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Choose Champion Build:
Thought You Run From Mundo?[Patch 9.2]
Mundo is Lost in Jungle?
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Dear lord this chick, I can't even. Wait for your team or die trying for a fight. I have never fought such a nuisance.

So basically,

Infected Bonesaw is great for Staying on a Target.
Maximum Dosage allows him to tank AlOT and can also be used to chase someone down.
-Is a Late Game MONSTER.
Goes Where He Pleases gives him great sustain.
Ignited on can put you on death row.
-Can easily be caught out if not map aware.(Although you still have a bit of a chance to get out)
-Very slow attack speed so you really have to rely on your
Infected Bonesaw and other passive items that dish damage.
-Poor Ganking Potential.
-Also as you may have noticed there is a lack of
Boots, mainly because I never let people get away but it also makes you slower.


-Is a Late Game MONSTER.


-Can easily be caught out if not map aware.(Although you still have a bit of a chance to get out)
-Very slow attack speed so you really have to rely on your

-Poor Ganking Potential.
-Also as you may have noticed there is a lack of

So we start and max


Last we max his

You got

Tip: Use you're

This is the Jungle Skill Sequence:
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why don't you take Revitalize, it gives huge bonuses to your healing factor?" and you're right, it does, but we have to think about the numbers for a minute.
Dr. Mundo already gains 100% of his HP back over the entire duration once his ultimate hits level 3. *It doesn't heal him until he's full, just the exact number his HP is at. So if you have 3,000 HP, you will heal 3,000 HP(without
Spirit Visage or
Mortal Reminder/
Morellonomicon factored in.)
Revitalize: gives 5% more to healing & 10% more when below 40%, which is when you'll always pop your ultimate, hopefully.
This also gives you a minor boost to the HP you receive from landing your Q -
Infected Bonesaw, so it's not always a steep drop.
You also have a passive that heals you over time.
Overgrowth grants .2% Max HP for every 8 Minions or Monsters you kill or die in your vicinity. That means for every 1 wave & 1 minion worth, you're gaining .2% HP, no matter where you are, as long as you're around them when they die.
Even more Specifically, 32 minions or monsters that die around you grant you 1% of your Max HP, & for
Dr. Mundo & this build, 1% is pretty great for your ultimate,
Maximum Dosage in the Late game, when you're pushing 4k HP & when paired with the bonus 135HP you get at level 18 from the Resolve Tree, it can make a difference when you press R.
Realistically, if you are a skilled laner or enjoyed farming, you'd get 3-4% bonus HP for being around 98-130 dead minions, but ideally, you'll be wanting to roam around with your
Teleport. No worries though, you still pick up health stacks during this time period.
Overgrowth increases Max HP per 8 minions,
Revitalize increases Healing by 5% or 10% below 40% HP.
Both are good. Pick one.
Bone Plating &
Second Wind only make the most sense in the balancing act.
Bone Plating: grants you damage reduction for the next 3 spells after taking a hit.
Second Wind: heals back 4% of your Missing HP over 10 Seconds.
Do you see how well these two go hand in hand?
The Secondary Rune Path, Precision, is a very good choice for
Dr. Mundo for 2 reasons:
Reason 1. He gets
Overheal: Excess Healing on you becomes a Shield. What do shields do? Block damage from your health bar.
Reason 2. He gets
Legend: Tenacity: Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Tenacity. (This pairs extremely well with
Dr. Mundo's W -
Heart Zapper because of the huge amount of Tenacity they both grant at a single time. This also reduces the need for
Mercury's Treads & allows you to build either another tank item or
Ninja Tabi, for more time under the tower.)
I guess a technical Third Reason would be the 9% Attack Speed you gain from the tree so his Autos gain a bit more precision, paired with his E -
Blunt Force Trauma, which increases your 1 v 1 potential & pushing/farming.
A viable mention(s):
Demolish: Wait a duration while under turret & deal bonus damage to said turret.
(This is a decent rune if you feel you're going to be an aggressive laner.
Dr. Mundo is a double edged sword in this regard because he has the stats to deal mega damage to Towers & the health & sustain to Dive them or outlive a gank. The part that bites back is that it isn't hard to keep
Dr. Mundo latched down so he can't escape to safety if need be.)
Font of Life: Movement Impairing Effects applied to a target(s) grants healing to anyone who attacks said target.
(This is really good if you want to progress even more as a team player. You're already a walking slab of meat that anyone can rely on to take some shots for, so why not?)
Conditioning: After 10m, gain 8 armor & 8 magic resist then increase both stats by 5%.
This is an amazing rune on any tank. (What makes a tank a really good one? The ability to take more hits than his HP bar in damage. I recommend this rune if not Second Wind.)
Triumph: Refund 12% of your Missing HP & gain 20 more gold on a kill.(Not sure if it applies on assists as well, but if so, this is an excellent choice.)
Coup de Grace: Deal more damage to low hp enemies. (This increases your kill factor a bit. Your
Infected Bonesaw's won't lose too much effect when the opponents HP gets lower, as well as the big damage your
Blunt Force Trauma will do. Also not sure if your
Heart Zapper damage increases per tick but if so, the more the merrier, right?)
Domination Secondary Tree:
Cheap Shot: Deal true Damage to enemies with Impaired Movements. (Another good skill for your 1v1 skirmishes. Opens up huge damage for your
Infected Bonesaw +
Blunt Force Trauma combo.)
Relentless Hunter &
Ultimate Hunter are also amazing choices in their own respective reasoning.
Relentless Hunter: Grants 8 Movement Speed for killing a unique enemy(up to 5; 40 Movement Speed). (This means you kill everyone once & you get an amazing buff to your movement speed, which
Dr. Mundo lacks.)
Ultimate Hunter: Decreases your Ultimate CD by 5% and then by 2% per Unique Enemy killed after(Up to 4 for a total of 13% Ultimate CDR. It also Stacks MULTIPLICATIVELY with other items that grant CDR.) <--- More
Dr. Mundo
Maximum Dosage Spams = More Dives = More Team Play.
In the Inspiration Tree, there's
Approach Velocity, which grants you 15% Movement Speed when you run at a target you've impaired or an ally who's been impaired.

