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Mordekaiser Build Guide by aqueousme

Misery Loves Company: Your Mordekaiser Resource IS BACK 10/5

Misery Loves Company: Your Mordekaiser Resource IS BACK 10/5

Updated on October 9, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author aqueousme Build Guide By aqueousme 63 10 1,137,778 Views 56 Comments
63 10 1,137,778 Views 56 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author aqueousme Mordekaiser Build Guide By aqueousme Updated on October 9, 2015
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    My Standard Mid Build
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    Bot Build (different ability s
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    Moar Tank Build
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    Offtank Build


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


UPDATE 10/9/15: I've been working hard on updating masteries, items, wording in the chapters to keep up with the many changes over the last couple of seasons! Now that I'm getting close to finishing, I'm finally starting to see a few Mordekaiser ADC roles in game and, although I would love nothing more than to just rip my hair out over this ("WTF RIOT. THIS IS NOT WHAT MORDE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE!), I've seen maybe one or two decent games, and quite a few not so great games with a Morde as ADC. I'll be playing around with it myself and will soon be adding a Bot Lane guide-within-a-guide to Your Mordekaise Resource! Keep an eye out for the changes, and I greatly encourage any readers to comment with tips and tricks that help you remain successful as a bot-lane Mordekaiser!

UPDATE 10/5/15: As I'm sure a lot of players have noticed, I'd gone MIA for about a year or so. Lot of stuff happening with work and my personal life, so I decided to take an extended hiatus from LoL and this guide. But now I'm back and determined to give this guide a makeover, including updated masteries, items, builds, skill guides, etc. Keep an eye out over the next few days as I work on it. Thanks for your continued support in keeping such an outdated guide #1 on the list! -aqueousme

I'm aqueousme, and I play Mordekaiser religiously. He has been my main champ for well over five years now. Mordekaiser is ridiculously fun to play, very versatile, sustainable, and a great addition to just about any team composition.

My build/playstyle guide provided for you here was very difficult to put together, as Mordekaiser is an extremely versatile champion, and no single build can possibly be better than all others for all enemy match-ups and in-game situations. Because of that, I urge you to feel free to tweak the item build to fit your team, your enemy match-up, and your playstyle. I've provided tons of information regarding summoner spells, items, runes, and masteries and how they can be of benefit to you, in order for you to pick and choose what will work best, as every game is different.

So if you're an experienced Mordekaiser player, or still trying him out as a new champion, I hope this guide proves to be helpful to you. Feel free to comment, upvote, and give credit where it's due if you put any of this to use! Also, constructive feedback is greatly appreciated, as this is my first second guide. Hope you like it!
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Powerful Pros & Cumbersome Cons to Playing Mordekaiser

Powerful Pros

  • One of the best farmers in game with Siphon of Destruction
  • Can easily turn a 5v5 team fight into a 6v4 with Children of the Grave.
  • Doesn't require mana! You'll never run out of energy to power your abilities, you can spam them as much as you like, and it's encouraged that you do so, because not only will it help your farm, help your team in fights, and help to take down enemy turrets, every ability used that causes damage to any champion, minion, or monster, amps up your passive shield, which is described in more detail below.
  • When the game permits, can carry the team to a victory when the odds seem out of your favor.

Cumbersome Cons

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Remarkable Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
  • Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: +7.83 Magic Penetration. Although Mace of Spades utilizes attack damage as well as ability power, it is the only Mordekaiser damage-dealer that is partially based off of attack damage. Magic penetration runes are the most viable and provide the greatest deal of potential damage to Morde's attacks against enemy champions utilizing Magic Resistance runes and items.
  • Greater Seal of Scaling Health Regeneration: +17.82 Health Regeneration at Level 18. Because Mordekaiser's abilities cost health, rather than mana, it's a great idea to stack health regeneration runes that will greatly boost your sustainability when spamming abilities and participating in team fights. Another great alternative to this rune would be Greater Seal of Health Regeneration
  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: +24.30 Magic Resistance at Level 18. It is vital to be able to protect yourself from enemy magic-based abilities to ensure a more sustainable and efficient Mordekaiser. Although the instant stacked magic resistance granted from choosing Greater Glyph of Magic Resist may seem more appealing from the outset, Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist provides not only more magic resistance at level 18, but your magic resistance also is steadily increasing per level to match the increasing power of your magic damage-dealing enemies.
  • Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: +14.85 Ability Power. This rune choice is pretty self-explanatory. It gives you the slight boost necessary to amp up your ability power and more easily dominate your lane early game, not to mention the fact that it will keep your ability powers maximized through to the endgame. Another great quint to replace these with is Greater Quintessence of Spell Vamp.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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Momentous Masteries

