

1. E > Q, we E in and Q the enemy to slow them for the E stun.

2. W > E > Q, go invisible before E into enemy.

3. E > W > Q, use W to increase E range to stun more enemy.

4. W > Q > E, Q enemy in the face which slow them for 1 sec, enough time for our E to hit.

5. E > R > Q > w, use R to extend E range, because our R is a dash, we R to a enemy that is the furthest, this way we can hit all enemy at once without flash. Only use this when your team can follow up as you cannot recast R again(if the enemy do not die).

6. E > Flash > Q > R, similar with combo 5, but we can recast Ult after the combo(R just for the KS = Kill Secure :D ).

1. There is an animation after E, so you have to wait about 0.2 second before Q can be cast, quit annoying at first as your Q didn't immediately register.
We choose aftershock because our E max tactic is to dive into enemy for the stunt, so this rune make us tanky, just like aftershock lissandra.

Revitalize will not increase your gray health or increase the amount you healt, but it make the healing faster so you can get back to kill someone.

This is the super fun build where we give fear to enemy team each time we use predator to hunt them down.

Ingenious Hunter
At max stack give 40% CDR to active item, so our predator mobi is up every 60 sec at max stack and level.

Nullifying Orb
I like this because it give us sustain in team fight, and buy enough time to use our ult(we are diving enemy team).

1. Overgrowth will not give pyke health, bonus health get converted to bonus ad.
Passive - Gift of the Drowned Ones
Gift of the Drowned Ones
INNATE: Pyke's maximum health cannot increase except through growth (per level), instead he gains 1 bonus attack damage per 14 bonus health.

Pyke stores 30% − 81% (based on level) of the damage he takes from enemy champions as Grey Health, up to 80 (+ 800% bonus AD), up to 60% of his maximum health.

When Pyke is unseen by enemies, he rapidly consumes his Grey Health to heal for the same amount.

1. If your health did not regen in a bush, then the bush is warded.

2. Bonus Ad gain from item that give bonus health:
Bonus AD
-6 Frozen Mallet + lvl 18 pyke = 576 AD (max ad without buff, pot or Ornn)
-6 The Obsidian Cleaver + lvl 18 pyke = 691.8 AD (max ad without buff or pot)
-Activate Gargoyle Stoneplate will give bonus AD instead of bonus health, but pyke character still become bigger.
- Lulu Wild Growth will make pyke bigger, but give bonus AD instead of bonus health.
Q - Bone Skewer
Bone Skewer
FIRST CAST: Pyke charges for up to 3 seconds, increasing Bone Skewer's range from 400 to 1100 units while being slowed by 20%.

SECOND CAST: After a brief delay, Pyke hurls his harpoon forward, dealing physical damage to the first enemy struck, pulling them a fixed 550 units towards him and slowing them by 90% for 1 second.

Releasing the ability within 0.5 seconds causes Pyke to thrust his harpoon forward 400 range in a line after a 0.25-second delay, dealing 115% damage and slowing enemies by 90% for 1 second. The stab deals 50% damage to minions and monsters beyond the closest.

If not release, Bone Skewer is cancelled and the ability is put on full cooldown but refunds half the mana cost.

1. Short Q deal more damage than long Q, and it slow multiple enemys (50 range) instead of just one.

2. There is not enough time to do a E > long Q combo to drag enemy into your E.

3. You can use flash while holding Q, other ability will cancel Q.
W - Ghostwater Dive
Ghostwater Dive
ACTIVE: Pyke enters camouflage and gains 40% (+ 1.5% per 1 Lethality) bonus movement speed that decays over 5 seconds. Enemies are notified if Pyke is about 1000 units of them, and will be seen at 600 unit.

Attacking or casting abilities immediately ends camouflage.

1. Pyke W give 40% + 1.5% per 1 lethality bonus movement speed. But because lethality must be from unique item (2 duskblade give 21 lethality, not 42), so the max is 40% + 101% = 141% bonus movement speed ( Duskblade of Draktharr, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Edge of Night, Serrated Dirk).

2. Press W in bush (not warded) will still show indicator on enemy.

3. You can trick enemy by canceling w in bush so enemy will think that you have run away which is why the w indicator disappear.

4. You cannot recast W to end W early.

E - Phantom Undertow
Phantom Undertow
ACTIVE: Pyke dashes for 550 range, leaving behind a drowned phantom.

After 1 second, the phantom returns to Pyke, dealing physical damage and stunning enemies it passes through for 1.1 (+ 0.1 per 10 Lethality) seconds.

1. Pyke have many way to increase E range or position.

E > R : 550 + 750 + 200(the tip of the ult) = 1500

E > Flash > R : 550 + 400 + (750 + 200) = 1900

E > W : 550 + 200(more speed, more range) = 750

2. Leveling E will not increase stun duration.
R - Death from Below
Death from Below
ACTIVE: After a 0.75-second delay, Pyke strikes in an X-shaped area, executing enemy champions below 250 − 605 (based on level) (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 1.5 per 1 Lethality) health while dealing the same amount as physical damage to enemies not within the threshold for execution.

