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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health

Hi, I'm Fruxo and welcome to my
Syndra guide. I've been playing LoL since September 2014 in Season 4 and have been maining different roles & champions since the day I started.
Syndra has always been one of my favorite champions and she's currently my one-trick at the moment. The top rank I've achieved is Diamond I in solo queue. If you have any questions or suggestions about the guide then feel free to leave a comment, I try to respond to everything. If you want to support me, an upvote or +rep would be very appreciated.

Before we begin, I'd like to give a big thank-you to Katasandra for her massive help with coding this guide (as well as my other guides). Always helping me make this guide look great but also as mobile-friendly as possible. Be sure to check out her how to write a guide tutorial & coding guide as well as her own guides!

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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As you might have already thought, ![]() ![]() |

✔ | Even just doing a simple Q+E combo will immediately proc this passive | |
✔ | You already gain 85 splinters from levels, it's adviced to farm and sidelane to level yourself and hit those spikes |
✘ | Don't naively try to stack the passive as soon as possible, it will stack itself in time |

- 1-3 Splinter(s) when damaging enemy champions - based on level
- 5 Splinters everytime you level an ability
- 1 Splinter on killing large minions

✔ | Easy to poke down opponents at max range, not getting any damage back as they try to walk up for a minion | |
✔ | There is no limit on how many spheres can be on the ground at a time |
✘ |
Can be used on terrain, but cannot be thrown there with ![]() |

You can't really effectively use any of your other abilities if you haven't used

✔ | Whatever you pick up will automatically get released if you do not use the ability within a certain time frame | |
✔ |
You can grab a target that is being teleported to with ![]() |
✘ |
This ability will always prioritize ![]() |

This ability is extremely useful for 2 things: Poke and Waveclear. It's a good poking tool as you can quickly throw a sphere or minion towards the enemy when they've been stunned by your other abilities (e.g. Q+E), making sure it's damage that will not miss. It's good for waveclear because it allows you to pick up minions and kill them elsewhere (To secure cannons & get passive stacks, if you're struggling to farm under tower or want to push the wave quickly by picking up minions).

✔ | You can push almost anything with this ability, whether that be minions, your spheres, monsters or other champions. |

✔ | Even if you die while casting the ability, the orbs will still fire but any remaining sphere will not |
✘ |
If the target is untargetable (e.g. ![]() ![]() |

It's also worth to note that the passive of this ability lets your

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Another underrated rune. This rune can be important because of how well ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Strong if used properly. Pick into easier matchups for an ultimate DMG increase & cooldown reduction. |
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Provides healing and any necessary sustain you'd require during the laning phase in order to survive. |
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The standard stat shards on ![]() ![]() ![]() |

This chapter features the items ![]() | |||||||||
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Starting Items
Her most common standard item as it provides a lot of durability and overall laning power since ![]() |
This is the most common potion to go together with ![]() |
If your team as a whole is behind, it'll be hard to deny or gain vision for an objective etc. if you can't contest it to begin with. In such cases, get ![]() |
First Base
The best basing scenario is when you can afford a 1k+ gold item (e.g. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||||||||
If you win the Feats of Strength and gain the ability to upgrade your ![]() |
Situational Items
This is the current strongest damage dealing item that you can run on this type of a control mage. ![]() ![]() |
Gives her a lot of necessary stats that all benefit you such as ability power and ability haste. It also provides movement speed which for a champion as immobile as ![]() |
This item is a must-have against AD matchups that can immediately kill you (e.g. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Get this when the enemy team is starting to build a lot of items that give magic resistance. Try to watch out for items like ![]() ![]() |
An incredibly common item to buy at this point just due to how often healing champions are picked & life steal items are bought (e.g. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A lesser equivalent to ![]() |

If you're completely new to midlane, this role won't be all too different from the other roles, yet gives more opportunities than most of the others due to the option of roaming around the map and what not. With that said, don't be frightened, once you learn the fundamentals of the role, it's actually much easier to manage. This section is rather large so here is an overview of all the general topics that will be covered: |
Early Game
Key points:
- Attempted to shove

