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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Professor Cecil

Middle Season 8 Heimerdinger 101 Guide - Adventures of Smite Heimy

Middle Season 8 Heimerdinger 101 Guide - Adventures of Smite Heimy

Updated on November 4, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Professor Cecil Build Guide By Professor Cecil 9 6 92,219 Views 9 Comments
9 6 92,219 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Professor Cecil Heimerdinger Build Guide By Professor Cecil Updated on November 4, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Summon Aery + Manaflow Band
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Summon Aery + Nullifying Orb
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Non Smite Heimerdinger with Ae
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Non Smite Heimerdinger with Ae
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Electrocute + Nullifying Orb
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Electrocute + Manaflow Band
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Non Smite Heimerdinger with El
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Electrocute + Gathering Storm
  • LoL Champion: Heimerdinger
    Non Smite Heimerdinger with El


Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Important :>

Hey guys, I will not be placing much Updates on this guide for a while, I am working on a hidden reworked guide from this with fancy graphics,etc.

Nevertheless, Scuttle Crab currently is actually a bait, so do not bother do it.

You have to start now with Hunter's Talisman + Refillable Potion.

On very few matches you have to start with Doran's Ring otherwise you will lack sustain, like Vladimir, Akali for example however I am not sure on the early patterns vs those.

At some point actually sell the Hunter's Talisman and depending on what you might need sell it for purchasing Lost Chapter or Boots or even a Doran's Ring.

All other options are available like ganking enemy laners or invading however remember that you lose Ability Power since no early Doran's Ring so losing that Ability Power requires more brain the first 30 seconds you get into lane so you do not lose push power so H-28G Evolution Turret proper positioning is key.


Hello fellow Smite Heimerdinger's.

Here is a quick update, this guide is still viable, and the Smite Strategy is still viable even if you start with Jungle Item, however you need to be more proactive early game.

With the Patch 8.14 Riot made it that if you have the highest gold on the team you get 10 less gold per minion.

So what exactly can I do to counter this you ask?

Well for starters if you can duo with a Jungler that is good with strong level 2 champions, like Shaco, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Olaf, Camille those are excellent options to aid you.

Remember that with early Jungle Item, when you do a Jungle Camp you will always be Level 2, therefore at Level 1 you Rank Up H-28G Evolution Turret and at Level 2 CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade.

You do normally a Jungle Camp, head to lane, place your H-28G Evolution Turret and get your Jungler to immediately gank after his 1st Buff, this will either result on a kill or enemy wasting Summoner Spells, and here is the thing, do not be afraid to not get the kill as you actually want this to happen, to remove the 10 gold per minion creep loss.

Afterwards after your level 3 gank immediately either Bot Lane or Top Lane if possible, you wanna do the same and give your other laner advantage with your level advantage being a key factor to help with this.

If you go Bot Lane for a gank after you finish the gank if possible get your Support to Escort you back to Mid Lane as it is possible you can get ambushed by the enemy Jungler and you are on a weakened stage.

By the time you get back to lane get your Jungler to gank again the enemy Mid Laner as the minion wave should be pushed towards you, making it an easy target to gank and to kill.

In the best scenario possible you will be able to get 3 or 4 Stacks of Ravenous Hunter, which has a really strong value for Heimerdinger and his kit.

At this point you decide if you either want to sell Hunter's Talisman, and buy something like Dark Seal or complete the Jungle Item.

The point of this strategy is to snowball the most lanes as possible early game, while focusing on removing the gold loss and minimizing the weaknesses of your Kit and the actions you did.
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My name is Professor Cecil also know as Professor Heimy, and I bring to you my Cheese Strategy of how to get to Level 2/3/4/5/6 faster than the enemy laner and what exactly you can do with those level advantages.

Keep in mind all level advantages presented here past level 3 last more or less 30 seconds, so do plays around those.

I started maining Heimerdinger since near end of Season 2, when I got invited to the game by a University friend at around October of 2012 and first Champion I actually played when I started was Ahri surprisingly when she was at Free Week not much after I found the Turret Master and never gave up on him.

Season 3, I ended Nrº 1 Heimerdinger Eu-W, Nrº3 World and Nrº1 Performance wise on Champion before rework with 59% Win Rate, got near Diamond elo however after Heimerdinger got reworked I ended quitting and not long after I had no time to dedicate to the game due to work reasons.

My Heimerdinger stats on Season 3:

Season 5, I ended Top 300 Heimerdinger World with 66% Win Rate, ended Platinum 4 with around 90 games and decayed to Gold 1 with 75 Lp´s due to inactivity, ended having to quit due to family illness problems and not long after work reasons as well.

My Heimerdinger stats on Season 5:

Season 8 and with now available time, I am currently top 20´s on Heimerdinger and 7th Ranked Heimerdinger on Eu-W.

My Heimerdinger stats on Season 8:

My LoLSkill Profile:
Professor Heimy

Champion ranks will vary depending on my scores,etc so they are in constant upgrade. :p

At the start I had some issues with not having available the Old Raptor Camp Strategy, however with some patience I found a creative way to rework it.

With this guide I bring you a Reworked version of the Old Raptor Camp, where you get early Gold Advantage and Level Advantage, if played properly you should have the Upper Hand early game which is a big game changer of how Mid and Late Game can progress.
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Summoner Spells

Flash on Heimerdinger

Smite on Heimerdinger

Pros of Heimerdinger with Smite

Cons of Heimerdinger with Smite
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Heimerdinger and H-28G Evolution Turret

How to Turret as Heimerdinger
Guide on Heimerdinger Turrets vs Low Wave Clear Champs at level 1/2/3

Guide on Heimerdinger Turrets vs Medium Wave Clear Champs

Guide on Heimerdinger Turrets vs High Wave Clear Champs

Overall Guide on Heimerdinger Turrets
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Main Rune Page

Sorcery: As Heimerdinger and for this build you will want to take Sorcery.