Offensive Masteries

  • Sorcery: Placing four points into this mastery will lower your ability cooldowns by 5%. Although this is a small amount, it could mean the difference between death and survival while spamming your abilities in lane or in team fights.
  • Expose Weakness : This one will help tremendously in teamfights. That little 1% adds up when you have four other level 18 teammates dealing massive damage together.
  • Mental Force : An extra 16 ability power at 18 can't possibly hurt.
  • Spell Weaving : Placing a point in this mastery will definitely help you when using your Mace of Spades hitting with your basic attack in between spells.
  • Arcane Mastery: Moar ability power!
  • Executioner : Placing two points into this mastery will increase your total damage dealt by 5% to anyone who's is at 50% or less of their maximum health. This, paired with your Children of the Grave and Ignite, can help you seal the deal when going in for the kill.
  • Archmage : Moar ability power!
  • Devastating Strikes : 6% extra armor and MR to beef you up in lane.
  • Arcane Blade : Gives our basic attacks bonus damage equal to 5% of your AP. This one is a must-have.
  • Havoc : Placing one point into this mastery increases your total damage dealt by 3%. For every 100 damage that you deal to enemy champions, you deal an additional 3 damage. 3% extra damage may not seem like much, but it adds up, especially when casting your Children of the Grave, which deals damage based on an enemy champion's total health.

Defensive Masteries

  • Block : Take 2 less damage from basic attacks.
  • Recovery : Place two points here to assist with recovering your health used to spam your abilities.
  • Swiftness : Reduces the effect of slows by 7.5%.
  • Unyielding : This will slightly reduce damage from the enemy team.
  • Veteran Scars : Throw in an extra 24 health ftw.
  • Resistance : Placing one point into this mastery grants you an additional 2 magic resistance. This will be especially helpful early game when facing off against another magic damage-dealing enemy champion in mid lane.

Offensive Masteries

  • Summoner's Wrath : Placing four points into this mastery will lower your ability cooldowns by 5%. Although this is a small amount, it could mean the difference between death and survival while spamming your abilities in lane or in team fights.
  • Expose Weakness : This one will help tremendously in teamfights. That little 1% adds up when you have four other level 18 teammates dealing massive damage together.
  • Mental Force : An extra 16 ability power at 18 can't possibly hurt.
  • Spell Weaving : Placing a point in this mastery will definitely help you when using your Mace of Spades hitting with your basic attack in between spells.

Defensive Masteries

  • Block : Take 2 less damage from basic attacks.
  • Recovery : Place two points here to assist with recovering your health used to spam your abilities.
  • Swiftness : Reduces the effect of slows by 15%.
  • Unyielding : This will slightly reduce damage from the enemy team.
  • Veteran Scars : Throw in an extra 36 health ftw.
  • Juggernaut : MOAR health!
  • Hardiness : Placing two points into this mastery will buff your armor by 3.5, which will help you to remain sustainable when facing off against an AD champion, when being ganked by an AD jungler, or in mid- to late-game when you've built your sustainability-granting items.
  • Resistance : Placing two points into this mastery grants you an additional 3.5 magic resistance. This will be especially helpful early game when facing off against another magic damage-dealing enemy champion in lane.
  • Perseverance: Regenerates 0.675% of the health you use to spam abilities every 5 seconds. Health regeneration is key to early game success!
  • Adaptive Armor : This little gem will swap your bonus armor and magic resistance when one is higher than the other. Helps to keep your defenses in balance throughout the game.
  • Enchanted Armor : Increases both your bonus armor and magic resistance by 5%. This mastery goes hand-in-hand with the point you'll place in Adaptive Armor .
  • Legendary Guardian : Gives 3 armor and 3 magic resistance for EACH nearby enemy champion. That's an additional 15 of both when entering a 5v5 teamfight.
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Scintillating Summoner Spells

  • Ignite: This spell is an absolute must for Mordekaiser. Not only can it help pick off a kill from an escaping enemy champion who is faster than you, it can almost guarantee a kill when combined with Children of the Grave.
  • Flash or Ghost: I myself prefer flash over ghost, as it provides me with the opportunity to jump over walls to escape from chasing enemies, or at the very least extend the length of space between us and more easily leaving their field of range to make a smooth getaway. However, the choice is entirely up to you. If you like Ghost better, that's perfectly fine, and it's just as viable.