- Did overextend and got ganked by

- Kha still managed to missplay my E and I managed to get a kill anyway
- Now I can back for a big gold advantage in base
Know when to trade and when to farm! In the earliest stages of the game it's all about competing and trading with your opposing laner. You'll be looking to both farm and trade with your opponent, either by harassing the enemy as they're walking up for minions or just last-hitting your own minions.
Make the wave push towards you! If possible you almost always want to make the wave push towards you, but not into tower. You want to find the middle ground where the wave is almost at your tower - this is because it lets you farm safely whilst removing yourself from getting ganked by the enemy jungler since you're so vulnerable without passive stacks.
Set-up good ganking options! Further elaborating on the previous point, by allowing the enemy laner to push the wave towards you, whether intentionally or unintentionally, it'll give you the ability to freeze it at your side of the lane and thus opens up a lot of really good ganking opportunities for your own jungler.
Make the wave push towards you! If possible you almost always want to make the wave push towards you, but not into tower. You want to find the middle ground where the wave is almost at your tower - this is because it lets you farm safely whilst removing yourself from getting ganked by the enemy jungler since you're so vulnerable without passive stacks.
Set-up good ganking options! Further elaborating on the previous point, by allowing the enemy laner to push the wave towards you, whether intentionally or unintentionally, it'll give you the ability to freeze it at your side of the lane and thus opens up a lot of really good ganking opportunities for your own jungler.
Don't let them farm for free! It's important to remember that even though ![]() ![]() |
Mid Game
Objectives, objectives, objectives! - Yes, kills and dragons are still important. But not more than towers. Taking down towers not only provides you gold but also cracks the map wide open. It gives your entire team a lot more room to play with. Always aim to assist your teammates when taking dragons, and try to take down the first midlane tower before moving onto a sidelane to take more towers.
Roaming! Never forget! During the mid game is where you really start to shine, try to look for any ways to roam to either sides of the map and help your other teammates. The further ahead you can get other lanes, the easier it'll be to contest objectives and thus the easier it'll be to win the game.
Sidelaning! One very important part about playing
Syndra is that most people tend to forget that she's incredibly good at sidelaning. With your waveclear, you should ALWAYS be sidelaning if there is not an immediate objective or teamfight/skirmish occuring in order to get stacks for your
Transcendent. This is where you'll be gaining most of your gold/exp and you should always aim to be safe when sidelaning.
Roaming! Never forget! During the mid game is where you really start to shine, try to look for any ways to roam to either sides of the map and help your other teammates. The further ahead you can get other lanes, the easier it'll be to contest objectives and thus the easier it'll be to win the game.
Sidelaning! One very important part about playing