For this specific strategy, Sorcery offers you the best, Offensive Runes, Defensive Runes and Utility Runes when compared to Domination.

Sorcery and Domination is the combination to aim for which in return will give you the most value.

Sorcery Keystone

Summon Aery: Heimerdinger and Summon Aery for pretty much half of Season 8 has been a match made in Heaven itself, his H-28G Evolution Turret will proc it, all your skills proc it as well, and there is no cooldown, and in matter of fact the closer you are to the enemy the faster you can proc Summon Aery again, due to the return of Aery to your Champion.

Summon Aery is 100% hit rate and despite not having the best Ability Power Ratio Scaling, it is an effective and brutal aggressive way of poking over and over the enemy Mid Laner since Heimerdinger got a great Auto Attack animation.

Sorcery - Artifact Runes

Defensive Rune

Nullifying Orb: Nullifying Orb is one of the options you have as a secondary rune on Sorcery, it gives you a certain safety against multiple Ability Power threats on enemy team or if you are dealing with a Champion that can easily burst you down.

Remember a dead Heimerdinger does no damage but one that is alive sure is annoying to deal with.

Every 60 seconds Nullifying Orb recharges and whenever it gets activated it only lasts 4 seconds.

A level 18 and full build Heimerdinger usually gets around 170-240 Magic Damage Shield when you take damage that would get you below 30% HP, depending on how many Infernal Dragons your team got, if your team got Elder Dragon or Baron Nashor or if you have Elixir of Sorcery up.

Utility and Sustain Rune

Manaflow Band: Manaflow Band is one of the options you have as a secondary rune on Sorcery, it gives you more mana pool and gives some freedom if you buy Luden's Tempest as the first item and you do not get Blue Buff or if you buy Archangel's Staff it gives you more Ability Power and Extra Shield.

Manaflow Band is not as efficient as it used to be after it got changed on Patch 8.7, despite that, there are matchups that you can use it on Heimerdinger, one example is Anivia.

Manaflow Band passive when stacked restores 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds, which let's be honest is not that great.

I would say that to get the 10 stacks of Manaflow Band as Heimerdinger it usually takes around 7 to 10 minutes into the game in a normal scenario.

Also take into consideration H-28G Evolution Turret beam also procs Manaflow Band.

This rune is now more viable with the addition of Nimbus Cloak to the 2nd Row of Runes on Sorcery as well the fact it replaced The Ultimate Hat being this last one on the Domination Runes.

Sorcery - Excellence Rune

Utility/Defensive/Offensive Rune

Celerity: Heimerdinger and Celerity is the bread and butter of the Smite strategy in a nutshell, movement speed bonus that leads to your initial turrets doing more damage and with this you can clear a Jungle Camp without much trouble.

Laning phase, wise your passive Hextech Affinity, further makes Celerity stronger and it buffs up your entire kit especially your H-28G Evolution Turret.

If you wanna do this tactic without having Celerity you are gonna need help from a teammate with a strong AoE or a strong Single Target Damage skill early game.

This only works if you use your H-28G Evolution Turret on your Jungle Camps and not on enemy Jungle Camps as the Homestart buff does not last enough to do so.

You can also only use this in between Inner (Tier 1 Tower) and Outer Tower (Tier 2 Tower).

Celerity + Homestart Buff boosts your Ability Power greatly since you nearly reach 700 movement speed for the duration of the buff.

Celerity + Hextech Affinity gives you an Ability Power boost when you are near your H-28G Evolution Turret or when you are near your own team Towers, it gives you over 10 Ability Power.

Best Items for Heimerdinger that can boost your movement speed are:

Active Items:
Flat % Movement Speed Items:
Champion Skills that buff Heimerdinger movement speed are:

Buffs for Heimerdinger that can buff your movement speed are:
  • Your Passive Hextech Affinity;
  • Cloud Drakes and Dragon Slayer: Stratus Walk and if out of combat the movement speed from the bonus is tripled;
  • Elder Drake which initially increases the value of the other Drake buffs by 50% and any Elder Drake afterward increases everything by 100%;

Sorcery - Power Runes

Offensive Rune Nrº1

Gathering Storm: Gathering Storm is one of the possible routes you have as the last rune on Sorcery, it gives you Ability Power every 10 minutes and the longer the game goes the more Ability Power you get.

Gathering Storm is great vs all champions, however, you will see the most benefits against Juggernauts, as it might require you to go with Magic Penetration and an HP Burning Build.

Sorcerer's Shoes or Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Luden's Tempest or Archangel's Staff
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff

Is usually the type of build you might have to go vs High HP and Resistances enemies.

Morellonomicon, Liandry's Torment and Void Staff tend to be the rushed items.

So having that extra Ability Power over time removes some of the pressure of having to purchase Rabadon's Deathcap as it costs 3600 Gold.

Offensive Rune Nrº2

Scorch: Scorch is one of the possible routes you have as last rune on Sorcery, one of your skills does extra damage every 20 seconds as a burn on enemy.

I feel that Scorch is mostly an early game extra damage tool, rather than mid and late game, if you take this I would say to take it against some of the Low Wave Clear Champions at level 1/2/3 as there is the possibility you either kill them or remove them from lane if they overextended at level 1.

Scorch is also countered by Bone Plating so take that into consideration when you take this Rune.

As many Supports or Marksman take Bone Plating especially if they are against a Matchup that can poke them a lot.
Domination: Domination is the Secondary Rune Page you will want as Heimerdinger for this build.

As Heimerdinger and for this specific strategy, Domination offers you the best sustain runes for either laning phase or for doing solo objectives if such is needed.

