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Choose Champion Build:
The purplest support
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
his e is on the same cooldown your e is. he can stack his e. his e hurts more than you can heal. he can either lock you down or peel you away if he wishes it. maokai controls this lane, you are merely an inhabitant to his whims.
Why play lulu?
- Because you can go from sitting drinking tea with a vayne to on top of the enemy in moments and back if that doesn't work out
- Because you're almost impossible to engage on
- Because she has the best laugh in the game and some cool skins to boot
- Mostly, however, because she's plain fun to play, and a proper build can make you feel powerful and like you're orchestrating the game to your pointy hatted whims
I may not be a master 3 smurf ap top support lulu main but I play normals against golds and diamonds and have good confidence in my skills. so take it with a grain of salt if you like but my lulu is one of the good things in this toxic game.
- Amazing protection ability
- Lots of cc
- Keep a bugger alive stylishly and actually have them thank the support afterwards
- Dances and tea parties
- Tilting as hell to play against
- Spam laugh, not mastery
- Infinite kite, lead them fools back to your base like the pied piper while your team respawns
- Able to protect and work with all adc unless they're wood tier or cats sleeping on keyboards
- Super squishy
- Not the best dueling power
- Sometimes spend time sitting around waiting for teamfights to happen
- shield cooldown is static 10 seconds and relies on cdr to turn into permashields lategame
- weak chasing power
- lower base stats than other supports, relies on utility scalings but ap lulu keeps getting nerfed and hurting support lulu in the process
- shield can hit enemies as well as allies so aim it EXTREMELY carefully in dense teamfights

Her Passive

"Pix fires a barrage of 3 bolts, dealing a total of 15-117 (at levels 1-18) (+15% of ability power), at whomever Lulu attacks.
These bolts are homing but can be blocked by other units."
there are several unique things to note about this.
- it procs on every auto attack
- it is blocked by minions
- it maxes out at around 2.0 attack speed at which point it can start bugging out or just not do the damage you were hoping
- it has the same scaling as a
Nashor's Tooth being (+15% AP) but it has a higher base damage
This out the gate is part of what makes her so scary with hypercarries like

a secondary effect is lulu finds it incredibly easy to farm with this boost even with her sub par base ad. it also makes it easier on allies to farm so if you have mana to spare on shielding them so they can hit a few more minions, go for it. champions like

Her Q

"Cooldown: 7 Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 Range: 925
Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt that deals 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to the first target hit and applies an 80% slow which decays over 2 seconds. Additional targets hit are also slowed, but only take 70% of the damage.
An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt. If they are hit by both bolts, they will take damage equal to the highest damage bolt."
With ok base damages and scalings that are reduced as it hits a target, this is mostly used for its slow at any stage of the game, though if maxed first it can hurt quite a bit to those neglecting their MR treatments. It comes in 2 bolts; one from lulu, and one from the fairy friend that hovers a certain distance behind her.
This is quite an easy skillshot to hit clumped together because although it is quite thin it can be doubled up by walking sideways to the enemy which offsets the angle of the two lances, but in order to use it in combination with her e for maximum aoe slows can be quite tricky and is a big reason she is considered difficult to pick up and play.
This, like her passive are hampered by minion block and require her to move out of their protection and get within auto distance in order to be properly used, which is the big reason she doesn't like hook champions like

Her W

"Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 Cost: 65 Range: 650
On ally cast: Target ally gains 30% movement speed (+5% of ability power) and 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% bonus attack speed for 3 / 3.25 / 3.5 / 3.75 / 4 seconds.
On enemy cast: Polymorphs an enemy champion for 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 seconds, disabling their ability to attack or cast spells and reducing their base movement speed by 60."
one of the two dual nature point and click skills she possesses. On casting it on an ally it speeds them up slightly and also makes them hit faster. slapping this and an

Her E

"Cooldown: 10 Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 Range: 650
On Ally Cast: Commands Pix to jump to an ally and then follow and aid their attacks instead of Lulu's for 6 seconds. If the target is an allied champion, Pix shields them from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+60% of ability power) damage for 4 seconds.
On Enemy Cast: Pix deals 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+40% of ability power) magic damage to target enemy unit. Pix then follows and grants vision of them for 6 seconds."
This is what most of her kit revolves around. it moves pix to an ally (or enemy if you misclicked like a filthy pleb) and allows her to cast her Q from a new location and empowers whatever ally's auto attacks for a full 6 seconds (or just lets pix auto from a different direction if you miss-) and most importantly, it shields allies on a 10 seconds cooldown lowering to a 6-5.5 second cooldown depending on if you took

Oh and it also gives truesight and reveals stealthed units. You may not have known this as honestly it's a situational power. in those cases where you need to keep track of a

And now!

Her Ultimate Ability!