Key points:
- Our bot tower is down
- My botlane went mid instead
- A skirmish breaks out mid but my team does not need me
- I farm the waves arriving on botlane because otherwise they're lost
- Make sure they're pushed to tower before I do anything else
Late Game
Dragon Soul Obtaining the dragon soul is usually the biggest win condition for most games. This is why dragons should always be prioritized early and often because of the stats they provide. Some individual dragons are less important to get than others but the dragon soul is always a buff your team should fight over by default. Also don't get tunnel vision, the dragon soul is way more important than a baron buff, not the other way around. |
Baron Nashor This is another common win condition that you can go for. If you're in the mid-game or the start of late game, try to look to do this objective! The buff will allow you to push your leads further by sieging towers or even end the game immediately. |
Elder Dragon If the game stalls out long enough, this will be your next important objective. Elder Dragon is way more important to get than the baron buff because of the execute. Try to look for fights after you get this objective. |
Atakhan This is another win condition that you can go for & will go for as a collective team as it's pretty massive. Spawns at minute 20 on the top side or bottom side of the river on the map. The location and his form are both dependant on which lane got the most kills during the first 14 minutes so, pay close attention to that. |
This chapter features all the combos that ![]() |
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This is a very common early combo you can make use of. Your range is incredibly strong and attempting to weave auto attacks inbetween your Q pokes is very strong for early health leads. Just make sure you're able to poke your opponent without getting too much damage back. |
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This combo is very useful to have before level 3. You can very easily stun your opponent and deal damage towards them without the fear of any damage coming back to you. It's very safe to use, just remember to track the enemy jungler when you decide to use this combo as it's the only time you'll actually be vulnerable. |
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This is your bread and butter combo for ANYTHING that you'll ever do. It's also the sole combo that makes up all your other main combos. Practicing this one in particular is very important to succeed on ![]() |
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An example of a 5-ball execute combo that deals almost the biggest amount of damage you're able to create (hence only 5 spheres being used). This is a very typical full combo you'll be using in almost all games that you play, so make sure to practice it well. |
An example of a 6-ball execute combo that deals nearly the most amount of damage possible (with the use of 6 spheres). This combo is harder to execute and also takes slightly longer to do as it requires some set-up beforehand compared to the 5-ball combo prior. However, it's always good to remember. |
An example of a 7-ball execute combo that deals the absolute most amount of damage possible (with the use of 7 spheres). This combo is extremely hard to execute properly as it just requires so much set-up beforehand compared to ones prior. It's also important that you use ![]() |
Laning Phase
Basic Laning vs Mages | |
When it comes to ranged mages in the lane, they all have a very similar play pattern that you can use to strategize and play around. This is called the "trading stance" which is one of the most important concepts of laning in general. Essentially it is trading with someone when they are trying to get CS. You want to be able to position yourself in such a way that you can hit the enemy with a ![]() ![]() By using the trading stance you'll alone force the enemy laner to make a very clear decision that WILL cause them one positive and one negative outcome. Either they a) Take the harass from your abilities and last-hit the minion or b) Take the trade and miss the last-hit on the minion. There are many champions and abilities that change the dynamic of this concept, especially within midlane, but the core concept always stays the same. Another concept that can be used against you in lane is either forcing you away from minions or forcing you into minions. Let's take ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There are some champions that break this concept of thinking when it comes to lane positioning. Some matchups such as ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Basic Laning vs Melee | |
When you're playing against a melee midlaner, your playstyle will change from taking small winning trades using the "trading stance" to playing around windows of skill and the opponents mistakes. ![]() You want to prioritize using auto attacks and ![]() Some examples of level 3 trades to look out for is ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Freezing is very commonly done against assassins/melee matchups because of the ability to freely poke them using the "trading stance" - the act of trading with someone when they are trying to get CS, whilst making it almost near impossible for them to trade with you. If they attempt to break your freeze, they risk themselves of getting ganked by your jungler. Make sure to place lane wards to see if and where they roam though. It is important to understand which melee matchups are easier to abuse than others. For an example, if you're facing a ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Other melee champions that absolutely loves to roam - like ![]() |
General Laning Tips
a) Do they have mobility spells? | |
Some champions have key spells that allow them to escape from tough situations. Let's take ![]() ![]() ![]() |
b) Is their ultimate available? | |
You should always keep track of ultimates and honestly just abilities in general - ultimates are even more dangerous than normal abilities. Once an enemy has used their ultimate, keep track of when it was last used and use it to your advantage due to its long cooldown. Let's take ![]() ![]() |
c) What summoner spells do they have? | |
Always track your opponents summoner spells - this should always be common sense. What spells do they have, and how can those affect you and your all-ins? Can I still kill a ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
d) Do they have hard CC? | |
Self-explanatory, does your opponent have hard CC that can be trivial in their survival within the lane? Let's take ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jungle Tracking
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In order to proceed with the laning phase, you must know where the enemy is located to plan out what you intend to do. After all, you cannot kill a laner that is safe and you can't push a wave that isn't in your favor. For this concept to work, you'll need either proper vision set-up and/or even foresight of the enemy jungler & their pathing.
Vision set-up is when you ward camps in advance before the game starts in order to know ahead of time when the enemy jungler will pass by that camp. For example you can ward their Red to see where they start or Wolves/Raptors at 1:30 to check if they pass by it later, limiting where they could possibly be.
Foresight is when you already know the enemy jungler's pathing and where they'll start. To know their pathing, you must think like the enemy jungler. If you were them, where would you start & what would you do? For example,
Twitch will mostly always start Red & proceed to get a gank off in a lane afterwards.
There are rare situations to these concepts, which is any high-AoE jungler such as
Kayn &
Zac, that can start a variety of unpredictable clears. Or there are junglers who likes to steal camps immediately as fast as the first camp such as
Nunu & Willump or
Ivern. There are also junglers who are fine with starting from either side and doesn't have a specific kind of clear.
Vision set-up is when you ward camps in advance before the game starts in order to know ahead of time when the enemy jungler will pass by that camp. For example you can ward their Red to see where they start or Wolves/Raptors at 1:30 to check if they pass by it later, limiting where they could possibly be.
Foresight is when you already know the enemy jungler's pathing and where they'll start. To know their pathing, you must think like the enemy jungler. If you were them, where would you start & what would you do? For example,

There are rare situations to these concepts, which is any high-AoE jungler such as