This also gives you a minor boost to the HP you receive from landing your Q -

You also have a passive that heals you over time.

Even more Specifically, 32 minions or monsters that die around you grant you 1% of your Max HP, & for

Realistically, if you are a skilled laner or enjoyed farming, you'd get 3-4% bonus HP for being around 98-130 dead minions, but ideally, you'll be wanting to roam around with your


Both are good. Pick one.

Do you see how well these two go hand in hand?
The Secondary Rune Path, Precision, is a very good choice for

Reason 1. He gets

Reason 2. He gets

I guess a technical Third Reason would be the 9% Attack Speed you gain from the tree so his Autos gain a bit more precision, paired with his E -

A viable mention(s):

(This is a decent rune if you feel you're going to be an aggressive laner.

(This is really good if you want to progress even more as a team player. You're already a walking slab of meat that anyone can rely on to take some shots for, so why not?)

This is an amazing rune on any tank. (What makes a tank a really good one? The ability to take more hits than his HP bar in damage. I recommend this rune if not Second Wind.)

Domination Secondary Tree:

In the Inspiration Tree, there's

I've always preferred to just
Infected Bonesaw the minions to death because it kills them faster and you stay out of range of an attacker. You can go ahead and get up close and personal without the risk of being attacked. It's also good that the distance
Dr. Mundo can throw his
Infected Bonesaw is a pretty decent range.
Notes: Throwing your
Infected Bonesaw's instead of basic attacking minions will also keep you out of the lake view so they wont be able to catch you if you're Ganked. That is why I prefer the Distant Pokes with your
Infected Bonesaw over Auto Attacks.

Notes: Throwing your

This section is for all the new boyos who need some more detail as to why & how each item works its magic in
Dr. Mundo's Onslaught.

This build will make you unbelievably tanky and will render opponents team useless. If you question the build go ahead and post in the discussion section of this forum.
To answer the no damage output problem that everyone thinks they see. Your
Infected Bonesaw's can cut through tanks. Your
Blunt Force Trauma gives you a damage buff. Your
Heart Zapper gives out AOE damage to anyone who is around you. You're
Sunfire Aegis gives out AOE damage to anyone who is around you. You will be hurting teams in team fights no matter how they try to build against it. You're
Maximum Dosage and
Infected Bonesaw's are what makes
Dr. Mundo, well
Dr. Mundo.
Patch 8.17 Update: I'm back baby! WOO! Look at that time gap, too, huh? Anyways, alot's changed since 5.16 & I'm returning some well deserved love by bringing you some of my new Dr. Daddy Physique(
Dr. Mundo guys, c'mon now...).
Patch 5.16 Update: I don't see any of the new items released, as being well on
Dr. Mundo.
To answer the no damage output problem that everyone thinks they see. Your

Patch 8.17 Update: I'm back baby! WOO! Look at that time gap, too, huh? Anyways, alot's changed since 5.16 & I'm returning some well deserved love by bringing you some of my new Dr. Daddy Physique(

Patch 5.16 Update: I don't see any of the new items released, as being well on

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