Other Viable Summoner Spell Choices

  • : A viable spell when running from a faster champion, or especially when trying to catch up with one, but Flash is a much more reliable choice, in my opinion, and you'll have the active slows in mid- and late-game if you purchase Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Hextech Gunblade; if you choose gunblade over Will of the Ancients, that is. Some champions also have abilities that will prevent you from truly getting away from them as they wait for the Exhaust to wear off, such as taunts, snares, stuns, etc.
  • : Great for when you are solo laning (which you should be) and need to quickly go back to base to heal or buy an item, and return to your turret without risking turret damage or a pushed minion wave. Although this is a great spell, especially when you have a Teemo on your team (or a team that places many wards, for that matter), allowing you to teleport to any Noxious Trap and initiate or quickly join a team fight, I feel much safer grabbing a spell that will help me to survive ganks and chases, like Flash or Ghost.

Spells That I Do Not Recommend Taking

  • : Good on some other champions; but with your build, you'll have more than enough health and health regeneration to make Heal an unjustifiable choice. Some like to opt for this spell when going bot lane, though even in that case I wouldn't recommend it. If you can't live without it, however, who am I to stop you?
  • : Leave it to your jungler to take this spell. And don't even think about trying to jungle Mordekaiser. 'Nuff said.
  • : You're not a support, you're not a full tank, and if you feel that enemy CC starts to become a problem in mid- to late-game, grab Banshee's Veil.
  • : Although a pretty handy spell to have on the team, leave this to your support, if they choose to take it. No matter whether your support chooses this spell or not, if you're that curious to know where enemy champions are throughout the game (and you should be, actually), grab a few sight ward every time you base to heal or buy an item. Or, if you're really keen, purchase a Sightstone, as it will help to ramp up your health, too.
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Aggressive Abilities

  • : Stacking a shield taken from 12.5% of the damage that you deal to monsters and 25% of the damage you deal to enemy champions is what will keep you in your lane far longer than your opponent and can save you from enemy abilities that would otherwise be debilitating, not to mention ganks from junglers and other lanes, or keeping you sustainable while spamming your abilities in teamfights. Keep in mind that this shield caps at 25% of your maximum health, so it will become much stronger towards mid- to late-game when your health level reaches its peak.
  • : Note that this ability scales off of both AD and AP damage. Because of this, it could be a good idea to upgrade your Hextech Revolver into Hextech Gunblade, instead of Will of the Ancients. When you're farming, try to get close to the enemy champion, who's usually located behind their minion wave, focusing the first one or two attacks on the minions, then gunning in and bopping your enemy with that last and strongest hit. When you're comfortable with this spell and can use it efficiently, you'll more than likely pressure them to back away from the wave to prevent being hit again, bolstered by placing points in giving you more domination over your lane and lessening their potential to farm efficiently. This ability will be boosted by a few of your mastery choices.
  • harvester of sorrow: Pretty disappointing that Riot did away with Creeping Death. harvester of sorrow does nothing for you when you're alone in lane. Also, this ability is not just your ability, as you must place it on a nearby allied champion. Once you do, you and your ally will get movement speed only while moving toward each other. Otherwise, so long as you stay close together, you'll both deal magic damage every second to nearby enemies for 4 seconds, dealing a bigger burst of damage and healing yourself and your aly from up to nearby enemies. During that first 4 seconds, though, you can reactivate Harvesters of Sorrow to activate the secondary damage/heal a bit sooner.
    NOTE! harvesters of death can be used on your pets! After snaring a ghost with Children of the Grave, slap Harvesters of Sorrow on it and direct it towards enemy champions as you follow close behind.
  • : This ability is your bread and butter. You'll take your first level point in this spell, and you'll be maxing it first. Besides your ultimate, Siphon of Destruction does the most overall damage, can be used from a somewhat safe distance rather than requiring super-close combat, and affects many enemies at once.
    This spell is your main farming tool, and spamming it in whichever way possible is also the best source of power for amping up your shield through Iron Man. One itty bitty change to this spell over the last season gave this spell equal parts bonus AD and AP damage!
  • : If an enemy champion hit with this spell dies before the 10 second time limit is up, their soul will become your "pet" for up to 30 seconds, and can turn a 5v5 team fight into a 6v4 team fight. When using this spell to earn a kill, always Ignite first at close range, then hit them with your Children of the Grave as they run away, since your ultimate has a farther range and Ignite may be missed if they flash away after you ult. Children of the Grave is a very decent spell on it's own, but when combined with Ignite, it's downright deadly and has a much higher chance of landing you a kill. There are so many different uses for the pet gained from this ability, I've dedicated an entire chapter to it below.
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Profitable Pets, and How to Use Them

This, your ultimate, is an absolutely devastating ability spell, not to mention ridiculously fun to use. In fact, it currently has the longest duration of any spell in the game! If an enemy champion hit with this spell dies before the 10 second time limit is up, their soul will become your "pet" for up to 75 seconds. Of course, when you can, focus this ability on the enemy team's strongest champion, have your team focus them as well to ensure the kill, and use that pet to deal the most damage to the rest of the enemy team. Also, if you take part in taking down dragon, your basic attacks and abilities curse it with Children of the Grave, even if it's on cooldown and/or you already have a pet! Should you kill the dragon, it will disable Children of the Grave while it remains active and will kill your current ghost.