Tempo is a term that comes from chess and has been ported to many other scenarios. In chess, each move is called one tempo and when you are able to use less moves then your opponent to achieve something, you won a tempo (or more than one). You can translate this to league in many ways: If you push a large wave into the enemy tower and then roam you're gaining tempo on your opponent, if you push your wave and then help out your jungler who's invading you also gain tempo, if you're pushing out your wave to make sure your opponent cannot roam is also tempo - this all means you have a tempo advantage to freely do whatever you want. If you're aimlessly roaming without achieving anything meaningful whilst your opponent is farming or roaming elsewhere and getting something, you are losing tempo and your opponent is gaining tempo and so forth. The essentials of the term is basically time. Learning how much time it takes to do something and how much that actually saves or gets you ahead in the grand scheme of things. Having item advantages/disadvantages is also a form of tempo. You can afford to spend less time pushing your lane if you have an item advantage because you'll not only out damage your opponent but also clear the wave quickly. On the flipside you'll spend larger amounts of time pushing your lane if you are at an item disadvantage and may lose out on the tempo that it brings. There are a ton of different factors that all play their own parts when it comes to tempo and I would advice to start with focusing on matchups that you encounter and how you can play around them. There will be some matchups that you can play around much easier and get leads. |
Midlane 101
This chapter will feature a few more midlane aspects that you can make use of in your own games if you're interested in becoming a lot better at the midlane role or simply want ways to get small leads or advantages. |
Lane Priority
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It's another term for lane dominance. It's decided by whoever is able to gain control of the lane and aggressively shove it in their favor, basically meaning whoever has the winning lane that can sufficiently waveclear, we can use
Vi as the example on the left.
Why does this matter? When your jungler moves into enemy jungle territory or simply contesting scuttle crabs, they're at risk of getting collapsed on by the enemy lanes. However, if you have lane priority, you can effectively back them up first & give them help on their invade. You lose nothing in return for aggressively pushing your lane in your favor whilst the enemy has to choose between losing a minion wave of exp & gold to tower or giving you an advantage such as killing the rival jungler, stealing camps or getting tons of vision for your team.
The things your jungler can do on the map is somewhat of a blockage by the strength of their solo lanes. If the laners can back them up, they can safely proceed with anything they want to do and achieve significant gains & leads with minimal risk of any disadvantages.
Having this said, getting collapsed on when they're in enemy territory does happen way less in lower elos compared to higher elos where both junglers and laners are more knowledgeable.