Domination - Malice Runes

Offensive/Sustain Rune

Taste of Blood: Taste of Blood is your sustain rune from the Domination page.

This tactic works a lot better with Taste of Blood than any other rune.

Taste of Blood is a heal that scales with your Ability Power and that every 20 seconds whenever you Auto Attack someone or do a skill it heals you, despite not being much every time, after a while it is several Health Potion that you end not buying.

Also after a gank Taste of Blood relieves some of the damage you might have taken.

Taste of Blood compared to Cheap Shot is up to you, I do not dislike the extra damage, however CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is on a fairly long cooldown and late game 40 true damage is neglectable compared to a full build Heimerdinger that can get from 110 up to 160 heal from Taste of Blood

Despite Taste of Blood not having the best Ability Power Ratio Scaling, it is a nuisance to deal with if enemy is playing against you.

Offensive Rune

Cheap Shot: Cheap Shot is one of the possible routes you have as rune on Domination, one of your skills does extra damage as True Damage as long it impairs enemy movement and the cooldown is fairly low which unfortunately means it is not the best for Heimerdinger kit.

Cheap Shot is up to you, I do not dislike the extra damage, however CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is on a fairly long cooldown and I can imagine people forcing themselves over and over to use CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade just to get the extra damage which can lead you to die or waste mana too much.

Late game 40 true damage is neglectable and I feel there are better options out there.

Domination - Tracking Rune

Offensive Rune

Eyeball Collection: Eyeball Collection is your go happy where you farm kills or wards for extra Ability Power on Domination Rune Page.

Eyeball Collection is a decent substitute and if you want to go for the most possible Ability Power than get Gathering Storm on Sorcery.

If you take Eyeball Collection you will be replacing Taste of Blood and not Ravenous Hunter.

I would consider this Rune if you have a Jungler like Jarvan IV or Shaco to give wings to the absurd amount of cheese the Smite Strategy can offer you.

Domination - Hunter Runes

Offensive Rune

Ravenous Hunter: Ravenous Hunter is one of the options you have as an Rune on Domination and what I take 100% of the time, you will embrace it everyday.

H-28G Evolution Turret and Ravenous Hunter is a match made in heaven.

H-28G Evolution Turret auto attacks count as a single target entity when it comes to Ravenous Hunter and "Oh, boy!", you recover so much HP back.

You get a Flat 2.5% Damage to Heal Ratio without any stacks and at 5 out of 5 stacks you get 15% Damage to Heal Ratio, and this is when Heimerdinger pops off when it comes solo objectives such as Baron Nashor and it also makes you so much harder to kill on Team Fights.

Offensive/Defensive Rune

Ingenious Hunter: Ingenious Hunter is one of the options you have as an Rune on Domination.

- Have many active items?
- Enemy team has some assassins that can one shot you?

If the answer to both is yes, Ingenious Hunter might be the Rune for you.

With 5 out of 5 stacks we are looking into 40% less cooldown on all the active items ingame.

Zhonya's Hourglass, Seraph's Embrace, Hextech Rocketbelt, Spellbinder, Twin Shadows, Shurelya's Battlesong and Quicksilver Sash as Heimerdinger you can consider those.

However remember with this Strategy it can however be quite tricky to not take Ravenous Hunter but it depends on your Playstyle obviously.

Offensive/Utility Rune

Ultimate Hunter: Ultimate Hunter is one of the options you have as an Rune on Domination, unfortunately this Rune no longer is existent on the Sorcery Rune Page and has been moved into Domination, however it is still fairly strong.

If you tend to roam most of the time, than you can consider it especially if you are running a Ability Power build without much Cooldown Reduction.
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Heimerdinger with Smite on Rankeds

Smite HeimerdingerAll the Tactics below require you take Hunter's Talisman
Heimerdinger and the Smite Strategy

Heimerdinger Tactic Execution as Mid Laner Red Team Side

All Early Game Options as Heimerdinger Mid Red Team Side

Heimerdinger Tactic Execution as Mid Laner Blue Team Side

All Early Game Options as Heimerdinger Mid Blue Team Side

You can check below more detailed info related to the following:
  • What to do vs Champions with Low Wave Clear Level 1/2 as a Mid Laner
  • What to do vs Champions with Medium Wave Clear Level 1/2/3 as a Mid Laner
  • What to do vs Champions with High Wave Clear Level 1/2/3 as a Mid Laner
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What to do vs Champions with Low Wave Clear Level 1/2 as a Mid Laner

Below you can find everything related to:
  1. Small Guide vs Low Wave Clear Champions
  2. Questions and Answers to before and after ganks on Low Wave Clear Champions
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of each part of the Tactics
  4. Champion Matchups, What to do and build when facing them
  5. What Junglers you should be able and not able to contest a duel

Small Guide vs Low Wave Clear Champions

Questions and Answers to before and after ganks on Low Wave Clear Champions

Champion Matchups, What to do and build when facing them

If your Jungler is one of those 100% contest a Duel

If your Jungler is one of those you can consider to contest a duel

If your Jungler is one of those do not contest a duel
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What to do vs Champions with Medium Wave Clear Level 1/2/3 as a Mid Laner

Below you can find everything related to:
  1. Small Guide vs Medium Wave Clear Champions
  2. Questions and Answers to before and after ganks on Medium Wave Clear Champions
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of each part of the Tactics
  4. Champion Matchups, What to do and build when facing them
  5. What Junglers you should be able and not able to contest a duel

Small Guide vs Medium Wave Clear Champions

Questions and Answers to before and after ganks on Medium Wave Clear Champions
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What to do vs Champions with High Wave Clear Level 1/2/3 as a Mid Laner

Below you can find everything related to:
  1. Small Guide vs High Wave Clear Champions
  2. Questions and Answers to before and after ganks on High Wave Clear Champions
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of each part of the Tactics
  4. Champion Matchups, What to do and build when facing them
  5. What Junglers you should be able and not able to contest a duel