Important Notes On Pet Use

  • To control your pet, hold down the ALT key and right-click, or re-activate "R" and control your pet by right-clicking.
  • Keep in mind that if you direct your pet away from you, to chase an enemy away, for example, the pet will only go so far before returning back to you. So if you want it to go a far distance, you'll have to follow behind it.
  • If you direct your pet under an enemy turret to harass or attempt to kill an enemy champion that's hugging, make sure that you're out of turret range. As soon as your pet starts attacking an enemy champion, the turret will focus you, not your pet.

Uses for Your Pet
  • Use your pet to tank a turret when your minion wave is nowhere near. This is extremely useful when a turret has 300 health or less and can be taken down in a matter of seconds without the help of your team or minions.
  • Harass turret-hugging enemies using Harvesters of Sorrow.
  • When you're alone or in the jungle, direct it ahead of you and into nearby brush, just to ensure your safety before you run into the brush yourself and get surrounded by a gang of enemies waiting there to pounce unexpectedly.

A Prime Example Of Your Ult's Kick-***ness

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Ability Sequences Explained

Please keep in mind that although I provide two sets of ability point sequences, you are most welcome to use either one in either lane, though I would only suggest you take the second route if you decide to go bot with a support. Either way, I have provided and explained both for you here.

No matter which skill sequence route you choose to take, always max Siphon of Destruction first. It is your heaviest damage-dealing spell, is absolutely necessary to farm efficiently, and has the most potential to keep you sustainable by feeding your shield provided by Iron Man.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Mace of Spades: Maxing this ability second can help you by allowing you to deal more damage in the early- to mid-game stages of your lane. Remember that if you feel intimidated to run up close enough to your lane enemy to hit them using this ability, you're better off casting it on their minion wave, as it will add to your Iron Man shield no matter what you use it for. Deciding to max this spell over Harvesters of Sorrow is the most viable option, as the latter is useless to you when you're alone in lane. If you are playing mid lane Mordekaiser, choosing to max Mace of Spades first is your best option, as you will be attempting to take on a more aggressive, rather than defensive, role for your team.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Harvesters of Sorrow: Maxing this ability second is viable only[i/] when you're duo-laning. It will allow you and your lane partner to deal damage to enemies as well as harvest health from enemies while in lane. Deciding to max this spell over Mace of Spades is ideal when you have a lane partner with whom you have great communication, as it'll more of a dual effort against your lane enemies rather than making only yourself vulnerable by trying to utilize your Mace of Spades with two enemy champions in lane to thwart you.
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Sophisticated Starting Item Choices

There are two different item builds provided for Mid and Bot lanes. Although I myself prefer the first, both are viable, as you are basically choosing movement speed over an AP boost. Keep in mind that there are numerous options, and mix-&-matching is encouraged here! :)


Depending on your playstyle or experience with Mordekaiser, either of the above combinations of starting items will be viable enough as your first purchase before entering your lane. For those who have slightly less experience with him, picking up Boots and three Health Potions will grant you the mobility and sustain you need to stay in lane long enough to earn the gold needed for your first core item purchase. However, if you feel comfortable enough, the little bit of extra ability power from Amplifying Tome, will help you to earn gold faster and sustain yourself against another magic damage-dealing enemy champion in mid lane.

The same explanations for Boots, and Amplifying Tome apply for a solo top Mordekaiser as described above. However, in top lane, I personally feel more confident grabbing either Boots and three Health Potions over the Doran's Shield. This, of course, is up to you, as Doran's Shield is a perfectly viable starting item. I just like to have at least one Health Potion starting out, as I can never be too sure just how much my enemy laner will want to poke or harass, and I'd hate to waste time recalling to base with only enough gold to buy more Health Potions. I added Ruby Crystal as a starting item in reference to the "Moar Tank" item build. I know Mordekaiser is not a tank. Or at least, he shouldn't be. Read the following section, where I talk more about this.
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Coordinated Core Items