Why does this matter? When your jungler moves into enemy jungle territory or simply contesting scuttle crabs, they're at risk of getting collapsed on by the enemy lanes. However, if you have lane priority, you can effectively back them up first & give them help on their invade. You lose nothing in return for aggressively pushing your lane in your favor whilst the enemy has to choose between losing a minion wave of exp & gold to tower or giving you an advantage such as killing the rival jungler, stealing camps or getting tons of vision for your team.
The things your jungler can do on the map is somewhat of a blockage by the strength of their solo lanes. If the laners can back them up, they can safely proceed with anything they want to do and achieve significant gains & leads with minimal risk of any disadvantages.
Having this said, getting collapsed on when they're in enemy territory does happen way less in lower elos compared to higher elos where both junglers and laners are more knowledgeable.
Playing from Ahead
Let's say you were the one that solo killed the enemy laner or you were getting a gank that worked and you’re now ahead of your enemy laner. Now you're 1-0 and wondering what to do next in order to be able to use your lead to the best way possible. Firstly, because you’re ahead you can start to snowball your enemy laner. You should be able to kill them easily 1v1 at any moment thanks to you already being ahead of them. With this said, you can win lane and carry the game but you still need to be careful not to die yourself or from a gank as one of those can put your lead back to zero instantly. Try to look for roams, but keep in mind that your wave needs to be pushed into the enemy laners turret before looking to roam to another lane. This is because your wave will push back towards you when you’re done roaming, which means you won’t lose that much CS and you’re able to catch the wave as you’re getting back. All of this, and you’re able to put your other lanes ahead by giving them a roam. Having this said, don’t force roams, if your wave is pushed and you can’t see any lanes that is roamable, then don’t do it. Just stay in lane and continue farming up. Keep in mind! The strongest and most important factor to keep in mind, is to not lose your lead. This basically means you shouldn’t casually just go in and risk dying as you’ll give the enemy a bounty when you die which can give them a lot of gold and get them back in the game. You need your lead in order to be able to carry your team, if you lose it, who’s the one that’s going to be able to win the game for you? |
Playing from Behind
Let's change the situation now. Let's say you got solo killed early by the enemy laner or got ganked by the enemy jungler. Now you're staring at your 0-2 score and wondering if it's even possible or worth the effort to get back into the game at all. And of course there is many ways to get back. First of all let’s say you got solo killed, because you’re already behind you need to keep in mind that you shouldn’t try to all-in the enemy laner because they’re way stronger than you and you’re going to lose. You can trade however, only do so when you know that you can easily hit your abilities in order to get your combo off so that you can back off after it to avoid damage that can put you more behind. You’ll need to try and freeze the lane near your turret so that you're able to safely pick up CS. Like i’ve just mentioned, this goes the exact same when it comes to ganks. Because you’ve just gotten ganked and you died because of it. The first thing to do is to play passive so that you can avoid the risk of getting ganked once more, this means no aggressive trades. This is because if you do get ganked again and you die yet again, it’s going to be even harder to get back into the game. If it gets really difficult to lane then you can also try to call your Jungler to come and gank you in hopes that you'll be able to get back. Keep in mind! Generally speaking, once you’re put behind which is either from getting solo killed, ganked or generally messing up the laning phase. Your first choice is always to play passive and put all of your focus into farming instead of trying to trade with the enemy. Keep in mind that about 15 CS is the same as getting one kill, so even if you’re 0-3 and the enemy is 3-0, you can get back just by farming the lane and pinging your teammates to back whenever your laner wants to look for roams. |
Having a Game Plan
When you think about it, League isn't actually that different from any normal Card game such as Legends of Runeterra. In both games you'll always have certain factors that are fully under your control and factors that have an element of uncertainty that you may have zero influence in changing. For example, you have full control over the cards that you put into your deck before you look for a match and you'll already have an idea of what cards are out there so that you can optimize your own deck for the popular decks you're expecting to face. However, until you actually play against your opponent, anything is possible. |
In League of Legends, your "deck" would be similar to your ability to choose your main role, your champion and your rune pages. At Champion select, apart from getting auto-filled or having your champion banned, you’re generally able to get the champion you want. However, outside of making suggestions or requests, the champions that your allies choose are completely out of your control. |
When the game begins, you have to play to the best of your ability in relation to the game state presented to you. Sometimes, everything goes well & you get all the cards you need - You kill your opponent, get a lead and the game is in your hands. Other times, everything goes badly & you don't get good cards whilst your opponent seemingly hits every card they need - Same as starting the game losing your lane horribly at 0-3. So, how can you consistently succeed when there is so much variability between games? The key is having a game plan, to know what you're going to do next before you even arrive to that point in the game. |
You should know by now how hectic League can get. Sometimes weird stuff happens and a champ that should be weak early gets insanely strong or a champ that is strong early fails miserably. For these cases you have to adapt to the state of the game. One example of good game plans is from looking at pro-play. Solo queue is, of course, a lot more disorganized so sometimes you'll just have to work with what you got. Just make sure to pay attention to the loading screens & look at tab often, evaluate all the information at your disposal. |
Playing to your Win Conditions
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A win condition are a set of goals that you’re trying to achieve because they represent the best path to attain victory. It guides your thought process & can change as the game goes on. Try to think of it as your Plan A > can lead to Plan B > C and so forth. Achieving these doesn’t always guarantee victory as your opponents will also fulfill their own win conditions. In general, if you follow your win con, you’ll have a higher chance of winning.
Example, you have a
Riven that's getting roasted up top whilst your
Lucian &
Braum is winning their lane at bot. Your win condition is playing safe and getting bot further ahead and continuing to snowball even harder. You should not die or roam top period. She won't get back into the game with ganks alone & you're putting yourself at risk of dying as well.
Riven will have to accept that she's weak side, whilst you're making the strong side even stronger and vice versa. Just accept one lane is going to be weak and gank the stronger side instead.
Seeing the win cons in champions is another factor. For example,
Draven who is fully centered on dominating the early game into a victory is completely different from a
Vayne who is weak and would rather play safe & farm early instead of fighting and wasting time. Seeing these win cons will come with time but it's good to keep in mind.
Getting objectives such as a tower/dragon can also be a very important goal. It'll never guarantee victory but it'll be able to give you a higher chance of reaching it.
Example, you have a

