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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This is probably your hardest match-up. He is squishy, but his lighting rush makes him very hard to catch, and his stun lets him escape even if you apprehend him when lighting rush is on cooldown. He also has easily enough damage to kill you, and his ult can stun your whole team in the late game. To have a chance of winning this lane, you must play VERY carefully. Farm as much as possible in the early game, and avoid as much harass as possible. If you are not behind by level 6, he will need to respect your burst from landing all your spells. If he does not, you can kill him from full health because he is so squishy. However, you will have to rely on him making a mistake to do much unfortunately.

+ High damage while still very tanky + It's hard to build defensive items to stop him + ![]() + ![]() + Great fun to play! |
Darius is an excellent champion, dealing high damage, but still being tanky enough to survive some hits. Darius can deal loads of true damage and and even gains armour pen from ![]() |
+ Weak to CC + No escape ability (or mobility in general) + Awful attack speed and no really viable items to increase it + It takes quite a long time to give an enemy 5 stakes of ![]() ![]() |
Darius does have some weaknesses though. He struggles to escape if ganked, (although if the laner and/or jungler are low enough, he can potentially double kill especially with the reset on ![]() |

9 x

9 x

3 x

This rune page is simple but very effective. I don't recommend any alternatives really, the only one that could be considered is replacing some of the marks with greater mark of armor penetration. However, since

For the second summoner spell, I recommend

It can be used on any allied targetable object except champions. Some lesser known things that you can


The only really viable alternative to

Best of all though is the "Noxian Might" effect. When you kill someone with

A high damage ability on an amazingly short cooldown and low mana cost! It does have quite a long cast time (0.75 seconds), in which the enemy can see that you're casting it and you can't cast anything else. This can be tricky to deal with, but it's not too hard with some practice. It even heals you! Specifically, it will restore 10% of your missing health per champion hit, up to 30%. This is great for making you win trades, and obviously can be huge in a teamfight. it's also one of the many things that make heath increasing items so good on

Finally, if the enemy is low enough to be killed by one

This ability also passively gives

The ability that

Pretty much the only thing that stops

Recasting now has no cost, and the ability loses it's base mana cost completely at level 3. It also completely resets it's cooldown on kill at level 3, instead of just being recastable for 20 seconds. Finally, as a bonus, when it kills a champion, all nearby minions and ordinary monsters will be feared. The enemy players probably will be too, but unfortunately not their champions.
The game is actually slightly inaccurate in determining whether

During an all-in in the laning phase, if you are about to die and

In teamfights you want to get your Noxian Might to trigger as soon as possible. The idea way to do this is to kill someone with

Starting Items
Usually the best starting items are

I don't recommend doran's items, mainly because they don't build into core items, and it seems a waste of gold to use them when there are fine starting items which do build into core items. However, if the enemy laner can harass you a lot with basic attacks or single target abilities (for example

First Complete Item
An excellent first item with health, AD, massive cooldown reduction and armour shred to go with your

Titanic hydra is a good second item, ensuring you damage remains strong whilst increasing your defenses. Note that the damage of the active and passive scale with max health, so they will get even stronger later. If you are losing or need resistances to survive facing a fed enemy, this item can be delayed until later (when it damage will be higher), focus on resistances as the black cleaver still gives enough damage to make you impossible to ignore. If on the other hand you are already ahead by at least three or four kills, then you can get

Mid and Late Game Items
If the early game was reasonably good or better, by now you should have completed

Upgrade your boots as soon as possible once skirmishes of several players from each team start to happen.

Other options are available though. If the enemy has loads of cc then

Finally, if you are losing and constantly having to defend your base, you can replace

These are usually the strongest resistance items for

Any elixir except

Situational Items
It's never a good idea to stick too rigidly to one set of items. There are many other items which work very well on

This is situational, but you will sometimes want a

One thing

This would normally replace

This would replace

The quicksilver active actually gets a bit of an upgrade on

As for when to actually upgrade to

If you're ahead or your team has other tanks, this can be used as your main magic resist item. Of course, it's focus is also on damage, but you will not struggle for magic resistance especially if this item is combined with

Armour and magic resist on the same item is very nice, but it doesn't give any health. However, if you feel you have enough health this can be the 6th item, and

If the enemy are full AD, this is a good replacement for your magical defensive item of

Not a very good item as

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