My Standard Mid Build

  • : When you are opting for a more aggressive, carry-style Mordekaiser, it's ideal to grant your champion the greatest amount of damage possible while still maintaining stability and protection for yourself. Because of this, Hextech Revolver is the single item all summoners will agree upon as a rushed item. It grants the spell vamp that is vital to your sustainability, as your skills cost health, not mana, and is versatile enough to be built into either Hextech Gunblade or Will of the Ancients, both of which will be talked about later. Although Hextech Revolver is completed before Sorcerer's Shoes in my item build, you're welcome to rush the boots first and revolver second, if you wish.
  • : Note - per the Season 3 patch, this item's magic penetration has been reduced to 15. These are typically your best option, as they award you with precious magic penetration needed to ensure you are dealing sufficient-enough damage to enemy champions who are utilizing magic resistance. If you are going the offtank route, you're welcome to replace them with Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads, if you feel comfortable with it.
  • : I originally had Rylai's Crystal Scepter as the third item on my core build, prior to season 3, but seeing the stats on this item, and after trying it, I couldn't help adding it to my build. It grants 70 ability power, 200 health, 15 magic penetration, and has an amazing passive dealing 5% of the enemy's current health in magic damage that burns over 3 seconds. Enemies that have impaired movement when you strike are dealt twice as much damage. The only issue is that if this passive is used with any multi-target spells, like your Creeping Death and Siphon of Destruction, the duration of the damage is reduced to 1.5 seconds. Try to proc this with your Mace of Spades, and especially with your Children of the Grave+ Ignite.

The Alternative Mid Build

  • : Again...These are typically your best option, as they award you with precious magic penetration needed to ensure you are dealing sufficient-enough damage to enemy champions who are utilizing magic resistance. If you are going the offtank route, you're welcome to replace them with Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads, if you feel comfortable with it.
  • : Again...It grants the spell vamp that is vital to your sustainability, as your skills cost health, not mana, and is versatile enough to be built into either Hextech Gunblade or Will of the Ancients, both of which will be talked about later. Different from the first Mid Lane build, kage's lucky pick will be rushed first, then Sorcerer's Shoes, and afterwards, kage's lucky pick will be sold and replaced with Hextech Revolver. kage's lucky pick was suggested to me by a reader, and although this item progression won't be my primary one, I didn't see why it couldn't be viable in a couple of different situations. It can provide that little boost of ability power, and grant you +5 gold/10 seconds. When laning against a champion that likes to harass and poke a bit too much, inhibiting my early game farming, I don't see how kage's lucky pick can't be a bad idea while I try to rack up that 1200 gold for Hextech Revolver.
  • : If you're doing super well in the early game, this may be a good core item to replace Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

Excepting Mercury's Treads, which can do more to assist in shielding yourself from enemy magic damage, while still having the ability power needed for an offtank role, the core items for the offtank build are identical to those of the first Mid Lane build, so we'll skip right past that and move on to...

The "Moar Tank" Build

I've heard it time and time again, and I've said it time and time again: " Mordekaiser is not a tank!" Yes, yes. I know this and I agree. This item build is here for those in the most desperate of situations, and I'm not talking feeding/getting stomped by the other team situations. Ever started a game where no one on your team chooses a true tank (whether jungling, supporting, or otherwise), and the enemy team has at least 2 or more? That's the situation where you might want to take a closer look at this and consider your options...
  • : These can be replaced with either Mercury's Treads or Sorcerer's Shoes, whichever you feel best fits the team matchups in terms of heavy AD, AP, or CC.
  • : Still a vital item even for a tankier Mordekaiser. You'll still need at least some sort of damage to your build, and the spell vamp is a must.
  • : This item grants armor and health, and, when you're hit by a basic attack, will slow the enemy's attack speed by 20% and their movement speed by 10% for 1.5 seconds as a passive. The item's active ability slows nearby enemies by 35% for 2 seconds, plus 1 second for every 100 armor and magic resistance you have. If you were to follow this guide completely via masteries, runes and items, and if you're able to hit a full item build, for example, you'd be slowing the enemies in teamfights for 4 SECONDS. 4 seconds. Think about it.
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Lethal Late Game Items

My Standard Mid Build

  • : Aside from magic resistance, this item also provides a nice health boost, cooldown reduction, and health regeneration spec. Feel free to replace this item with Warmog's Armor.
  • : This item grants ability power, attack damage and lifesteal that buff your Mace of Spades, as well as nice spell vamp boost to lessen the amount of health used to spam abilities and keep you sustained in mid- to late-game team fights. This, of course, can be replaced with Will of the Ancients.

The Alternative Mid Build

The major difference to point out between late game items between my standard mid build and the alternative mid build for mid lane is the use of Will of the Ancients over Hextech Gunblade. You can use either one for either build, whichever item you like better.