Seeing the win cons in champions is another factor. For example,

Getting objectives such as a tower/dragon can also be a very important goal. It'll never guarantee victory but it'll be able to give you a higher chance of reaching it.
Generally speaking, roaming to other lanes is very situational. If you're in an even lane, you can shove the cannon wave and the next one (thereby guaranteeing it gets under turret) and then roam while out of sight of your opposing laner. This gives you a higher chance of having a finished roam and getting back to lane before the next cannon dies. |
If your jungler is currently dead you can also go to a "free kill lane" by yourself, however, make sure you know where the enemy jungler is so you don't accidentally run into them. With this in mind, don't roam after you've just gotten a kill as you likely carry a lot of gold on you and have depleted ressources. Giving away your lead is one of the easiest ways to lose a game. |
A lot of the top tier players rarely roam. This is because making a bad roam is so detrimental that it'd be better to stay in lane and maintain whatever advantage you already have. A good example of consistent play is watching replays of Dopa. For example, even in games where he's 10/0, he just doesn't really roam. He doesn't even frequently smash his lane like 10/0. He just plays consistently, keeps up with the "optimal" pacing (e.g. 10 cs/min), and reacts well to enemy mistakes. Even though his entire team is getting smashed, he's slightly ahead, but he never roams even when it seems like they're about to lose. Because he doesn't waste time on failed roams, he's able to make the ridiculous turnaround when the enemy team finally makes a mistake that he's in position to capitalize on. |
In the end it depends on who you ask. For some people the answer is never. That's right, never. Even top tier challenger mid laners tend to follow the same logic sometimes. Instead of roaming, they walk through the brush mid lane towards one of the other lanes, and simply back, or wait a few seconds and then come back into the lane. You see, you don't actually have to show up bot or top to have a presence. The moment you go missing and your mid laner starts spamming "enemy missing!" pings or the bot lane checks the minimap and sees you aren't mid, they are gonna play back. Just being a presence is a very very powerful tool. |
It's like having half of Evelynn's kit with you at all times. Most of her presence isn't even in her ganks so much as it is the fear of not having an idea of where you are. They have to have a healthy fear of you, otherwise they'll be killed. This helps you as well as you get all the presence of "roaming" without actually having to devote any time to doing it at all, you can just back, buy items and shove out the lane when you get back or sit in the brush and bait recalls/roams and then punish them by shoving into their turret. What I mean to say is, roaming isn't as black and white as people make it seem. It's not really do I go bot or do I not? It's how can I influence the game in my favor? |
When Ahead | |
When control mages are ahead, there’s nothing really stopping them apart from their own greediness. Since you can do a lot of burst damage, it's better to focus on backline targets if they're overextended. However, since ![]() |
When Even | |
Just like before, ![]() |
When Behind | |
When you are behind, you will lack burst damage. This is why you should only really be focusing the enemy frontline rather than the backline at all. If you were to get caught out of position when using your ultimate on the ADC for example, you may throw the entire fight. If you're already behind, it's not about carrying, it's only about enabling your team to win- even if that means taking unorthodox methods to gain a victory such as poking, sitting on top of your carry to protect them or otherwise. Just remember, if you do manage to get behind, you don’t have to burst someone down. It’s all about dealing damage to whoever you can while you can. |
Wave Management
This chapter goes over anything you'd want to know about wave management or otherwise named wave manipulation. During the lane you'll always have some sort of ways to manipulate waves every single game, same as the other lanes. It's mainly a set of guidelines to help you understand what to do in order to help yourself get ahead and remove possibilities of getting behind. |
Slow Pushing
Key Points:
- Make sure to last-hit minions
- While the minions are slowly killing eachother I'm able to ward
- Barely miss any minions
- Next wave comes exactly in the middle of the lane
- The lane is now slowly pushing, I have 10 minions while they have the standard 6.
The art of slowly pushing waves towards your opponent's tower whilst harassing the enemy in the process. Slow pushing is mostly used to create big waves and apply pressure - especially against midlane matchups that cannot contest it and risk the chance of losing multiple waves of minions in the process.
What does it do? This form of manipulation will allow your minions to take much less damage compared to the enemy minions, and as a result, your minions will be able to slowly push the wave to the enemy tower. This is because your minions will last longer and not die quickly because they will always have the numbers advantage over the enemy.
Why is it important? Slow pushing is a term that is used in this sense of gameplay because your minions will – even with the numbers advantage, still take some time to kill the enemy minions. When you're not able to freeze the wave, you want to deny as much gold/exp as you're able to from the opponent and slow pushing waves is a great concept to accomplish just that.
What does it do? This form of manipulation will allow your minions to take much less damage compared to the enemy minions, and as a result, your minions will be able to slowly push the wave to the enemy tower. This is because your minions will last longer and not die quickly because they will always have the numbers advantage over the enemy.
Why is it important? Slow pushing is a term that is used in this sense of gameplay because your minions will – even with the numbers advantage, still take some time to kill the enemy minions. When you're not able to freeze the wave, you want to deny as much gold/exp as you're able to from the opponent and slow pushing waves is a great concept to accomplish just that.
You should slow push when...
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You should not slow push when...
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Fast Pushing
Key Points:
- Both me and the enemy laner is extremely low
- My