Small Guide vs High Wave Clear Champions

Questions and Answers to before and after ganks on High Wave Clear Champions
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Theory Crafting and Adaptation of Strategy

1st Test

2nd Test

Some concerns I have with this strategy and a possible way to work around them:

- Wolves Camp + 2 Minion Waves = Level 3 at 2:13-2:15 ingame in 90% of the cases specially vs low/medium wave clear enemies;
- Cannot overpush early minion wave with 3x H-28G Evolution Turret otherwise I lose clear speed and risk the enemy destroying the H-28G Evolution Turret;
- Despite being level 3 faster the issue I encounter is losing some experience advantage if there is no kills or assists obtained after going for a botlane gank;
- Sometimes the enemy mid laner pushes the wave and I might be forced to plant instantly the 3x H-28G Evolution Turret and even still some players are annoying as hell and usually destroy them.
- Losing Siege Minion Wave lowers my income and any experience advantage if I do not get a successful kill or assist on bot lane;
- A potential work around would be ganking bot lane at around 3:15 when I am at level 4 with level advantage again and I do not lose Siege Minion experience and Gold
- Doing this however means bot lane should had warded already since most laners expect enemy jungler to gank past 2:45/2:55.

Champions that can push hard or that have AoE Abilities taking into factor enemy minions get on my tower at 1:22 and it takes around 1:42/1:43 to start hitting the minions and that is worse if they know my tactic in any form or way:
1st - Aurelion Sol
2nd - Yasuo
3rd - Ahri
4th - Ziggs
5th - Xerath
6th - Vel'Koz
7th - Corki
8th - Talon
9th - Lux
10th - Ekko
11th - Brand
12th - Gragas
13th - Kayle
14th - Galio
15th - Azir
16th - Lissandra
16th - Karthus
17th - Taliyah

Support Champions that make kills far more easier to obtain if I gank:
1st - Brand
2nd - Leona
3rd - Blitzcrank
4th - Thresh
5th - Bard
6th - Annie
7th - Fiddlesticks
8th - Morgana
9th - Nautilus
10th - Nami
11th - Shen
12th - Sona
13th - Vel'Koz
14th - Rakan

Attempting a Fix to Red Team Top Side Heimerdinger that instead of starting golems starting raptor camp with the help of your mid laner:
- Possible champions that can help you:
- Taliyah (Q)
- Xerath (Q)
- Talon (W)
- Brand (W)
- Ahri (Q)
- Corki (Q)
- Diana? (W)
- Ekko (Q)
- Galio (Q)
- Gragas (Q)
- Kayle - More tricky thinking she might have to activate her E at around 1:23/1:24 so she is not that highly punished on laning phase as the cooldown early is hell. (E)
- Lissandra (Q)
- Lux (E)
- Morgana (W)
- Orianna? (Q)
- Ziggs (Q)
- Azir (W)
- Cho´gath (Q)
- Jhin? (Q)
- Katarina (Q into Raptor Camp + Dagger Mechanic)
- Mordekaiser (W)
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Heimerdinger Item Builds and Explanation

I divided my Heimerdinger guide into 4 different item build paths.

Standard Final Build

Items vs Spellvamp/Lifesteal/High HP Regen

Items vs High AD or All In Champions

Items vs High AP or High CC
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Best Magic Resist Items vs Heimerdinger

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Guide still under work section and some thoughts

Will finish guide and update with all the theorycrafting thoughts and process of the build with time.

Understand that it is a fairly long guide explaining the viability of Flash + Smite on Heimerdinger and all the matchups and builds you should follow 99% of the time.

With Patch 8.7, I removed Domination and Sorcery build as before Manaflow Band made it more viable, Manaflow Band currently is very situational on the aspect for you to take full advantage of it you need to Archangel's Staff and there are only very few scenarios where you actually buy this item as in Offensive/Defensive.

I believe with the reworked Manaflow Band you actually gimp the potential of the Domination and Sorcery runes, therefore I felt that removing it was the best choice.

Domination and Sorcery issue you will find against low wave clear champions and solo queue wise is 90% of the players do not respect the level advantage and you might actually end using Electrocute on enemy laner instead of bot lane.

A possibility is adding this to high wave clear champions as the passive should be back at 3:15 when you hit level 4 and ready for a gank on a enemy lane as long they have not warded.

Still the issue is not having Electrocute again taking into factor most roam gaps with this strategy are 1 minute based after you hit level 3 until you are level 6.

Seraph's Embrace + Manaflow Band with full build and Elixir of Sorcery gives you approximately 10 extra Ability Power and around 30/35 Extra Shield.

250 Mana =~ 10 Ability Power + 30/35 Extra Shield

The 1% mana every 5 seconds as stat is kinda laughable, despite that there are times you will want Archangel's Staff over Luden's Tempest and not even go with Manaflow Band despite losing the 10 Ability Power and 30/35 Extra Shield Potential.

Also with New Patch, Cannon Minions give a lot more gold so knowing the Match Up and Wave Clear standards more or less of each Champion is key to knowing when you should roam earlier or later so you don't lose benefits.

Lost Chapter, gonna become even more valuable now despite the 200g increase.

40 Ability Power
10% CDR
20% Mana Refund on Level Up over 3 seconds

If you are looking into buying as first item between a Needlessly Large Rod and Lost Chapter buy Lost Chapter, Heimerdinger scales a lot better with CDR when compared with full Ability Power, plus 20% Mana Refund on Level Up is extremely powerful.

Will work on this guide on a different one that won´t be published just for easier editing, so most likely I won´t be editing this one any time soon.

Also will upload videos eventually for everything this guide needs either for the Smite strategy and not.