The Offtank Build

  • : This item grants armor and health, and, when you're hit by a basic attack, will slow the enemy's attack speed by 20% and their movement speed by 10% for 1.5 seconds as a passive. The item's active ability slows nearby enemies by 35% for 2 seconds, plus 1 second for every 100 armor and magic resistance you have. If you were to follow this guide completely via masteries, runes and items, and if you're able to hit a full item build, for example, you'd be slowing the enemies in teamfights for 4 SECONDS. 4 seconds. Think about it.
  • : This item grants 50 ability power, 30 magic resistance and 5% increase in your movement speed.. It also has a nifty little active spell that releases two shadows who seek out the nearest enemy champions during a 6-second period. If the shadows touch an enemy champion, that champ is slowed by 40% and revealed for 2.5 seconds. This would be nice to use when you're not taking Exhaust as a summoner spell.
  • : This item grants ability power, attack damage and lifesteal that buff your Mace of Spades, as well as nice spell vamp boost to lessen the amount of health used to spam abilities, as well as keep you sustained in mid- to late-game team fights. This, of course, can be replaced with Will of the Ancients.
  • : Aside from magic resistance, this item also provides a nice health boost, cooldown reduction, and health regeneration spec. Feel free to replace this item with Warmog's Armor.

    The "Moar Tank" Build

    • : 45 magic resistance and a helpful debuff with a low(ish) cooldown is super helpful when engaging in teamfights, etc.
    • : Awesome armor and magic resistance boost, plus it's always nice to die in teamfights, come back to life and do a little bit of enemy team cleanup. The purpose of a more tanky champion is to protect the team. When you're in a teamfight, if, for some reason, you're being focused, this item gives you a second chance to come back and continue protecting until the fight is over. You can, obviously, replace this with another item, such as Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, etc.
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Situational Item Choices

When the item progressions above just won't cut it, or if your game situation has taken a turn, for better or worse, and you just need something to add that extra oomph to your personal performance, take some of the following items into consideration.

Want More Ability Power?
  • : 100 ability power, 15% cooldown reduction, plus a nice active dealing magic damage to an enemy equal to 15% of their maximum health, PLUS will amplify every bit of magic damage dealt to them by 20% for 4 seconds. The 60 second cooldown allows you to use this item's active ability more often. Using this item on your AP carry Mordekaiser can also deal even more devastating damage in teamfights. When "tanking" Mordekaiser, or even when going AP offtank, I find myself grabbing this item often if we have a powerful support AND an AP carry who's doing well in game.
  • : Although I wouldn't personally take this item, no matter the situation, it is still an option available to you to not only increase your ability power (including an extra ability power boost when stacked), but buffing your Mace of Spades with extra attack damage, as well. That's also not to mention that when you fall below 50% health, you'll get a +10 lifesteal and spellvamp boost that could prove very useful in getting yourself out of sticky, deadly situations.
  • : Note - per the Season 3 patch, this item's magic penetration has been reduced to 15. This is a nice little item for boosting your health, ability power, and magic penetration, and also upgrades to Liandry's Torment.
  • : Completely raping the enemy team from the beginning, have 10 kills or more and 3 deaths or less? Go for it. Otherwise, opt for something that can offer a bit more protection with the ability power buffer.
  • : 75 ability power, 20% cooldown reduction, and a sweet active, with only a 20 second cooldown, that lowers an enemy's health regeneration rate by 40% for 4 seconds.
  • : Before season 3 items were released, this was a major part of my item build for Mordekaiser, granting 500 health, 80 ability power, and a potential 35% slow to any single enemy you're applying an ability to, or 15% slow to multiple targets or when using a damage-over-time spell, like Children of the Grave. Great item choice for an offtank Mordekaiser.
  • : 120 ability power, plus another 25% ability power boost. This item pretty much speaks for itself, and if you are just dominating the game, crushing enemy skulls together while bellowing "HUEHUEHUE" from deep within the brush of the jungle and making your opponents wish they hadn't ended up being stuck playing against the beast of a Mordekaiser that you are, take this. Pretty simple.
  • : Note - per the Season 3 patch, this item's magic penetration has been reduced to 35%. Just to feel secure in knowing that the enemy's magic resistance isn't doing **** to help them.
  • : Although I like the potential benefits of this item (50 AP, 30 armor, and aura granting nearby allies 15 health regen/5secs), there are other items that have close to the same amount of basic stats and have more useful passives/actives for the role you'll be playing. Choose if you want, I've seen other Mordekaiser players opt for this item and play successfully.
Want More Armor?
  • : Nice little buffer for yourself and for your allies, as well. Sharing is caring.
  • : 40 ability power, 60 armor, 15% cooldown reduction, and a nice passive that allows a basic attack following any ability to deal an additional 125% of your base attack damage. This item also has a sweet slowing active that will slow surrounding enemies by 35% for 3 seconds...this active has a 2 SECOND cooldown. When you've got this item on, all you need to do to help in teamfights is Creeping Death > iceborn guantlet > siphon of destrucion > basic attack > iceborn guantlet > Mace of Spades > basic attack, and so forth.
  • : If you find yourself playing a more passive role on your team, allowing them to take most of the spoils in regards to kills and such, this item might be a good addition to your build.
  • : Same goes as for Locket of the Iron Solari - if you find yourself playing a more passive, tanky role on your team, pick this up. However, don't buy this item if you already have Aegis of the Legion or plan to build one later one, as their aura passives will NOT stack.
  • : Awesome armor and magic resistance boost, plus it's always nice to die in teamfights, come back to life and do a little bit of enemy team cleanup.
  • : I personally don't include this item in my current build, as there are other items that can provide more armor and/or a damage boost; but it's an option available to you. If you like it, take it.
  • : Enemy AD carry getting a little too rough with your team? Take this, and advise that your teammates do the same. That'll teach him a lesson.