- With them here I can push the wave as quick as possible without losing CS
- Now I can get a good recall despite the bad lane phase
Fast pushing is a form of manipulation that is used to create immediate and attention seeking behavior that needs to be addressed quickly by the enemy. Without this, enemies could take liberty and be gone for a long time without missing much. Fast pushing is used to force the enemy to make split decisions that may not be fully thought through.
In order to push a wave fast - you need to kill all the minions as quickly as you possibly can. You should look to use your auto attacks as well as your abilities to make the wave clearing much quicker to perform and make use of.
Pushing waves requires only one thing - more minions. The more minions you have compared to the enemies, the faster and more powerful the push will be. If you're clearing every minion the enemy has and only yours remain, they'll push very quickly to the opponent's tower.
In order to push a wave fast - you need to kill all the minions as quickly as you possibly can. You should look to use your auto attacks as well as your abilities to make the wave clearing much quicker to perform and make use of.
Pushing waves requires only one thing - more minions. The more minions you have compared to the enemies, the faster and more powerful the push will be. If you're clearing every minion the enemy has and only yours remain, they'll push very quickly to the opponent's tower.
You should fast push when...
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You should not fast push when...
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Key Points:
- I have more health than the opponent
- They have to recall
- I have more minions shoving to my tower
- I drag the minions towards the side
- I hold them there to setup a freeze on next wave
- Even though it's slightly improperly done (3 minions instead of 4-5) -- it's still a good showcase of how to set one up.
Freezing is one of the more complicated types of manipulation to perfect as it requires a lot more work because you have to constantly manipulate the wave in your favor whilst keeping an eye on your opponents. When freezing, you want to be able to zone the enemy off the farm and make them overextend if they want to get any farm.
If you want to freeze the wave - all you need to do is have at least 4+ enemy minions comparative to yours and last-hit the enemy minions at the last possible second. Sounds simple right? Well…it’s going to get a bit more complicated. Whenever the enemy damages a minion through either auto attacks or ability use outside of last-hitting, you will need to match their damage. This is because your allied minions will die quicker as they have less health and as a result, the enemies wave will be pushing towards you.
Due to having to match the damage - all the minions will die at roughly the same time which prevents the wave from pushing in either direction – thus creating the freeze. If you didn’t match the damage, or you start randomly auto attacking the minions, then the wave will not freeze and instead start pushing in a direction you may not like. Attack too little, and the wave will push against you. Attack too much, and it’ll push towards the enemy.
If you want to freeze the wave - all you need to do is have at least 4+ enemy minions comparative to yours and last-hit the enemy minions at the last possible second. Sounds simple right? Well…it’s going to get a bit more complicated. Whenever the enemy damages a minion through either auto attacks or ability use outside of last-hitting, you will need to match their damage. This is because your allied minions will die quicker as they have less health and as a result, the enemies wave will be pushing towards you.
Due to having to match the damage - all the minions will die at roughly the same time which prevents the wave from pushing in either direction – thus creating the freeze. If you didn’t match the damage, or you start randomly auto attacking the minions, then the wave will not freeze and instead start pushing in a direction you may not like. Attack too little, and the wave will push against you. Attack too much, and it’ll push towards the enemy.
You should freeze when...
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You should not freeze when...
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Seeing as you're a Midlaner, most of the times you won't have the biggest possibilities to just casually walk around the map and place wards. More often than not, that'll be the role of your Support to accomplish instead. With that said, there are still some places and situations where you'll either have the need or the time to place down your ![]() ![]() Here are some good warding spots you can use (click the images to enlarge them): |
Level 1 Wards
These wards will give you information on rival jungler's early pathing. If they start on red side they'll either cross over this ward from Krugs to do Raptors or skip and do wolves. If they don't cross over the ward, it's likely they started blue side and you can ping this to your jungle to make use of this information. |
Typical ward spots I use a lot in my games. Especially good against early rival junglers like ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Defensive Wards
Primarily has 2 purposes for existing. First off it can detect if the rival jungler is invading your jungler's Raptors/Red and second off it'll also make sure to notify your team if the enemy midlaner is trying to roam towards botlane or toplane (through the jungle instead of the river). |
Opposite warding spots that provide the same purpose as the aforementioned ones but for the other side of the map and specifically river. If you're against a jungler that likes to invade very often, you can also opt to put these wards down to prepare for that in advance. |
Lane Wards
The popular warding spot being used with ![]() |
Place down ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
These are called "lane wards" as they're placed right in the face of the lane. The purpose of these is to be able to see if the opposing midlaner wants to roam or not (especially if you are freezing at your tower and is ahead). Think of laners like ![]() ![]() |
These provide the closest amount of vision to you from the two brushes nearest to midlane. However, it's worth to keep in mind that these aren't the greatest protection and doesn't cover everything (the same way a ward in either of the pixel brushes would be able to do). |
Offensive Wards
Will spot the rival jungler's pathing towards either Raptors or Red but also if they were to path towards blue side instead. Gives a lot of valuable information you can use to prepare for invades since you'll be able to know which camps are up and where the jungler could theoretically be. |
If you feel confident the enemy jungler is not at this area or your jungler already invaded them once, you could opt to put these wards down. It'll be able to spot the jungler on the red side of the map, whilst also making sure to get info whether Red buff is up or not. Can mainly be used to set-up invade opportunities for your jungler or general information about where the enemy jungler could go next. |
Typically only placed after a successful invade from your jungler as it's very deep in enemy territory. However, this ward brings a lot of good information for the future, such as the timer for the wolves camp, if the jungler is gonna be on that side, if they're not on that side (the camp is still up). |
It'll give information whether the enemy jungler is trying to clear their Blue buff but it'll also show them on the same ward if they're trying to clear their Gromp as well. Still gives decent information on what camps are available and where the jungler could be. I would typically land one of these wards on my way back from roaming to toplane or botlane. Just quickly ward and instantly recall or walk back to lane if you don't have to. |
Objective Wards
Very useful ward locations if you're trying to prepare for an objective and want vision around the objective to spot enemies trying to lurk around. Putting down a ![]() ![]() |
The most common ![]() |
If you didn't buy any ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Welcome to the matchup section. Below is a table depicting the difficulties of the matchups. Please keep in mind that these difficulties are solely based on my opinion. Matchup difficulty also depends on your skill and the skill of the opponents. |
Champion | Difficulty | ||||||||||||
Aatrox | |||||||||||||
Ahri | |||||||||||||
Akali | |||||||||||||
Akshan | |||||||||||||
Anivia | |||||||||||||
Annie | |||||||||||||
Aurelion Sol | |||||||||||||
Aurora | |||||||||||||
Azir | |||||||||||||
Brand | |||||||||||||
Cassiopeia | |||||||||||||
Corki | |||||||||||||
Diana | |||||||||||||
Draven | |||||||||||||
Ekko | |||||||||||||
Ezreal | |||||||||||||
Fizz | |||||||||||||
Galio | |||||||||||||
Gangplank | |||||||||||||
Garen | |||||||||||||
Gragas | |||||||||||||
Heimerdinger | |||||||||||||
Hwei | |||||||||||||
Irelia | |||||||||||||
Jayce | |||||||||||||
Kai'Sa | |||||||||||||
Karma | |||||||||||||
Karthus | |||||||||||||
Kassadin | |||||||||||||
Katarina | |||||||||||||
Kayle | |||||||||||||
LeBlanc | |||||||||||||
Lissandra | |||||||||||||
Lucian | |||||||||||||
Lux |