Nevertheless anything placed on this guide take it with a grain of salt and remember adaptation is the key to success.
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To anyone using this Guide to play Heimerdinger with Smite or as an Source of Information to his Rankeds.

Please be aware I am not responsible for any flame you might get for taking Smite as Summoner Spell or either doing Wolves Camp, Raptors Camp or even Golems Camp as a Starter, I know it is Harsh but some teammates or Junglers are just like that.

If your Teammates decide to flame or your Jungler decides to int on purpose and rush your lane to die just mute and report him.

I am also not responsible if anyone on your Team takes Heimerdinger with Smite and decides to Troll.

The strategy provided here is 100% functional and based on what the game offers it provides you with several laning phase and mid to late game advantages.

Anything displayed on this Guide was created as a Simulation and executed several times in order to Counter any weakness Heimerdinger might have on his kit while giving more power to his strong points.
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Guide Change Logs





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Test Chapter

My name is Professor Cecil also know as Professor Heimy, and I bring to you my Cheese Strategy of how to get to Level 2/3/4/5/6 faster than the enemy laner and what exactly you can do with those level advantages.

Keep in mind all level advantages presented here past level 3 last more or less 30 seconds, so do plays around those.

I started playing Heimerdinger since near end of Season 2 when I got invited to the game by a University friend at around October of 2012 and first Champion I actually played when I started was Ahri surprisingly when she was at Free Week not much after I found the Turret Master and never gave up on him.

Season 3, I ended Nrº 1 Heimerdinger Eu-W, Nrº3 World and Nrº1 Performance wise on Champion before rework with 59% Win Rate, got near Diamond elo however after Heimerdinger got reworked I ended quitting and not long after I had no time to dedicate to the game due to work reasons.

My Heimerdinger stats on Season 3:

Season 5, I ended Top 300 Heimerdinger World with 66% Win Rate, ended Platinum 4 with around 90 games and decayed to Gold 1 with 75 Lp´s due to inactivity, ended having to quit due to family illness problems and not long after work reasons as well.

My Heimerdinger stats on Season 5:

Season 8 and with now available time, I am currently top 20´s on Heimerdinger and 7th Ranked Heimerdinger on Eu-W.

My Heimerdinger stats on Season 8:

My LoLSkill Profile:
Professor Heimy

Champion ranks will vary depending on my scores, etc so they are in a constant upgrade.

At the start I had some issues with not having available the Old Raptor Camp Strategy, however, with some patience, I found a creative way to rework it.

With this guide, I bring you a Reworked version of the Old Raptor Camp, where you get early Gold Advantage and Level Advantage, if played properly you should have the Upper Hand early game which is a big game changer of how Mid and Late Game can progress.

FLASH: Heimerdinger standard Summoner Spell, it can be used both offensively and defensively, you can check below for all the offensive type of plays you can do as Heimerdinger with Flash.
SMITE: Heimerdinger bread and butter for what this Guide offers, on how to be an filthy Smite abuser on Heimerdinger , plus it offers you the real combos to aim for without going for the 8.10 Patch Scuttle Crab Fiesta.
TELEPORT: Heimerdinger is a Champion that excels quite well with Teleport, it allows for coming back to your lane, or go for a Teleport gank on one of the enemy laners or to help your Jungler contest some objective.
IGNITE: Heimerdinger with Ignite is more aggressive than Heimerdinger with Teleport, however as the Elo progresses and the laner knows how to play against Heimerdinger in general this Summoner Spell value decreases.
CLEANSE: Heimerdinger with Cleanse is not your usual Champion Select final Summoner Spell pick, as Heimerdinger two of the Champions I would highly consider taking this Summoner Spell against would be Zoe and Fiddlesticks or against an extremely heavy Crowd Control enemy team composition, also take into consideration Cleanse counters Ignite damage, however it does not remove the healing reduction debuff from Ignite.
HEAL: Heimerdinger with Heal combination makes it a fairly strong Summoner Spell for Heimerdinger, that can give you an advantage on 1 vs 2 fights on level 6 duels, as it can make you survive and still get a tasty double kill with your UPGRADE!!! + H-28Q Apex Turret, however take into account late game most heals can be countered by Morellonomicon or Executioner's Calling.
GHOST: Heimerdinger with Ghost like it is not bad of a Summoner Spell however I would not take it personally, unless you want to cheese even further Movement Speed + homestart buff + Celerity for the Jungle Camp for even higher H-28G Evolution Turret damage, other than that I believe the other Summoner Spells are far more useful.
BARRIER: Heimerdinger with Barrier is great against Champions that can instantly burst you, like Syndra, Zed, LeBlanc for example, plus it ignores two ticks of the Ignite, plus it can also be used offensively the same way as Heal for 1 vs 2 situations with UPGRADE!!! + H-28Q Apex Turret at early levels.
EXHAUST: Heimerdinger with Exhaust is also a great option if you are facing a strong all in Champion to the point it denies nearly almost the entirety of his burst, champions like Zed and Talon are one of the few matchups you might want to take Exhaust.

Sorcery: As Heimerdinger and for this build you will want to take Sorcery.

For this specific strategy, Sorcery offers you the best, Offensive Runes, Defensive Runes and Utility Runes when compared to Domination.

Sorcery and Domination is the combination to aim for which in return will give you the most value.

Sorcery Keystone

Summon Aery: Heimerdinger and Summon Aery for pretty much half of Season 8 has been a match made in Heaven itself, his H-28G Evolution Turret will proc it, all your skills proc it as well, and there is no cooldown, and in matter of fact the closer you are to the enemy the faster you can proc Summon Aery again, due to the return of Aery to your Champion.

Summon Aery is 100% hit rate and despite not having the best Ability Power Ratio Scaling, it is an effective and brutal aggressive way of poking over and over the enemy Mid Laner since Heimerdinger got a great Auto Attack animation.