Want More Magic Resistance?
  • : This item alsos grant you more health, and even though it grants 7 less magic resistance than Abyssal Mask, it completely blocks all damage from one enemy magic ability (with a 45-second cooldown).
  • : Refer to the description above.
  • : Aside from magic resistance, this item also provides a nice health boost, cooldown reduction, and health regeneration spec. Feel free to pick up this item in place of Warmog's Armor.
  • : See above.
  • : See above. Again, note: do not buy this item if you already have Aegis of the Legion or intend to build that item later on, their aura's do NOT stack!
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Wide-Eyed Wards & Map Control

Wards are a must. Whether you have a jungler or a support, or neither, always buy wards for your lane instead of expecting someone else to do it for you. Also, don't depend on the jungler or support to purchase wards in mid- to late-game phases, as wards are essentially a shared responsibility amongst the entire team. If you're sitting on some extra gold in the mid- to late-game phase, consider picking up a Sightstone to upgrade into a Ruby Sightstone later on, which will not only provide wards but a good bit of extra health, also. The only reason why I personally prefer not to opt for these items is the limited number of wards you can have placed at once (two for Sightstone, three for Ruby Sightstone). I would much rather spend the gold on 4 or more sight wards that I can place down around the map at once.
Below is a map that shows the best ward placement, use it wisely and in relation to the lane you're playing in.

sight ward vs.

Although sight wards are less expensive, I would highly suggest buying Vision Wards, at least while you're still in the early game laning phase. Placing a Vision Ward allows you to see enemy wards of either type, thus giving you the chance to destroy them, forcing them to waste precious gold on another.

Utilizing For Map Control

Whether or not you have an experienced support on your team, one of you will need to purchase Oracle's Elixir by the mid-game phase, preferably someone who is capable of staying alive the longest, as it's a pricey item. This item is also a must especially when playing against a champion with stealth abilities, or if your team has noticed that the enemy team seems to have a very uncanny knowledge of where you are at all times, especially when you're in your own jungle. Use Oracle's Elixir to sniff out any Noxious Trap, Jack In The Box or enemy wards in the jungles, rivers and lanes. Doing this while placing your own wards will allow your team to gain control of the map and dominate.
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Magnificent Map Awareness & Team Communication

Know that wards alone cannot save you or your teammates throughout a game. Constant vigilance over your mini-map and constant communication with your team over enemy movement from lane to lane, in their jungle or yours, or warnings of incoming ganks, can be the difference between a win and a loss. Communicate, communicate, communicate!

Also keep in mind that League of Legends is a video game. It's nothing to be taken seriously if your team is losing horribly, or if one or two of your allies are feeding tremendously. Everyone has bad games, and even if all of their games are bad games, practice makes perfect, and bot games are too predictable and useless to really gain valuable skill and experience when testing a new champion. Be nice to others, please.

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Community Success Log - Snapshots of Successful Games Using this Guide!

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Patch Log

Patch v1.0.0.75 (2-24-2010)

Mordekaiser, The Master of Metal, is released!

Patch v1.0.0.83 (4-27-2010)

Siphon of Destruction:
  • Shield bonus per hit reduced to 6/9/12/15/18 from 8/12/16/20/24.
Iron Man:
  • Shield decay rate increased to 3% a second from 2%.
  • Damage to shield conversion ratio increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Level 1 maximum shield value reduced to 140 from 175.
  • Level 18 maximum shield value increased to 650 from 600.