Congratulations! You’ve finally been able to reach the end of my insanely long guide on ![]() ![]() ![]() It might happen that I've missed some things so feel free to let me know. Just leave a comment or send me a PM and I'll fix things up for you! If you have any objections to my build’s content, comment in the discussion section! I’ll be more than happy to hear your side of the argument. If you think I'm wrong, please don’t hesitate to correct me. I want this guide to be as accurate as possible in order to help as many people as I can when it comes to this champion, and I will update it if I do end up agreeing with you! I'd always love criticism as long as it's helpful to me so that I can make this guide even better to help more players looking to play ![]() If you enjoyed the guide, then please like mentioned before an upvote or a +rep will always be appreciated as it'll always help me and it’ll be an indicator to let me know that my guide has been helpful to you, as it’s what I wanted to do in the first place. I really enjoyed making this guide and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as well. Good luck out there and I hope you reach the desired rank you're looking for! Good luck out there in the rift! | ||
I'd like to thank Jovy for taking the time to make the beautiful looking banners and titles for this guide and in most of my other ones as well! Be sure to check out some of her other work at her guides and her signature shop! ❤
I would like to thank Katasandra yet again for helping me with anything related to BBCoding both to make it fit for users that view the guide on PC but also for ones that view it on mobile. Also for helping me a lot in the past with anything. Make sure to check out her guides! ❤
I would also like to thank Hoppermh for giving me a lot of ideas and inspirations about how to further improve my code for the Matchups section. Make sure to check out her imagination shop! ❤
And lastly, I would like to thank Silverman43 for helping me create a few of the images that you can find throughout the guide, most notably the ones for "tracking the enemy jungler". Make sure to check out his guides! ❤
I'd also like to thank the following people for helping me improve my guide even more: |
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