Sorcery - Artifact Runes

Defensive Rune

Nullifying Orb: Nullifying Orb is one of the options you have as a secondary rune on Sorcery, it gives you a certain safety against multiple Ability Power threats on enemy team or if you are dealing with a Champion that can easily burst you down.

Remember a dead Heimerdinger does no damage but one that is alive sure is annoying to deal with.

Every 60 seconds Nullifying Orb recharges and whenever it gets activated it only lasts 4 seconds.

A level 18 and full build Heimerdinger usually gets around 170-240 Magic Damage Shield when you take damage that would get you below 30% HP, depending on how many Infernal Dragons your team got, if your team got Elder Dragon or Baron Nashor or if you have Elixir of Sorcery up.

Utility and Sustain Rune

Manaflow Band: Manaflow Band is one of the options you have as a secondary rune on Sorcery, it gives you more mana pool and gives some freedom if you buy Luden's Tempest as first item and you do not get Blue Buff or if you buy Archangel's Staff it gives you more Ability Power and Extra Shield.

Manaflow Band is not as efficient as it used to be, after it got changed on Patch 8.7, despite that, there are matchups that you can use it on Heimerdinger, one example is Anivia.

Manaflow Band passive when stacked restores 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds, which let's be honest is not that great.

I would say that to get the 10 stacks of Manaflow Band as Heimerdinger it usually takes around 7 up to 10 minutes into the game in a normal scenario.

Also take into consideration H-28G Evolution Turret beam also procs Manaflow Band.

This rune is now more viable with the addition of Nimbus Cloak to the 2nd Row of Runes on Sorcery as well the fact it replaced The Ultimate Hat being this last one on the Domination Runes.

Sorcery - Excellence Rune

Utility/Defensive/Offensive Rune

Celerity: Heimerdinger and Celerity is the bread and butter of the Smite strategy in a nutshell, movement speed bonus that leads to your initial turrets doing more damage and with this you can clear a Jungle Camp without much trouble.

Laning phase, wise your passive Hextech Affinity, further makes Celerity stronger and it buffs up your entire kit especially your H-28G Evolution Turret.

If you wanna do this tactic without having Celerity you are gonna need help from a teammate with a strong AoE or a strong Single Target Damage skill early game.

This only works if you use your H-28G Evolution Turret on your Jungle Camps and not on enemy Jungle Camps as the Homestart buff does not last enough to do so.

You can also only use this in between Inner (Tier 1 Tower) and Outer Tower (Tier 2 Tower).

Celerity + Homestart Buff boosts your Ability Power greatly since you nearly reach 700 movement speed for the duration of the buff.

Celerity + Hextech Affinity gives you an Ability Power boost when you are near your H-28G Evolution Turret or when you are near your own team Towers, it gives you over 10 Ability Power.

Best Items for Heimerdinger that can boost your movement speed are:

Active Items:
Flat % Movement Speed Items:
Champion Skills that buff Heimerdinger movement speed are:

Buffs for Heimerdinger that can buff your movement speed are:
  • Your Passive Hextech Affinity;
  • Cloud Drakes and Dragon Slayer: Stratus Walk and if out of combat the movement speed from the bonus is tripled;
  • Elder Drake which initially increases the value of the other Drake buffs by 50% and any Elder Drake afterwards increases everything by 100%;

Sorcery - Power Runes

Offensive Rune Nrº1

Gathering Storm: Gathering Storm is one of the possible routes you have as last rune on Sorcery, it gives you Ability Power every 10 minutes and the longer the game goes the more Ability Power you get.

Gathering Storm is great vs all champions, however you will see the most benefits against Juggernauts, as it might require you to go with Magic Penetration and an HP Burning Build.

Sorcerer's Shoes or Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Luden's Tempest or Archangel's Staff
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff

Is usually the type of build you might have to go vs High HP and Resistances enemies.

Morellonomicon, Liandry's Torment and Void Staff tend to be the rushed items.

So having that extra Ability Power over time removes some of the pressure of having to purchase Rabadon's Deathcap as it costs 3600 Gold.

Offensive Rune Nrº2

Scorch: Scorch is one of the possible routes you have as last rune on Sorcery, one of your skills does extra damage every 20 seconds as a burn on enemy.

I feel that Scorch is mostly an early game extra damage tool, rather than mid and late game, if you take this I would say to take it against some of the Low Wave Clear Champions at level 1/2/3 as there is the possibility you either kill them or remove them from lane if they overextended at level 1.

Scorch is also countered by Bone Plating so take that into consideration when you take this Rune.

As many Supports or Marksman take Bone Plating especially if they are against a Matchup that can poke them a lot.
Domination: Domination is the Secondary Rune Page you will want as Heimerdinger for this build.

As Heimerdinger and for this specific strategy, Domination offers you the best sustain runes for either laning phase or for doing solo objectives if such is needed.

Domination - Malice Runes

Offensive/Sustain Rune

Taste of Blood: Taste of Blood is your sustain rune from the Domination page.

This tactic works a lot better with Taste of Blood than any other rune.

Taste of Blood is a heal that scales with your Ability Power and that every 20 seconds whenever you Auto Attack someone or do a skill it heals you, despite not being much every time, after a while it is several Health Potion that you end not buying.

Also after a gank Taste of Blood relieves some of the damage you might had take.

Taste of Blood compared to Cheap Shot is up to you, I do not dislike the extra damage, however CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is on a fairly long cooldown and late game 40 true damage is neglectable compared to a full build Heimerdinger that can get from 110 up to 160 heal from Taste of Blood

Despite Taste of Blood not having the best Ability Power Ratio Scaling, it is a nuisance to deal with if enemy is playing against you.