Patch v1.0.0.104 (11-2-2010)

Mace of Spades:
  • Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 20/40/60/80/100.
  • Now scales off of only bonus damage rather than all damage.
  • Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only hits 1 target.
  • Health cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50.
  • The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser.
Creeping Death:
  • Base damage increased to 24/38/52/66/80 from 16/32/48/64/80.
  • Ability power ratio increased to 0.2 from 0.15.
  • Increased missile travel speed when casting Creeping Death on an ally.
Siphon of Destruction:
  • Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245.
  • Ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4.
  • Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5 from 6/9/12/15/18.
Children of the Grave:
  • Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration up from 24/28/32%.
  • Now deals half damage to the target initially and half damage over time.
  • Duration increased to 10 seconds from 8.
  • Total ability power ratio over the duration increased to 0.04 from 0.016.
  • Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, reduced from 25%.
  • The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's ability power and damage at all 3 ranks and the
  • ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's total ability power.
  • Pet health bonus reduced to 15% from 50%.
Iron Man:
  • Shield generation increased to 30% from 25%.

Patch v1.0.0.105 (11-16-2010)

Mace of Spades:
  • Now has a 0.2 ability power ratio.

Patch v1.0.0.107 (12-13-2010)

Mace of Spades:
  • Now resets the attack timer when used.
Iron Man:
  • Shield generation reduced to 20/25/30% from 30%.
  • Shield decay increased to 5% from 3%.

Patch v1.0.0.109 (1-17-2011)

Iron Man:
  • Shield decay reduced to 3% from 5%.

Patch v1.0.0.110 (2-1-2011)

Iron Man:
  • Shield generation increased to 25/27.5/30% from 20/25/30%.

Patch v1.0.0.112 (3-1-2011)

Mace of Spades:
  • Ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2.

Patch v1.0.0.120 (6-22-2011)

Iron Man:
  • Shield generation is no longer reduced if the damage done is shielded.

Patch v1.0.0.125 (9-13-2011)

Iron Man:
  • Shield regeneration adjusted to 30% at all levels from 25/27.5/30%.
  • Shield regeneration is now half effective versus minions.
Mace of Spades:
  • Bonus damage reduced to 65% from 75%.
Siphon of Destruction:
  • No longer adds additional shield for each unit hit.

Patch v1.0.0.131 (12-13-2011)

Iron Man:
  • Shield amount increased to 35% from 30%.
Siphon of Destruction:
  • Damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 from 65/105/145/185/225.

Patch v1.0.0.141 (6-20-2012)

Children of the Grave:
  • Reactivating 'Children of the Grave' while the Ghost is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking.
  • You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following.
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Guide Updates

11/14/2012 - After three weeks of hard work, checking, rechecking, deleting, re-adding, tweaking, etc., "Master of Metal: Your Mordekaiser Resource" is published!
11/15/2012 - Thanks to some of the first comments on the guide, I was able to create two additional item progression builds, one for each lane. Also changed the chapters providing more in-depth explanations for the items and build progressions to include the new item builds, as well.
12/7/2012 - Completely updated the guide to coincide with the Season 3 patch!
10/5/15 Holy ****....has it really been 3 years? Still #1 on the list and half of this guide isn't even viable anymore, what with patches, skill changes, item reworks (or completely taken out of the game), and so many changes to Mordekaiser in general. I've been gone so long that there are so many new champs and items to play around with, as well as getting used to a couple of the changes on Morde's skills. Keep an eye out for a COMPLETE update to this guide!

In the Near Future, You'll Be Seeing...

  • New chapter going more in-depth about laning and playing both aggressively and passively!
  • New chapter for each lane, listing potential enemy match-ups and how to counter (and survive) against them!
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A huge thanks is in order towards:
  • jhoijhoi for providing such great instruction on creating a guide, as well as for the separators and dividers!
  • corruptsoul for the much appreciated feedback on the content and layout of my first (unsuccessful) Mordekaiser guide, as well as clarifying a hiccup I made back in the day regarding spell vamp stacking, not to mention the conversations we've had on starting items for Mordekaiser. His Morde guide is pretty damn sweet, too. You should check it out, also.
  • Hawkken for the great assistance with BBCoding. If not for his index, my guide would look like ****. Thanks, dude.
  • CarlosReapeR for the awesome Pentakill video.
  • Kog Maw, for the conversation that inspired the alternative Mid lane and Solo Top builds! It's all about choice and versatility. Appreciate the ideas!
  • Fatal Error 9001, for the reminder that there are many different runes that are completely viable for Mordekaiser, further proving the versatility of this champion.
  • YueTsukasa for correcting a mistake I made regarding the reduced duration of the item's passive when using Mordekaiser's Creeping Death and Siphon of Destruction.

Also a thanks to all you potential readers and users, your support, feedback, suggestions, and conversations are essential for my guide to get better, and for myself to become a better Mordekaiser. Hope you all enjoyed. :)
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