"Cooldown: 110 / 95 / 80 Cost: 100 Range: 900
Lulu enlarges her ally, knocking nearby enemies into the air. For 7 seconds her ally gains 300 / 450 / 600 (+50% of ability power) bonus health and slows nearby enemies by 30 / 45 / 60% for 7 seconds if they remain in its zone for the durataion.
This ability is pretty great, there's so much to it!
- an aoe knockup
- more healing
- a long *** aoe slow
- someone on your team is now sparkly and GIANT and staring everyone else down with their new extra health bar
This is what makes lulu so scary to assasins and in teamfights in general. zed ult? nope, ult whimsy send him running back through his shadow. nocturne ult? nope ult q break the spellshield whimsy and he's gone crying back to his soraka. Oh literally any champion of any amount tried to engage on you? nope. adc about to die? they're now back to full health and giant and scary and mowing down the enemy team to a 2v5 penta. nobody's dying on your team yet? get a 5 man ult on the enemy team that would make even the saltiest yasuo mains get slightly less salty.
Remember now the ult isn't a heal, it's bonus health. this means it isn't reduced by ignites, it cannot be reduced in effectiveness by things like "a full health bar" because it just adds what it needs on the top and third according to tradition it makes whoever is under the effects of bonus health massive for no reason other than it's cool.
Ashe Synergy: 7/10
Playing against is quite simple. if the

Caitlyn Synergy: 7/10

Playing against? get early boots. dodge EVERYTHING and don't step on the traps. get a support that can safely intercept things for you like

Corki Synergy: 5/10

Playing against is pretty easy, but once

Draven Synergy: 6/10

Playing against them will quickly become a pain but not unmanageable. Simply have the tank sit on the

Ezreal Synergy: 8/10

Playing against is all about exploiting their early game, especially if the ezreal goes tear early to stack up his manamune. Unfortunately their early game isn't as bad as it's made out to be. The biggest tips are don't let them poke you down with their q combos, don't stay anywhere near the

Graves Synergy: 3/10
Playing against them the

Jhin Synergy: 2/10

If you ever play against this, take advantage of the split team his ult will cause.

Jinx Synergy: 8/10
Playing against you'll need some help. Back off when the

Kalista Synergy: 7/10

- protection
- a tank to fling her ult into
- a range auto attack to proc her w and
- good engage and disruption to match hers

Playing against can be somewhat terrifying in teamfights. If you can survive their ult combo and there's no

Kog'Maw Synergy: 10/10

Playing against? DO NOT LET HIM HIT LATEGAME. If he has a

Lucian Synergy: 6/10

Playing against is different but not dissimilar to playing against a

Miss Fortune Synergy: 8/10

Playing against is highly tricky. Beware this lane as it is deceptively powerful. They can be farming their hearts out and suddenly turn on you with a well placed q combo for most of your health and the rest of it if you don't burn several summoners as they advance towards you. If she ults, Bring

Sivir Synergy: 7/10

Playing against dodge their poke and bait out

Tristana Synergy: 9/10

Playing against them will be a headache as soon as they hit 6 and past that. You'll need to pick them out of fights and deal with them seperately as they're both nigh on impossible to engage on and are very handy in teamfights. Don't give tristana her resets whatever you do.
Twitch Synergy: 9/10
Playing against is the same as other AOE carries: bring

Varus Synergy: 8/10
Playing against them is a matter of priorities. Do you want that one minion more or will you back off and wait while that

Vayne Synergy: 10/10

Same as

Xayah Synergy: 7/10?

Playing against? dodge the feathers, wait and bait out one or both ults if necessary and get someone tanky and sticky to keep them occupied so

Non Standard
Any Melee Carry Synergy: 4/10 to 8/10

Kindred Synergy: 9/10

You probably won't play against this but just follow my advice on

Quinn Synergy: 6/10

Playing against isn't really about the laning but more about NOT feeding the quinn and pinging MIA if she ever gets bored and tries roaming mid for kills. Bonus points if she takes tp because she thinks she'll be roaming and you can take her out in lane but it's hard to keep a good

Early Game
Early laning phase lulu has an ok trading ability. Her passive makes her autos sting but it's dangerous to try to invade a hyper defensive lane. My main combo is to catch them walking up to cs or ward a brush that I happen to be dancing in and AA Q AA, shielding myself beforehand if necessary and polymorphing them if they try to trade for longer than that and hurt more than I do. constantly be looking to deny the enemy AD of CS by punishing them as they walk up and eventually drawing the minion wave to your side of the river so it's too dangerous for them to get close and then proceeding to dance in front of wave after wave for as long as you can until the inevitable 5 man comes down bot because everyone took tp.
aggressive lulu maxing q synergises well with long ranged ADC such as

Mid Game
Mid game you'll want to be roaming around with at least 2 teammates, taking towers and objectives. lulu is very good at not only taking towers, but diving towers. she can provide a stream of shields and heals to have even the least hardy jungler look like a god of tower dives under her care, so don't be afraid to go for those kills. Shield maxing lulu is also very good at taking dragon with allies. Does not matter if they aren't quite the tankiest chap in the game with her low cooldown shields it'll be no problem to take objectives and come out healthy.
This is where things get fun. if you've followed the build thus far and brought your hypercarry friend along for the ride you are now the scariest thing on the map. it doesn't matter how many people try to kill your friends, you are there to shoot them full of fun bullets and turn them into little fuzzy bunnies. Proper management of her pix and passive are essential to proper teamfighting and knowing who to shield is not always easy. for reference check the portraits of your allies above the map.
If you want to make sure you shield them and don't just boop the enemy you can cast your skills onto the portraits themselves and lulu will move into range and do the rest. your shield range is actually pretty short and if they're deep in the enemy team it can be dangerous to move into range to shield them but you must soldier on, no matter if you die the teamfight must be won.
If you have bought both locket and redemption remember locket is instant but redemption has a delay, casting locket to give allies a respite before the redemption sets in is the safest way to duo the two skills.
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