Offensive Rune

Cheap Shot: Cheap Shot is one of the possible routes you have as rune on Domination, one of your skills does extra damage as True Damage as long it impairs enemy movement and the cooldown is fairly low which unfortunately means it is not the best for Heimerdinger kit.

Cheap Shot is up to you, I do not dislike the extra damage, however CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is on a fairly long cooldown and I can imagine people forcing themselves over and over to use CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade just to get the extra damage which can lead you to die or waste mana too much.

Late game 40 true damage is neglectable and I feel there are better options out there.

Domination - Tracking Rune

Offensive Rune

Eyeball Collection: Eyeball Collection is your go happy where you farm kills or wards for extra Ability Power on Domination Rune Page.

Eyeball Collection is a decent substitute and if you want to go for the most possible Ability Power than get Gathering Storm on Sorcery.

If you take Eyeball Collection you will be replacing Taste of Blood and not Ravenous Hunter.

I would consider this Rune if you have a Jungler like Jarvan IV or Shaco to give wings to the absurd amount of cheese the Smite Strategy can offer you.

Domination - Hunter Runes

Offensive Rune

Ravenous Hunter: Ravenous Hunter is one of the options you have as an Rune on Domination and what I take 100% of the time, you will embrace it everyday.

H-28G Evolution Turret and Ravenous Hunter is a match made in heaven.

H-28G Evolution Turret auto attacks count as a single target entity when it comes to Ravenous Hunter and "Oh, boy!", you recover so much HP back.

You get a Flat 2.5% Damage to Heal Ratio without any stacks and at 5 out of 5 stacks you get 15% Damage to Heal Ratio, and this is when Heimerdinger pops off when it comes solo objectives such as Baron Nashor and it also makes you so much harder to kill on Team Fights.

Offensive/Defensive Rune

Ingenious Hunter: Ingenious Hunter is one of the options you have as an Rune on Domination.

- Have many active items?
- Enemy team has some assassins that can one shot you?

If the answer to both is yes, Ingenious Hunter might be the Rune for you.

With 5 out of 5 stacks we are looking into 40% less cooldown on all the active items ingame.

Zhonya's Hourglass, Seraph's Embrace, Hextech Rocketbelt, Spellbinder, Twin Shadows, Shurelya's Battlesong and Quicksilver Sash as Heimerdinger you can consider those.

However remember with this Strategy it can however be quite tricky to not take Ravenous Hunter but it depends on your Playstyle obviously.

Offensive/Utility Rune

Ultimate Hunter: Ultimate Hunter is one of the options you have as an Rune on Domination, unfortunately this Rune no longer is existent on the Sorcery Rune Page and has been moved into Domination, however it is still fairly strong.

If you tend to roam most of the time, than you can consider it especially if you are running a Ability Power build without much Cooldown Reduction.

Hextech Affinity: Heimerdinger passive grants you 20% Movement Speed as long you are on 300 Range from your H-28G Evolution Turret, Towers or your H-28Q Apex Turret.

This passive is mostly focused on Utility and you can squeeze the most of it against Melee Champions with no Gap Close skills, being one example Nasus.

On my personal opinion, despite giving movement speed under the parameters mentioned above, this passive binds Heimerdinger into a weird spot that might feel over reliant on his H-28G Evolution Turret especially against High Wave Clear Champions, being a good example to the extreme Aurelion Sol himself as the only way to keep up is building Cooldown Reduction.

Item Builds with Cooldown Reduction increase the value of Heimerdinger passive.

I usually tend to buy Lost Chapter into Fiendish Codex as it gives 20% CDR, 75 Ability Power 300 Mana and 20% of your Maximum Mana Restored whenever you Level Up.

This build costs 2200 Gold and is the most cost efficient for everything Heimerdinger requires against most matchups on Mid Lane.

If you do go against something on Top Lane extremely tanky or that likes to take HP recovery items ,you can consider buying 2 or 3 Doran's Ring into Void Staff and from here either get a Morellonomicon or a Zhonya's Hourglass.

H-28G Evolution Turret: Heimerdinger builds a mini turret at the location you select on your Cursor, and every 20 seconds you get 1x H-28G Evolution Turret and mini turret recharge time can be lowered by Cooldown Reduction Items.

Heimerdinger and his H-28G Evolution Turret is what he is know the most for, whenever Heimerdinger appears everyone knows about his Turrets, they can be used Offensively, Defensively, they can Block most of the skillshots ingame and are also a great zoning tool.

Heimerdinger is a champion that requires good game knowledge to not feed as well Champion boundaries so you do not overextend beyond your limits as it can lead to the enemy laner to snowball due to how Heimerdinger kit works.

H-28G Evolution Turret plays a part on this.

For starters you will want to practice last hitting while H-28G Evolution Turret is also hitting Creeps.

Also make sure you do not target 2 Creeps at the same time as there is a high chance you lose both.

Aside of that you will want to know where the enemy Jungler starts and know what Champion the enemy jungler is playing.

Champions with heavy high single target damage that are likely to gank or invade after first buff, like Lee Sin, Udyr, Jarvan IV, Shaco, Camille, Xin Zhao, Olaf are great examples of excellent dueling Champions at level 2.

You will want to be even more careful against those as when they are well played they can force your Flash and you can turn into a walking stick leading you to death.

Laning phase, placing all the 3x H-28G Evolution Turret on your lane not long after when you can leave base is perhaps the worst thing to do, at most you will only place 1x H-28G Evolution Turret and work around from there and whenever you have another available charge, you will place it so you are not capped.

Against Champions with Area of Damage skills, or skillshots with a long distance mostly on a line, you need to adapt so that 2x H-28G Evolution Turret are not in range for the enemy to kill both, the only Champion you will find near impossible to execute this macro play is Aurelion Sol due to his Astral Flight as the skill itself when is activated nearly occupies the entirety of the lane.