If Death from Below hits an enemy champion, Pyke will blink to the center of the X. If an enemy champion dies in the X, the last assisting ally is granted full kill gold, and Pyke gains the ability to recast within 20 seconds at no cost.

1. You can R an enemy even if you have no vision of him.

2. R can be use on minion, but cannot be recast.

3. Health shield cannot block Death from Below. Only immortal ability can block pyke ult:
- Kindred Lamb's Respite
- Taric Cosmic Radiance
- Kayle Intervention
- Tryndamere Undying Rage
(And Death from Below will go on cooldown)

4. Just like Kai'Sa Killer Instinct, you can be at different position when you reach the enemy base on how you place the Ult.

5. Death from Below will not give "Untargetability", you will still get hit by Caitlyn Ace in the Hole.

6. Killing clone such as Shaco Hallucinate or LeBlanc Mirror Image put Death from Below to cooldown(no recast).

7. The bonus gold "your cut" will only give to the last assisting ally, and ally get a min 100 to max 1000 gold(base on the enemy bounty value, or shutdown gold).

8. Death from Below will not cancel event if pyke get push away by Poppy Keeper's Verdict or Janna Monsoon, and will land back at the X.

9. Pyke cannot Stopwatch, Zhonya's Hourglass during Ult animation, it will turn golden after hitting the ground.

10. E or Q cannot be cast during R animation, instead it will execute Q E once Ult animation is done.

Relic Shield

Ancient Coin

We choose Relic Shield over Ancient Coin because we need the heal for our adc, and help him last hit under tower. Plus Pyke passive where we get 1 AD per 14 bonus health, this mean we get heal, gold and bonus 3 ad(50 health/14=3.6).

- Youmuu's Ghostblade extra movement speed.

- Mobility Boots chase enemy as fast as possible.

- Duskblade of Draktharr spot ward and give bonus damage when come out of Ghostwater Dive.

- Edge of Night block cc when diving enemy team, and block karthus ult.

- Guardian Angel for burst ad champion.

- Maw of Malmortius for Karthus Ult.

Edge of Night give pyke
- 72 ad = 55 ad + (250 health/14 = 17.9)
- shield that block any type of damage
- 18 lethality(which give our w bonus 27% movement speed)
It is one of the most gold efficient item for pyke
Skill leveling
We focus on leveling Q and W because leveling E do not decrease it cooldown or increase stun duration, it only increase its damage. As a play maker W help us roam and chase enemy at high speed and Q for the slow and damage.

We are a support at its core, so damage is not our priority, roam to help teammate is what we should mainly doing(and ult for the KS).
Crazy mechanic
Normal mechanic / combo:
1. E > Q, we E in and Q the enemy to slow them for the E stun.

2. W > E > Q, go invisible before E into enemy.

3. E > W > Q, use W to increase E range to stun more enemy.

4. W > Q > E, Q enemy in the face which slow them for 1 sec, enough time for our E to hit.

5. E > R > Q > w, use R to extend E range, because our R is a dash, we R to a enemy that is the furthest, this way we can hit all enemy at once without flash. Only use this when your team can follow up as you cannot recast R again(if the enemy do not die).

6. E > Flash > Q > R, similar with combo 5, but we can recast Ult after the combo(R just for the KS = Kill Secure :D ).

7. Q > E forward, long Q to drag them closer to you.You can immediately cast e after releasing Q, Pyke will move with the hook at the same time.

8. Q > E backwards, long Q drag enemy then E back, a safer combo as you are not in enemy side.

Crazy mechanic / combo:
1. E > R > flash backwards before dash with R, this is very hard to do correctly but is very nice to watch.(fail as of 8.24)

Tricks mechanic:
1. W > go bush > gray health regen(no ward) > activate Oracle Lens(w cancel), this trick will make enemy think that you have run away which is why the w indicator on them disappears, while you actually hiding in bush to kill them.
About this build
E focus combo was design for player that find it hard to land Q (including my self). But remember, dont just dive in blindly!!! Use the combo AFTER we saw enemy adc use a dashing ability(vayne Q, Ezreal E).

This guide is still in development, please feel free to share any creative mechanics or knowledge about Pyke so we can all learn to carry our team as Pyke! I will give credit for member who submitted tips and trick, or interaction testing of pyke in the comment section.

I m referring this guide to build this... guide? Check her out when you want to build a guide.

Some of the test that i am curious but have no time to run:

-Pyke Ult > Stopwatch, will pyke stay at mid air like Darius ult Stopwatch? (tested = fail)

-R > E, can you E before R animation is executed? (tested = fail)

-R > Q, can you Q before R animation is executed? (tested = fail)

-What Crowd control/Action modifier can cancel pyke R? Blind, Charm, fear, flee, Knockup, Polymorph, Silence, Stun, Suspension, Suppression, Taunt.
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