Plus during laning phase if possible always place your H-28G Evolution Turret on the opposite side your Jungler is as it can close the gap between your Jungler and the enemy laner and in case you cannot place both on the opposite side, at least place the one that is on your Jungler side a bit backwards so that the enemy laner feels more comfortable being on that side and that you can make the enemy have a fake safety so that your Jungler can have an easier time.

Going into Ability Power and Heimerdinger and his H-28G Evolution Turret, your H-28G Evolution Turret do not automatically change their damage according to the items you buy as their damage is based accordingly to the Ability Power or H-28G Evolution Turret rank, at the time you used them.

A bullet proof way to understand this is for example having a full build with let's say 700 Ability Power, you place 3x H-28G Evolution Turret anywhere in the map, you go to base and sell everything and come back to your Turrets, you will notice that the H-28G Evolution Turret damage is still the same from when you had 700 Ability Power even although currently after selling every item you have let's say 60 Ability Power.

So whenever possible when you come back to lane with more Ability Power try to replace your existing H-28G Evolution Turret if there is any, so that they do more damage and are more bulky with any Ability Power and Skill Rank Up you get on them.

Also when playing Heimerdinger and if the macro play allows it, you place "X" amount of H-28G Evolution Turret and make sure you always have 1 Charge of H-28G Evolution Turret spare, aside from very few circumstances.

So let's assume you got a kill on lane, recalled to base and enemy Jungler went to mid cleared wave and destroyed all your 3x H-28G Evolution Turret which at the time being were Inactive due to you not being near them.

You have now 3x Charges of H-28G Evolution Turret and just got back to lane, you place 1x H-28G Evolution Turret defensively and 1x H-28G Evolution Turret in an aggressive position, and save the last Charge if required, until you have 2x Charges of H-28G Evolution Turret and than you use the other one so you have 3x H-28G Evolution Turret on lane and 1x H-28G Evolution Turret for replacement if needed to.

Also Heimerdinger has a trick specific utilisation which relies on Auto Attacking as the beginner setup to execute it.

You use CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade and place 1x H-28G Evolution Turret while CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is mid air.

Be aware that it is a high risk strategy just to ensure that the H-28G Evolution Turret Beam hits the target since the H-28G Evolution Turret as the further the elo goes, people will exploit the fact that you used your only CC Skill for both offensive/defensive purposes.

In a macro play small guide, there are only 3 times you use the CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade + H-28G Evolution Turret combo mid air and 3 times only:

- Whenever you have less than 3x H-28G Evolution Turret on lane optimally 2x H-28G Evolution Turret so you can have 3 Beams hit the target if you hit the Stun

- Whenever enemy Jungler was spotted in another lane or passed by a ward recently and you are not capped on H-28G Evolution Turret on lane

- Whenever enemy Jungler was spotted in another lane or passed by a ward recently if you intend to use a Charge of H-28G Evolution Turret when you are already capped on H-28G Evolution Turret on lane

The last one is to replace the defensive H-28G Evolution Turret into an aggressive position.

This is the most important thing when playing Heimerdinger since CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is both your Engage and Disengage Tool.

If I do this I will tend to do it whenever I have 2x H-28G Evolution Turret on lane cast CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade while it is mid air place 1x H-28G Evolution Turret wait half second and than use Hextech Micro-Rockets like this the enemy is hit with 6 Beams and it is the most the safe combo with less key inputs.

If you hit the CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade on the enemy, instead of Hextech Micro-Rockets, use the UPGRADE!!! + Hextech Rocket Swarm the likelyhood to 100 to 0 enemy is extremely high if they are playing an extremely squishy champion, 6 Beams + 3x H-28G Evolution Turret Auto Attacks, 2x Summon Aery and UPGRADE!!! + Hextech Rocket Swarm usually kills the enemy, if you feel Summon Aery won't be enough you can always play with Electrocute and the result should be an kill as long those parameters match.

Hextech Micro-Rockets: Heimerdinger fires 5 individual rockets.

Each rocket that hits an Champion any H-28G Evolution Turret gets 20% Turret Beam Charge up to 100% Turret Beam Charge if you hit all 5 of them.

After the first Rocket hits on the enemy any additional rockets do 20% damage.

Heimerdinger main poke tool his Hextech Micro-Rockets, you will learn to love it more than your H-28G Evolution Turret.

Hextech Micro-Rockets are more reliable at Wave Clear than your H-28G Evolution Turret against matchups with heavy Wave Clear, like Ziggs, Xerath, Aurelion Sol as your H-28G Evolution Turret gonna have a hard time and here is why Cooldown Reduction builds excel at.

Item Builds with Cooldown Reduction increase the value of Heimerdinger passive as well providing him with enough tools to give him possible lane priority.

When poking an enemy champion try to open up the Hextech Micro-Rockets radius so that at least one rocket hits the enemy.

You can also try and take advantage of enemy laner minions being low health points to sneak in more damage from Hextech Micro-Rockets.

Upgrade!!!: Heimerdinger empowers one of his skills.

Heimerdinger main poke tool his Hextech Micro-Rockets, you will learn to love it more than your H-28G Evolution Turret.

Hextech Micro-Rockets are more reliable at Wave Clear than your H-28G Evolution Turret against matchups with heavy Wave Clear, like Ziggs, Xerath, Aurelion Sol as your H-28G Evolution Turret gonna have a hard time and here is why Cooldown Reduction builds excel at.

Item Builds with Cooldown Reduction increase the value of Heimerdinger passive as well providing him with enough tools to give him possible lane priority.

When poking an enemy champion try to open up the Hextech Micro-Rockets radius so that at least one rocket hits the enemy.

You can also try and take advantage of enemy laner minions being low health points to sneak in more damage from Hextech Micro-Rockets.
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